Chapter 765
After Xu Dong was ready, Zhu Xinyu arrived just at this time.

Zhu Xinyu didn't even have time to say hello to them, so she took Xu Dong away.

Looking at the backs of the two driving away together, Ma Sisi couldn't help thinking.Although she believed in Xu Dong, the woman's intuition told her that the relationship between Zhu Xinyu and Xu Dong was definitely not that simple.

And Qiuxiang also felt a little bit at this moment, but because she didn't care much about these things, she didn't say anything.

For Qiuxiang, being able to stay by Xu Dong's side for the rest of her life is already a great gift from God, and the rest is not important.

As for Chen Dan, he is still in the room preparing the real questions to be explained to the children, so he has no time to deal with these things at all.

But now Xu Dong looked at the miscellaneous things written on the schedule, and frowned unconsciously.

What are these!

Although he knows that the current Junko is no longer the previous Junko, so he needs to use some special methods when dealing with her.

But these methods are too cruel, even if they are used on some big men, it is a bit unreasonable.

"Shoot it to death, it's ugly." After Xu Dong's voice fell, Zhu Xinyu chuckled: "Pfft, please, what are you doing?"

Zhu Xinyu shook her head helplessly.

This person is really strange, he was the one who said before that he would never have the kindness of a woman again, but now he is the one who said that.

I don't know what he was thinking. All in all, it's not only Zhu Xinyu who can't figure it out, even Xu Dong himself can't figure it out.

Yes, he has said it all, and he will never show the kindness of a woman again.

But now, that's clearly not the case.

Xu Dong scratched his hair in distress, and finally leaned directly on the back of the chair, pretending that he didn't know anything.

After Zhu Xinyu saw the appearance of Xu Dong's wife, she just smiled lightly and said nothing.

Who cares, anyway, what will happen and what will not happen at that time, it doesn't matter.

They just need to get the job done.

Maybe sometimes, they should also throw away the little bit of kindness left in their hearts.

Although this is not good for Zhu Xinyu, it is good enough for the task.

When Xu Dong and Zhu Xinyu arrived at the hotel where they were staying, Shang Jun and Qiu Zifeng were already waiting in the lobby of the hotel.

They were not worried that they would be recognized in the hotel lobby, after all, the only person Junzi knew was Xu Dong and the two of them who had never shown up.

Second, after Xu Dong arrived, they didn't immediately go up to say hello, but pretended to be impatient waiting in the hall, and went upstairs cursing.

"I told you a long time ago that this person is unreliable, so you have to wait."

"That is to say, it seems that sometimes I still can't trust others too much, or I will be the only one who suffers in the end."

Although these words were just for acting, Xu Dong felt that something was wrong no matter what he heard. Why did this seem to be scolding himself?

But Xu Dong didn't get too entangled, and now he just took the next elevator to go upstairs.

And when there were only him and Zhu Xinyu in the elevator, Zhu Xinyu did suddenly say: "Chunzi's recent whereabouts are a bit strange, so I specifically want you to discuss it with us, after you enter your room later , turn over from the balcony."

"Please don't it!" Is there any mistake? He is not a monkey, so why does he turn over the balcony at every turn.

Besides, if they want to discuss it, isn't it the same even if they use the chat group to discuss it? Why do they have to discuss it face to face?

Or is it that they think it is so easy to climb over the wall by themselves, what if they are recorded as a pervert by others.

He wants to save face, and with so many projects and companies in his hands, if this matter is really misunderstood, what will happen to his reputation?
Thinking of this, Xu Dong was ready to directly reject Zhu Xinyu: "No..."

As a result, before the second word was spoken, Zhu Xinyu glared directly at Xu Dong: "Don't worry, our people outside the hotel will keep watching, so your whereabouts will not be discovered by anyone."

"Also, you said that if you are a big man, can you stop talking so much, it makes me tired of looking at it."

What Zhu Xinyu said was not polite at all. After hearing what Zhu Xinyu said, Xu Dong felt helpless in his heart, but he also knew that tonight he forced himself to transcribe, post, or not translate.

All in all, he was destined to climb over the wall, and now that he has accepted his fate, what else can he do, that's all he can do.

When it was completely dark, the number of people coming and going downstairs gradually decreased, and the voice gradually became quieter, Xu Dong deliberately put on a black mask and a baseball cap.

He stood on his balcony, looked around, up and down, and found that there was no one standing on the balcony except him, and they were all hiding in the room blowing on the air conditioner.

So after confirming this, he put his hand on the handrail of his balcony.After holding it down, he jumped and easily got to the opposite side.

The moment Xu Dong stood on the balcony, Qiu Zifeng was eating instant noodles facing the balcony, but Xu Dong was taken aback, and with a puff, the noodles sprayed out of his nose.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Xu Dong and Qiu Zifeng were at a loss as they faced each other.

Xu Dong felt that he seemed to have frightened Qiu Zifeng, and he was really sorry for that. As for Qiu Zifeng, he felt that it was really embarrassing for Xu Dong to see his appearance.

All in all, both of them have their own embarrassment.

However, Qiu Zifeng soon remembered that Xu Dong came here at this time because he had something important to say, so he immediately moved out of the way and opened the balcony door for Xu Dong.

Xu Dong nodded at Qiu Zifeng, and then sat on the sofa. The others hadn't come back yet, obviously they left Qiu Zifeng here alone to eat instant noodles and wait for him.

Xu Dongyi was also patient, but now he just waited quietly without saying anything.

But at this time, there was a knock on the door, Xu Dong opened the door and saw that it was Zhu Xinyu and the others standing at the door.

Seeing Xu Dong coming, Zhu Xinyu was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes were full of teasing meaning: "Oh, what's the matter, isn't it not coming, isn't it embarrassing, why are you here again?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't know which guy said he insisted on coming over to discuss things, so didn't I just come here?"

(End of this chapter)

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