rural little Shennong

Chapter 729 Pipeline Completion

Chapter 729 Pipeline Completion
Indeed, he didn't know what was going on with this matter. Now that Zhao Leige had given him a piece of news, he should choose to believe it.

But for some reason, since that incident passed, he couldn't trust Zhao Leige with confidence.

Zhao Leige just lowered his head, quietly waiting for Sheng Yu's next order.

After waiting and waiting, what was waiting was the news that Sheng Yu wanted to sit on the sidelines.

I saw that Sheng Yu took the initiative to delete all the information about Xu Dong in his mobile phone.

When he wanted to delete Xu Dong's phone number, Sheng Yu still hesitated. Before officially deleting, he put his mobile phone in front of Zhao Leige: "Save this phone number, it will be useful later."

Zhao Leige, do everything. Seeing Zhao Leige do this, Sheng Yu showed a determined smile and muttered to himself: "If you really can't sit still, you should come to me in a hurry .”

Instead of taking the initiative to attack, I am the one who has the initiative at this time, and it is time for Xu Dong to attack.

Just like that, Xu Dong originally thought that Sheng Yu would impatiently send him a message to hand him an olive branch, but he didn't expect that he waited until it was dark, and the meal was almost finished, and he hadn't waited yet.

He looked at the signal on his mobile phone, which was obviously full, why did no one call?

Xu Dong opened the phone number blacklist of his mobile phone, and found that Sheng Yu's phone number was not in the blacklist, and all his mobile phone numbers were not there.

In this case, he didn't call himself, maybe it was to let him call over, right?
Being in a hurry is not a business, and there are only two possibilities for calling at this time, one is that your acting skills are good enough, and you can show the eagerness to break the chain of funds to make Sheng Yu successfully believe it.

The other is that his acting skills are not good enough, and he found out easily. This is just a trap, and in the end all calculations are for naught.

Not to mention continuing to play chess, I am afraid that even the chessboard will be thrown directly into the stove and burned.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong decided not to call for the time being, to see which of the two of them could hold their breath.

Anyway, there is no suitable countermeasure for a while, and Sato hasn't watched himself die, so of course he won't leave easily.

We all have time, so spend it slowly.

Before going to bed at night, when Xu Dong was about to turn off the phone, the phone rang suddenly. Xu Dong took the phone with some surprise, but found that the call was actually from Gu Wendong.

Xu Dong was a little impatient, and the moment he picked up the phone, his tone was also very bad: "Hey, if you have something to say, hurry up, there is..."

But fortunately, Gu Wendong also knew that it was late enough, calling now was considered to be disturbing Xu Dong.

Before Xu Dong could finish that proverb, he said directly: "I have good news for you, the hot spring pipeline has now completed the last section of pipeline facilities, and we can start thinking about entering the pool tomorrow."

When Xu Dong heard this, he almost jumped up from the bed: "So fast, I thought it would take a long time!"

"Hey, why don't you see who is in charge of this project? Well, if you have time tomorrow morning, come and take a look, maybe you can catch up with the tail, and let you witness the completion of the hot spring pipeline A moment."

Hearing Gu Wendong's stinky fart voice, Xu Dong knew that this stinky boy must be wishing that his tail could go straight up to the sky.

But I have to say that this time is really thanks to him, the hot spring pipeline can be built so quickly, it is indispensable for him to modify the design drawings day and night, and then keep a close eye on the project.

He had already invited himself, so how could he not go?

What Xu Dong agreed to was a snap: "Okay, I will definitely go."

Xu Dong thought about giving up training tomorrow morning, and went to see if he could repair the formation. After the formation was repaired, he would stop by to see if the pipeline was completed.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong felt that his arrangements for tomorrow were too perfect.

Seeing that Xu Dong agreed, Gu Wendong instructed some things to pay attention to when he came over tomorrow, and then hung up the phone without disturbing Xu Dong's rest.

The next morning, Xu Dong went out early to the place where the Fa-rectification was.

Now that I have repaired the stone pillar, the surrounding flowers and plants grow more densely.

But obviously, these eight stone pillars all have their own domains.

Within one's own domain, no matter how vigorous the flowers and plants grow in this area, the rest will wither. Those who don't know think that paraquat has been directly poured on the ground.

Xu Dong continued to repair the formation according to the method that Lao Hei used unintentionally before, but found that it still didn't work.Before I could finish speaking last time, the senior had already left.

I don't know when I will dream of it, maybe when I have a breakthrough in my cultivation base.

Thinking of this, Xu Donghan felt a little regretful. Seeing that it was still early in the sky, he simply meditated next to the stone pillar he had already repaired.

As soon as he sat down and circulated the zhenqi in his body, Xu Dong realized that the energy of this stone pillar was also stronger than before. Now that he was sitting next to him, the zhenqi in his body circulated faster and seemed to be more pure. high.

Assuming that it used to be an ordinary bottle of beer, the purity should now be strong Moutai.

This gap is simply heaven and earth.

When the first ray of sunlight fell on Xu Dong's body, Xu Dong slowly opened his eyes and calmed down the true energy in his body.

After the zhenqi was completely calmed down, Xu Dong patted Old Hei on the head, signaling him to hide away: "I'm going to see the completion of the hot spring pipeline, you must not come out, it will be bad if someone finds out .”

Old Hei seemed to have tasted the sweetness of this formation, and was reluctant to leave for a long time. There was really no other way, so Xu Dong could only move Jiang Yaowen out: "I tell you, there is a geologist inside, maybe Take you back and treat it as a living fossil study."

"If you are really captured by him, even I can't save you." Sure enough, Xu Dong's words were very useful, and now Lao Hei hastily withdrew.

Seeing that Old Hei seemed to be fleeing in despair, Xu Dong burst out laughing out loud.

This guy is becoming more and more human now, and I'm really afraid that one day he will suddenly turn into a young man similar to himself in front of him.

But Xu Dong soon shook his head and abandoned the absurd idea in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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