rural little Shennong

Chapter 716 Clearly God

Chapter 716 Clearly God
How could he know so clearly without looking at the endoscope? Could it be that this person has opened his eyes?
Looking at everyone's puzzled eyes, Xu Dong looked at them with helplessness: "Why are you still staring blankly? The most important thing is to save people. If the aorta of the leg cannot be stitched, leave it to me."

After hearing what Xu Dong said, they instantly realized that they had lost their minds during the operation just now!

However, they couldn't blame them completely, after all, this was the first time they saw someone like Xu Dong who could directly see the wounds on a person without relying on the endoscope.

The two operations were performed simultaneously in a large operating room, and it was obvious that one of them was ready to be saved.

Xu Dong turned his head and glanced at his son again, and found that although his son's various levels were normal, his body always had a gray color.

Xu Dong was not sure if he had any past medical history, so he could only ask a nurse to go out and ask the woman sitting at the door: "Go and ask that woman if her son had any diseases similar to leukemia and anemia before."

For some reason, Xu Dong obviously does not belong to Haicheng People's Hospital, but at this moment, what he said is very effective.

After hearing what Xu Dong said, the nurse quickly ran out of the operating room and asked the woman.

At first, I thought that Xu Dong was just thinking too much, but what I didn't expect was that Xu Dong really made the decision.

The woman was stunned for a moment, then tears fell down, and she said in a sobbing voice: "My child has a hard life. He got leukemia when he was young. It was finally cured, but he couldn't go to school. There is no other way but He can follow his father in a big truck all day long."

As for her, she does some manual work at home to supplement the family income.

After hearing what she said, the nurse rushed in, and just opened the door of the operating room and shouted directly: "I do have a past medical history of leukemia, what should I do now!"

"Ask if there is anyone who can donate serum. If not, increase the amount of blood transfusion. I will consider the remaining issues."

Xu Dong walked up to the chief surgeon, and stretched out his hand directly in front of him. The chief surgeon obediently handed over his scalpel as if being controlled by Xu Dong.

Xu Dong first put the scalpel aside and patiently sewed up the aorta, and then judged that his scheming was excessively congested.

"What about the drainage device? Myocardium is overly congested, and part of the congestion needs to be drained out." Xu Dong also never imagined that one day, the surgical technique that he just glanced at casually would come in handy.

After the drainage here is done, there is only the problem of writing. At the same time, the main artery of the leg on the father's side has not been sutured until now.

"Let me tell you what's going on with you guys. Did you get your medical license?" In order to save the patient as soon as possible, Xu Dong was inevitably a little impatient, and the words he said were not very nice.

It's good that he didn't say this, but when he said this, these people felt as if they had been stepped on their tails, and their hair exploded instantly.

"What do you mean by that, you can do it!" The aorta kept bleeding, and it was impossible to see how he could suture this place.

Seeing the unbelief of these people, Xu Dong put down the scalpel in his hand and took the thread in this person's hand.

"Look at it, didn't you say that there is no way to sew, I will teach you."

Originally, Xu Dong wanted to sew it up directly, but seeing that this person's condition seemed to be worse than he imagined, he had to put the thread aside first.

It was such a small movement, but he heard the sound of laughter from the people around him.

At the same time, some people laughed openly: "You gave up so soon, how could you still be able to talk big just now?"

"It's not that I don't know where the barefoot doctor is. He finally got the qualification to practice medicine. He really thought he could be compared with graduate students like us."

These graduate students don't know how many years they have been in the hospital. It's just that the papers haven't been published in place, so they haven't been able to graduate.

If the dissertation is finished, their doctorate is piled up with real money.

Indeed, from this perspective, compared to Xu Dong, who can get a license to practice medicine with just a word, he looks a lot more expensive.

But what's the use of gold, isn't it still unable to save people?

Xu Dong didn't pay attention to what they said at all. The patient was the most important thing now, and he didn't have time to chat with them.

As for these people, just wait for me to teach them a good lesson with practical actions.

Xu Dong thought this in his heart, and frowned, as if he had conjured golden needles out of thin air under the eyes of everyone.

"Where did you bring this thing back? Is it safe? What if something happens?" The doctor who was the happiest of many jokes before was already impatient.

What a joke, if something happens here, the people in their hospital will suffer in the end, and the barefoot doctor will be able to pat his butt and leave.

Xu Dong still didn't respond, knowing that the doctor was twittering in his ear, it was really annoying, so he explained: "I signed a disclaimer, as long as I have a problem in the operating room, I will take responsibility .”

After hearing what Xu Dong said, these people were completely relieved.

That's good, they can't be made to bear these responsibilities, besides, this family doesn't have much money at first glance.

Whether he can be hospitalized in the future is still a problem. If he owes money to the hospital again, won't it be even more troublesome?

Xu Dong didn't know what was going on in their hearts, and now he was only concentrating on saving people, and the moment Xu Dong went in with the first golden needle, some doctors were about to stare their eyes out.

No way, they read it right, why does it feel that the bleeding on the thigh is much less?
They were still quietly waiting for Xu Dong's action, and after Xu Dong used up all his golden needles, almost all the doctors were stunned by the sight in front of them.

"How is this possible? Why can the blood stop flowing!"

"Not only that, the blood has obviously stopped flowing, but the heart is still beating, ensuring the patient's physiological functions."

"It's not just the heart. I checked the neurons just now, and the brain is active, just like a normal person."

The way they looked at Xu Dong has gradually changed, from the original tireless knight to the current admiration and surprise.

This is not a human being, this is clearly a god!

Could it be that he is the miracle doctor in the village in the legend?
(End of this chapter)

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