Chapter 712
All in all, the word love is the most debilitating.

Before Xu Dong could figure it out, he received a call from Sheng Yu.

If it wasn't because Sheng Yu was too persistent, Xu Dong hung up the phone and he dialed again, Xu Dong would definitely not get through.

"It seems that Mr. Xu is very busy and doesn't have time to answer my calls, but fortunately, I, an idler, can always call you when I have time." Sheng Yu was full of smiles when he said this.

However, Xu Dong's mood was not so good, he almost gritted his teeth and said to Sheng Yu: "Speak quickly if you have something to say."

Sheng Yu on the other end of the phone seemed to be deliberately stretching Xu Dong, knowing that Xu Dong was about to hang up impatiently, he said slowly: "Let's talk about cooperation, it's good for you and me."

"Cooperation?" Xu Dong frowned slightly, as if he had heard some big joke, he sneered: "Ha, sorry, there is no cooperation between us to talk about."

After Xu Dong finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly, not wanting to give Sheng Yu another chance.

He even directly blocked Sheng Yu's phone number, so that Sheng Yu could no longer call in.

But he really underestimated Sheng Yu's patience, and now there are countless unfamiliar phone numbers bombarding him one after another.

In the end, Xu Dong was really helpless, and could only pick up again impatiently: "I'll say it one last time, we have no cooperation to talk about, if you continue like this, I'll call the police!"

From the other end of the phone, Sheng Yu's laughter came, and he listened sinisterly.

"I said don't worry, I have time and you have time, we can spend it slowly. It's okay if you don't agree, and my phone will not be disconnected."

"Don't forget, our Sheng family is from a communications background, so it's easy for me to get more phone numbers."

At the end of the story, Sheng Yu's voice suddenly changed from light to gloomy, obviously threatening Xu Dong.

Xu Dong kneaded his eyebrows with a headache, and finally agreed to Sheng Yu's request for a meeting: "I can agree to meet, but I will decide the time and place."

Hearing Xu Dong agree, Sheng Yu suddenly became happier: "Okay! It's a deal. As long as you send it to any mobile phone number, time and place, I can receive it."

Xu Dong didn't even want to hang up the phone, and then began to think carefully about which time and place would be more suitable.

Yu Zhou also knocked on the door and came in at this time.

Looking at the messy design drawings on the table, and Xu Dong who was frowning, he thought something serious had happened, and asked eagerly, "Mr. Xu, what's wrong?"

Xu Dong forced a smile, as if he wanted to reassure Yu Zhou.

He finally escaped from the Lu family, so don't let him wade into another muddy water.

But the more he was like this, the more worried Yu Zhou became, and the more eager he wanted to know what was going on.

"You'd better tell me, or I will use my previous strength to investigate this matter. If I find out by then, it will be different from what you told me."

Yu Zhou didn't really aim at Xu Dong, but he felt that his 20 yuan could not be taken for nothing.

Seeing Yu Zhou's serious appearance, Xu Dong could only tell him where he and Sheng Yu made an appointment to meet.

Upon hearing this, Yu Zhou slapped his thigh suddenly, and directly recommended a place to Xu Dong: "Go to the cat cafe we ​​went to last time, I know the boss well, and I can give you a discount, see here There is no need to spend too much money on such people.”

Yu Zhou's nose twitched slightly, as if he was extremely disdainful towards Sheng Yu.

I didn't expect to recruit such a stingy person. Now that I think about it, it might be more appropriate to put him in another position.

Seeing that Xu Dong still didn't agree, Yu Zhou took out his mobile phone and dialed the boss's number: "Hey, I'll take someone there at three o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, and prepare a table for four."

He will follow suit, of course, should prepare four-handed tables.

When Xu Dong saw that Yu Zhou had decided for himself like this, his eyes were stared straight: "Who is the boss between the two of us? How can any employee make decisions for the boss?"

"Why is there no air ticket? Isn't it all given by the employees, tell the boss the specific time and flight number? It's a concept, almost the same."

Xu Dong put Yuzhou's words in his mind, went through it carefully, and tasted it carefully, and found that it seemed to be the same thing.

But I don't know why, but I just feel that something is wrong?

On the afternoon of the third day, at [-]:[-], a white Bugatti Veyron stopped at the door of a cat café, and a man in a silver-gray suit stepped down from it.

The man seemed a little disgusted, took out his handkerchief and wrapped it in his hand, and then went to open the door of the cat cafe.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?" The owner of the cat cafe shop looked at Sheng Yu with a smile on his face, but he got a cold face from Sheng Yu.

For a while, the shopkeeper was also very embarrassed, not knowing what to do.

The only table for four in the store was put on a sign, and there were many cute cat paws behind the reserved two words.

Others will only find it extra cute when they see it, but Sheng Yu only finds it extra annoying.

He went straight to the four-person table and picked up the sign. Before the shopkeeper even had time to react, the sign had already been thrown away by him and flew back in front of him.

After all, Yu Zhou is her regular customer, the shop owner can't let the interests of his regular customers be damaged, so he immediately ran to the second floor and said to Sheng Yu: "Sorry, this location is..."

It's a pity that before he finished speaking, Sheng Yu interrupted: "I know, someone reserved it, but he also told me to wait for him here at three o'clock in the afternoon."

The shop owner was a little embarrassed, she didn't know what was going on with the person in front of her.

After another 5 minutes, when Yu Zhou and Xu Dong walked in side by side, the shopkeeper rushed to Yu Zhou's side as if seeing a savior.

"Mr. Yu, he..." The shopkeeper blushed with anxiety, Yu Zhou patted the shopkeeper's shoulder lightly at this moment, and smiled at her.

"We are together, bring up the menu." After speaking, Yu Zhou made a gesture of invitation to Xu Dong, and then followed Xu Dong upstairs.

Although the shop owner didn't know why Yu Zhou had met so many new friends recently, he still honestly took the menu and sent it up.

When he wanted to introduce the product, Sheng Yu directly closed the menu: "Your coffee here doesn't have the beans I like to drink."

This point is that Sheng Yu is unreasonable and too embarrassing. A cat cafe is originally for petting cats.

(End of this chapter)

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