rural little Shennong

Chapter 720 Suspension

Chapter 720 Suspension
Fortunately, apart from the two parties involved, Xu Dong and Zhu Xinyu, Ma Sisi didn't notice anything.

For some reason, even though he knew that there was nothing between him and Zhu Xinyu, Xu Dong always felt guilty.

However, this guilty conscience disappeared instantly the moment Zhu Xinyu spoke.

"Of course it's interesting. We didn't know each other before, but now we have to sit down and talk about cooperation, isn't it?" In a few words, the embarrassment of the two people was covered up.

Zhu Xinyu seemed to want to say more when the cell phone rang suddenly. Xu Dong took a closer look and found that the cell phone inside the Guoan team rang.

Xu Dong raised his hand slightly, signaling Zhu Xinyu to answer the phone first.

Although Ma Sisi is usually noisy, she is also a discerning person, but now she doesn't say a word, and even stops drinking water.

With a sip of water in his mouth like this, it looks a little cute.

When answering the phone, Zhu Xinyu didn't avoid Xu Dong, and just put the phone on the speakerphone in front of Xu Dong.

After all, the two are now in a cooperative relationship, and it is much better to let Xu Dong know something than to let him know nothing.

A middle-aged man's steady voice came through the phone, and it sounded to be Zhu Xinyu's direct supervisor: "Xiao Zhu, after research, the higher-ups say they want to take advantage of Junzi."

"No, she's just a girl, and judging from our current investigation, she doesn't know anything about her father Sato." Zhu Xinyu refused without thinking.

In Zhu Xinyu's view, although Junko's appearance at this time is a suitable opportunity, he also has no fault at all. Why should he bear all this for Sato?
Zhu Xinyu's objection was beyond the expectation of the superiors. Now after hearing Zhu Xinyu's words, they said unceremoniously: "This is an order from above, all you need to do is obey the order!"

"However, when I joined the job, I swore to the military flag that our national security team will never involve innocent people in it!"

This clearly made her break her vow at that time!

Xu Dong had a bad intuition, so he quickly stopped Zhu Xinyu to signal him to stop talking, but he didn't expect it to be too late.

"Since you are so stubborn, why don't you just stop for a while and reflect on it carefully. When you have figured it out, come and have a good talk with me." After speaking, the phone was hung up immediately.

Seeing the phone screen suddenly go dark, Zhu Xinyu had mixed feelings in her heart.

Isn't that the oath they made when they joined the team?
She obviously just respected her original intention, so why is she now about to be suspended?
Xu Dong just looked at Zhu Xinyu quietly, and suddenly felt that there was no big difference between Zhu Xinyu and himself. Both of them went to the dark on this road for the so-called justice.

If I was not for this so-called justice at that time, why would I go to jail?
Seeing Zhu Xinyu's dejected appearance, Xu Dong could only comfort him: "Don't worry too much about it, maybe things will turn around, besides, Shang Jun and the others are here, so there shouldn't be too much of a problem. "

It's true that he was temporarily suspended, and his team members would still participate in this matter. Thinking about it this way, Zhu Xinyu felt better.

But if they were really determined to attack Junko, what would he do?
Xu Dong's mind was also spinning rapidly, thinking carefully about what to do about this matter.

After all, this is not only about Zhu Xinyu, but also about an innocent girl.

The news spread quickly, before Zhu Xinyu left the villa, Shang Jun and the others came directly to find her.

Looking at the impatient Shang Jun and the other team members, Xu Dong temporarily gave up the living room to them and went to the study by himself.

Looking at his relationship network, it is still drawn on the whiteboard.

Although some lines in the relationship network have been broken due to the whiteboard being dragged back and forth, Xu Dongdong only needs to move his pen to make up.

After Xu Dong filled in the lines, Ma Sisi knocked on the door.

As soon as Xu Dong opened the door, he saw Ma Sisi poking his head in: "There are so many people downstairs, do you need to entertain, sister Qiuxiang, it seems that you are a little busy and don't have time."

Hearing what Ma Sisi said, Xu Dong was both pleasantly surprised and astonished, and looked at Ma Sisi with a little more playfulness: "I didn't expect that someone would know how to pretend to be a good wife and mother?"

"I'm sorry for you! It's not about worrying about others saying that we don't have the way to treat guests. Besides, it's not me losing face, it's you losing face."

Ma Sisi pursed her lips and looked at Xu Dong with resentment in her eyes.This person is also true, if he doesn't know how to take care of others, he should say that he is not as virtuous as others.

But now that he took the initiative to take care of others, he said that it was rare for him to know how to pretend to be a good wife and mother.

It's true that he has said all the good and bad things, let her say what.

Seeing the strange cold spring in Ma Sisi's eyes, with the gleam of water, Xu Dong's mood, which was a little dull because of this incident, also improved.

"It's enough to make tea for them, no need for fruit or anything else. They came here just to comfort Zhu Xinyu." After Xu Dong finished speaking, he patted Ma Sisi's butt lightly.

Ma Sisi's pretty face flushed slightly, but, as if remembering something, she turned around and asked Xu Dong, "Then what are you going to do with this matter?"

Looking at Ma Sisi who was looking at him expectantly, Xu Dong was rarely silent.

Ma Sisi also thought that Xu Dong also agreed with Zhu Xinyu's leader's approach, and quickly persuaded him a few words: "Although I shouldn't talk too much, my opinion is the same as Zhu Xinyu's."

Unexpectedly, Ma Sisi would have his own realm for this matter. Xu Dong crossed his arms and looked at Ma Sisi with interest, "Tell me, what's your opinion?"

Seeing that Xu Dong was willing to listen to her own thoughts, Ma Sisi quickly said, "It's very simple, you can't start with Chunzi, she has no crimes, and father's debt is not calculated in this way."

"But..." She frowned and thought carefully for a moment, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she clapped her hands suddenly: "We can start with other people, Sato, there is not much industry in China, right?"

"It's not wrong, so what?" Xu Dong nodded in agreement, but couldn't figure out what it would have to do with it.

Ma Sisi looked at Xu Dong like an idiot, and asked a question: "Then let me ask you, if this is the case, where does the money he spends come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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