rural little Shennong

Chapter 754 Knowing Mr. Chen

Chapter 754 Knowing Mr. Chen

Xu Dong didn't have any other ideas, but felt that it was too unfair to do so.

Seeing that Xu Dong understood himself, Mr. Lin continued to say: "You have already repaired one formation, and when the first stone pillar is covered with ancient patterns, it proves that you can start to repair the second one." There are two stone pillars."

The connection between Mr. Lin and the formation has always been there, so now he is very clear about how the formation has changed. The reason why he reappeared in Xu Dong's dream is also to remind Xu Dong all the time. Do not forget this matter.

In addition, the more important thing is that he must ensure that Xu Dong always keeps this matter in his heart. Only in this way can he ensure that the formation will not fall into the hands of the enemy again.

He believed that Xu Dong must also know how important the formation was.

As for Xu Dong, after hearing what Mr. Lin said, he was already sure of this matter in his heart, and he was indeed duty bound.

The dream gradually dissipated, and Mr. Lin only said a few words. Apart from knowing why she couldn't explain everything clearly, he also reminded himself that the second stone pillar was about to start. fixed.

Although he didn't know why he was able to know this, what Xu Dong knew was that he would not harm himself.

The next morning, when Xu Dongyou woke up, he saw the sun outside the window.He thought about it carefully, and then he recalled that it wasn't someone who opened the curtains for him, but that he forgot to close the curtains at all last night.

Xu Dong got up, looked at something on the table, and frowned unconsciously.

Did this flower appear last night?

He slowly bent down and picked up the small pot of flowers and plants, and the moment the pot of flowers and plants touched Xu Dong's palm, it began to grow wildly.

In the end, the flowers and plants that were only the size of Xu Dong's thumb finally grew into flowers and plants that were as big as Xu Dong's palm.

Xu Dong was stunned by the sight in front of him.

He has never been in such a situation, who can tell him what is going on!

Could it be because of the dream last night, or because of the political law that has not been repaired?

But no matter what it is, the position in my hand should not grow so fast. If it really can grow so fast, wouldn't it be as long as I touch the trunk, and all the fruits in the entire orchard can easily ripen?
Xu Dong couldn't figure it out, and he didn't dare to tell other people about it. He could only be thankful that they didn't install surveillance cameras in the bathroom, which allowed him to successfully ripen the potted flower.

After Xu Dong hid the potted flowers well, did he go out?
Everyone has time for their activities. When Xu Dong was wandering in the garden, he happened to meet Zhu Xinyu and Shang Jun standing together. He quickly stretched out his hand and greeted the two of them: "Meet you again."

It's a pity that meeting him this time is really not too glorious, after all, he is still a prisoner!
Zhu Xinyu's gaze, which looked like Xu Dong, was full of worry, but now more and more people were looking at him. It seemed that no matter how worried Zhu Xinyu was, he couldn't express his relationship with Xu Dong.

She could only keep that indifferent look, nodded slightly at Xu Dong, turned her head and left here.

The moment Zhu Xinyu left, Xu Dong could clearly sense the scrutiny that had fallen on him before, and his eyes disappeared in an instant.

It can't be seen that each of these people is really gossip, he sees, this Guo'an team can simply be changed into a paparazzi team.

According to the strength of these people in the Guo'an team, no scandal can escape their eyes.

However, although Xu Dong was not highlighted by them, but now some people took the initiative to come forward, wanting to chat with Xu Dong.

Standing on the second floor, Xia Song watched Xu Dong downstairs chatting with other soldiers in the garden. Seeing the happy appearance, Xia Song suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

It would be fine if such a person could be brought directly into the Guoan team. Even if he was really guilty, he would be able to use his identity as the Guoan team to excuse him.

including now.Xia Song was thinking very seriously whether he wanted to facilitate this matter. After all, he had joked with Zhu Xinyu before, saying that if this continued, Xu Dong would soon become his non-staff.

But at this time, things finally ushered in today's reversal. One by one on Shangjun's information, it was almost telling Xia Song that everything he did was wrong!

Xu Dong's lack of excuse, plus the documents that Xu Dong gave him, and now the documents that Shang Jun also gave him.

Adding all these pieces of evidence together, Xu Dong's suspicion has been completely cleared.

In an instant, Xu Dong has almost become a legend within the Guoan team.

No one can link the top and bottom of the Guoan team together like Xu Dong.

After the truth was found out, Xu Dong's life in the Guoan team can be said to be prosperous. On the one hand, he ate in the cafeteria of others in the Guoan team, and on the other hand, he secretly followed them to learn when they were practicing shooting.

I don't know why, I obviously don't intend to join the Guoan team, and it is even impossible to get entangled with the Guoan team in this life, but at this time the entanglement is getting tighter.

Slowly, Xu Dong became one with the Guoan team, and the entire Guoan team was about to become Xu Dong's subordinates.

After Xia Song realized this, he hurriedly sent Xu Dong away, but it didn't send Xu Dong away, but someone took the initiative to take Xu Dong out.

Seeing the familiar figure in front of him, Xu Dong hurriedly walked forward, and asked solemnly: "Mr. Chen, why are you here? It's not a particularly good day, why don't you just stay at home?"

Xu Dong was also very shocked when he saw Mr. Chen. He didn't know why his news came so quickly.

The moment Mr. Chen saw Xu Dong, he had mixed feelings in his heart, and now the hand that was on Xu Dong's shoulder gently squeezed Xu Dong's shoulder.

"Well. It is true that you have lost a lot of weight. It seems that you have been wronged these days, but it doesn't matter. Come with me to my house and I will make it up for you in a few days."

Maybe these young people don't know about Mr. Chen's status, but Xia Song does. The moment he saw Mr. Chen, his whole body was already in a bad state.

Is there any mistake, why does this guy still know Mr. Chen!
The shock that Xu Dong brought to him has made Xia Song wonder how to react.

(End of this chapter)

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