rural little Shennong

Chapter 769 Strange Sounds

Chapter 769 Strange Sounds

In fact, the weather on this day is not bad. At night, you can see white clouds and even bright stars.

And inside the villa, Junko and Zhao Leige are having a final confrontation: "As I said, the two of us are grasshoppers tied together by a rope."

Speaking of this, Junko smiled slightly: "The people outside are staring carefully now, guess what...they will directly get rid of our two grasshoppers."

"Or I will get rid of other people first, and then we will get rid of us." At the end of the sentence, Junko suddenly raised her hand, and cut off the last flower on the branch with the scissors in her hand.

This flower is bright red, like blood, and if you look closely, there will be a little pink blood spot on it.

Looking at such a pure child, Zhao Leige suddenly felt a little scared in his heart.

For some reason, he always felt that this matter had begun to develop in a direction beyond his control?

Perhaps my choice from the beginning was a complete mistake. If I knew it earlier, I should never have anything to do with a lunatic like Junko.

Zhao Leige unconsciously put his hands behind his back to press the record button, but at this moment, Junko's words pushed his mood back into hell.

"I advise you not to waste your efforts in vain. Do you think they want to arrest us and let us stay here?"

Hearing what Junzi said, Zhao Leige already knew it in his heart, and he couldn't escape now.

But what he thought was, if he couldn't escape, then he must leave evidence for himself to prove that he was all forced. In this way, when he was judged guilty, he would still be able to survive. hope
Therefore, even when Junko repeatedly reminded Zhao Leige that it was useless at all, Zhao Leige was still recording. After Junko knew this, he just shook his head helplessly.

That's right, even people who were sincerely kind to me will leave slowly, not to mention Zhao Leige, who was not very kind to me at all.

Junko was very calm, and even put on the best-looking dress she brought over, and a pair of silver high-heeled shoes on her feet.

And Xu Dong is facing the gate of the villa with Zhu Xinyu now?
Zhu Xinyu used the binoculars, while Xu Dong purely relied on his own consciousness, trying to observe what was going on inside.

As a result, after looking at it, I noticed something was wrong. Why is Mita not here at this time?
Now the sky is no longer as bright as before, but Sanda hasn't come back yet.

This is not like the old Sanda. When the old Sanda faced Junko, he wished he could look like a piece of brown candy, like a piece of dog skin plaster directly on Junko's body.

But now that he hasn't shown up for such a long time, Xu Dong even wondered for a moment if he wasn't here at all
Thinking of this, Xu Dong dialed the phone without thinking.

Xu Tao's voice came from the other end of the phone. Seeing this, Xu Dong immediately lowered his voice and asked Xu Tao a question: "Help me find out if anyone has left the country from here to Japan recently, preferably a man."

After Xu Dong's voice fell, as if thinking of something again, he quickly added: "A strong man."

In any case, a person can change his appearance and dress, but there is no way to change a person's bones.

Speaking of this, Xu Tao had completely understood Xu Dong's meaning, and went to investigate directly without thinking. Sure enough, several objects worthy of suspicion were found out.

But he didn't know Sato, and he couldn't confirm it immediately, so he could only send all these materials to Xu Dong.

"Mr. Xu, take a look first, and contact me later if you have any questions." The moment Xu Tao hung up the phone, Xu Dong didn't care about anything else, and now he was carefully looking at the information he sent to himself. .

And almost the moment he saw this person, he immediately realized that this person was none other than Sanda?
Judging from the body shape, this person and Mita can be said to be more than 90.00% similar. Except for this person's intentional hunchback and shrugging, the rest can be said to be exactly the same?
How could there really be two identical people in this world?If there is, it only refers to the fact that the first person pretended to be the second person.

So now, Xu Dong finally understands the reason for the uneasiness he has felt these days!
Because Junko never planned to go back alive from the beginning, all she wanted from the beginning was to die.

Junko, like thousands of Japanese people, used this method to find the trustworthy person in her mind.

Hades can't stop the ghost who wants to die, since he wants to die, then Xu Dong will simply help him benevolent, hoping that in the end, he will never regret it, and beg himself crying.

Once the bullet is out of the chamber, it cannot be recovered.

Zhu Xinyu also understood something the moment Xu Dong looked at the phone screen.

But now Zhu Xinyu didn't speak, just waited quietly, waiting for a suitable time to wipe out the two grasshoppers in the house.

Finally, Junko suddenly walked upstairs from the living room on the first floor to the second floor.

She opened the room that originally belonged to Sato.

This room was facing the direction of Xu Dong and Zhu Xinyu. In an instant, Zhu Xinyu and Xu Dong lay down on the grass almost at the same time, for fear of being discovered by Junzi.

But even if Junko didn't find the two of them, he couldn't be completely careless.

A pure son is nothing, but what if Zhao Leige is added.

Such a talent is the most terrifying existence.

Xu Dong and Zhu Xinyu were all ready to fight, but at this moment, a piercing sound suddenly came from the villa.

This piercing sound was like radio waves, stimulating the eardrums of Xu Dong and Zhu Xinyu one after another.

Especially for a person like Xu Dong with a relatively developed spiritual sense, a trace of blood has even begun to flow from his ears now.

At this time, the other team members also realized that something was wrong, and when they wanted to remind Xu Dong and Zhu Xinyu, Xu Dong spoke first: "If you can cover your ears and evacuate to a safe place, quickly evacuate to a safe place." Where there is still me here."

Anyway, my wounds heal quickly, so instead of letting them continue to live and suffer here, it is better to let myself stay here and stare at them.

But Xu Dong now has a question in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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