rural little Shennong

Chapter 73 Unforgettable First Time

Chapter 73 Unforgettable First Time

However, Chen Dan's prayer had no effect, and Xu Dong's voice came from the bedside soon.

"Mr. Chen, there is a call from your mobile phone. It seems to be from your father. By the way, there were several calls last night, all from your father."

Immediately afterwards, the pillow sank slightly, and the phone rang directly beside the pillow.

Hearing that it was a call from his family, Chen Dan was startled. He didn't care about the shame and embarrassment, so he poked his head out from under the quilt, picked up his mobile phone and connected the call.

"Hey, Dad!"

"Where did you die? If you don't come back, you won't answer the phone! Hurry up and go home. If you don't come back, the house will be demolished!" Father's roar came from the phone.

Chen Dan hurriedly asked, "Dad, what happened?"

Before she could finish speaking, the phone was hung up.

In a hurry, Chen Dan hurriedly lifted the quilt and prepared to get out of bed.

Xu Dong, who had been standing by the bed the whole time, was caught off guard. Seeing Chen Dan appearing naked in front of him again, he couldn't help swallowing, then turned around and walked towards the door.

"Then what, I'll go out first, you change your clothes and call me."

It was only then that Chen Dan realized that Xu Dong had seen his naked buttocks again, and was so frightened that he quickly retracted the quilt again, his face turned red involuntarily.

Seeing that Xu Dong really went out and closed the door, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling very grateful in her heart.

But not long after, Chen Dan felt like crying again.

Her coat was stained with vomit and smelled so bad it was definitely out of the question.

The shirt was torn to pieces by herself, and even the buttons of the underwear were broken.

This is how to do?
At this moment, there was a knock on the door, followed by Xu Dong's voice.

"I forgot to tell you, there is a set of clothes in the bag next to the bed, the size should be correct, you try it first, if it doesn't work, I'll buy it later."

It was only then that Chen Dan found a paper bag beside the bed. He picked it up and saw that there was indeed a whole set of clothes in it.

Green long coat, sky blue jeans, women's white shirt, and even underwear. The tags are still there. It must be the new clothes that Xu Donggang bought.

Chen Dan heaved a sigh of relief, he couldn't care less about being shy, and quickly took out these clothes and put them on.

Not to mention, the size is indeed exactly the same, even the underwear is her size.

But wearing it on his body, Chen Dan always has a strange feeling.

This was the clothes that Xu Dong bought for her. It was also the first time she wore clothes bought by the opposite sex, including underwear.

Xu Dong actually remembered her size clearly!
Thinking of this, Chen Dan couldn't help but blushed again.

After cleaning up briefly, Chen Dan quickly opened the door.After glancing at Xu Dong, she lowered her head in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "Thank you!"

Xu Dong looked him up and down, and said with a smile: "It seems that the female shopkeeper didn't fool me. The clothes she picked out are really good for you. Not only do they fit you well, but they are also very beautiful!"

Chen Dan was very thoughtful, and immediately understood that Xu Dong was trying to tell her that all the clothes, including underwear, were picked out by the female owner of the clothing store, and I hope she doesn't mind.

She was very grateful again in her heart, and she had to say that Xu Dong's care and consideration made her feel very comfortable.

"Don't rush away, come on, you drink this first."

Xu Dong handed over a paper cup. Chen Dan took the paper cup and looked at it. There was only half a cup of clear water in it. He asked in confusion, "What is this?"

"It doesn't hurt so much after drinking it." Xu Dong scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

Chen Dan's cheeks immediately turned red, resisting the urge to turn around, and finished drinking the water in the paper cup in front of Xu Dong.

Strange to say, after drinking half a glass of water, the tingling feeling somewhere below really disappeared, and even the aches and pains all over the body disappeared without a trace.

But she was too embarrassed to say these words to Xu Dong, and the two of them stood at the door of the room relatively silent for a while.

In the end, Xu Dong spoke first, "Did something happen to your family? I'll take you home."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Chen Dan's response, Xu Dong took the lead and walked towards the elevator. Chen Dan hesitated for two seconds, then hurriedly followed.

After checking out, the two got into the car one after another.

Sitting in the back row, Chen Dan looked at Xu Dong who was concentrating on driving in front of him, and his heart gradually relaxed. The embarrassment before seemed to disappear suddenly.

How should I put it, Xu Dong gave her a really good feeling, he was considerate, kind and easy-going, and getting along with Xu Dong was really comfortable.

Unfortunately, he already has a girlfriend.

This idea suddenly popped up again, Chen Dan couldn't help but secretly sighed.

At this time, Xu Dong said: "I'm sorry about what happened last night!"

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Chen Dan's mouth, "Forget it, I can't blame you last night, maybe this is my fate. If you can, just pretend that nothing happened last night."

Xu Dong finally heaved a sigh of relief, it's best for Chen Dan to think so.

He subconsciously glanced at the rear through the rearview mirror, and happened to meet Chen Dan's eyes.

Chen Dan's cheeks were flushed, and he turned his head shyly, pretending to look at the scenery outside the window.

Xu Dong also had a strange feeling in his heart.

Not only was Chen Dan the first time last night, so was he.

Not only women will pay special attention to their first time, but also men.

Even if he is a wandering prodigal son, no matter how many women he has experienced, he will always remember his first woman.

Chen Dan was Xu Dong's first woman, and this was a fact that could never be changed.

No matter how long it has passed, he will clearly remember everything that happened last night.

Suddenly, the events of last night reappeared in his mind, and Xu Dong couldn't help feeling a little angry.

I have to say that Chen Dan's figure is really perfect...

Well, it's really immoral to say that. In this matter, he really took advantage of the sky.

Therefore, an apology is definitely not enough, let's find an opportunity to make up for it.

In the carriage, the two of them were thinking about their own thoughts, except for Chen Dan occasionally pointing the way, they stopped talking.

Unknowingly, the two came to the old town of the county.The streets here are narrow and there are some small shops along the roadside.

Xu Dong parked his car on the side of the road, while Chen Dan walked towards a bean curd shop first. Not long after, there was a roar from inside, followed by a loud slap on the face.

Xu Dong was taken aback, and hurried into the bean curd shop, only to see Chen Dan covering his face and bowing his head, wanting to cry.

A middle-aged man with a big arm and a round waist was pointing at Chen Dan and yelling at him, and raised his palm again, apparently wanting to hit someone.

Xu Dong stepped forward quickly, grabbed his wrist with all his strength, and with only a slight push, the middle-aged man staggered back several steps, and finally fell down on the chair.

Xu Dong frowned and asked, "Mr. Chen, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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