rural little Shennong

Chapter 795 She is not jealous

Chapter 795 She is not jealous
Although he knew that Xu Tao's speed was fast enough, but now Xu Dong couldn't help but ask a lot in order to get a result as soon as possible: "Do you need my help?"

There was a silence on the other end of the phone, and it seemed that the sound of typing on the keyboard could still be heard.

After a while, Xu Dong received Xu Tao's reply: "No need, Mr. Xu, I can solve this matter."

After Xu Dong heard what Xu Tao said, he asked a few more worried words: "You have seen it before, the other party's methods are more dirty than we imagined, you must be careful when investigating, and you must be careful. Don't involve yourself in it."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I will definitely pay attention." Of course he has already realized this, otherwise why would he call Xu Dong on purpose.

The reason why he dialed Xu Dong's number was to tell Xu Dong that he had already thought about this matter, and he had already made enough preparations.

Now it's time for me to follow the vine and take down all the melons on the entire melon vine.

After Xu Dong hung up the phone, he turned to look at Ma Sisi standing beside him and smiled at him.

Ma Sisi read a bit of helplessness from Xu Dong's smile, she got up and went straight to the water dispenser, and made a cup of tea for Xu Dong.

"Have a cup of tea and calm down." It's impossible to keep worrying like this forever. Now that the other party's dirty tricks have been seen, the only thing they can do now is to deal with it properly.

Whether it's for yourself or for the elderly in the nursing home, you can't take it lightly.What's more, the people living in the nursing home are no longer just old people with little money.

These people are likely to be the pillars of the country when they are young.Once such a person has an accident in Xu Dong's nursing home, one can imagine what kind of disaster waiting for Xu Dong will be.

Xu Dong drank the tea made by Ma Sisi in one gulp, and he looked at Ma Sisi with a bit of teasing: "You are becoming more and more caring now, which makes me a little uncomfortable, and I even suspect that my girlfriend is It's not that someone secretly dropped the package."

Ma Sisi originally had a consoling smile, but after hearing what Xu Dong said, she immediately raised her hand and pinched Xu Dong's ear: "Are you making a mistake? I'm obviously here to comfort you, okay?"

Seeing that Ma Sisi was angry, Xu Dong quickly smiled and said, "Haha, don't worry, I know."

Of course he knew, and if he didn't know, no one else would.

After hearing what Xu Dong said, Ma Sisi's expression returned to normal, but now he is also worried about another thing.

"The evil spirit pearl in Shen Xi's body, you really don't plan to take it out as soon as possible, I'm afraid that you won't have time for those aristocratic families to do something to you, and if it delays him, maybe you will let him One more handle."

In Ma Sisi's view, such things as the evil spirit beads can be investigated even by overseas forces such as the Sanzhuhui.Then if these aristocratic families in the country want to investigate, they can only be investigated.

At that time, if Xu Dong wanted to protect Shen Xi again, he would be at his wits end.

After hearing what Ma Sisi said, Xu Dong also felt that it made sense, and nodded immediately: "You are right, it seems that it is time to find an opportunity in the next few days."

If Xu Tao really finds out the relevant candidates, then he will definitely go there in person.

Before that, it's better to get rid of the evil spirit beads in Shen Xi's body.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong directly took out a book that he had kept in the drawer all the time. This book was so thick that the edges of the paper must have been flipped many times.

Ma Sisi couldn't help leaning over, Xu Dong also opened the notebook instantly at this moment, and began to examine it carefully.

It is densely recorded on it that there are various ways to get out the evil spirit beads through the golden dragon stone, and the safest way among them is to use one's own acupuncture and true energy.

It's just that if you want to use this method, there is a problem that the time is too long, it may take a day and a night, at that time, even if you can bear it, Shen Xi may not be able to bear it.

Another more important problem is that if he wants to use this method, Shen Xi must be naked.

In this way, even if Shen Xi can accept it, his girlfriend can also accept it.

So this is why Xu Dong has been procrastinating, but it's just because of this matter.

The embarrassment on Xu Dong's face was obvious, and Ma Sisi also noticed something was wrong at this moment.

She looked at the things written on it over and over again, trying to find out what was wrong, but after all, she couldn't see anything.From her point of view, what was said above were all ordinary things.

Until Ma Sisi suddenly glanced at the acupoint map next to her and saw the acupoints marked on it, she instantly realized why Xu Dong was embarrassed.

"Does she want to be naked?" Ma Sisi didn't even know how she asked this question.

All in all, even if I was discussing this issue with my boyfriend, but the object of the discussion was another woman, it would be as embarrassing as possible.

After Ma Sisi finished asking, the atmosphere fell into a stagnation instantly, as if someone had suddenly poured cement, and the stuffy person couldn't breathe.

And Xu Dong glanced at Ma Sisi, and finally said nothing, but smiled awkwardly: "Ha, ha."

These two dry smiles fell into Ma Sisi's ears, unintentionally confirming her guess, but now she wants to know what Xu Dong thinks about this matter.

"If it's for saving people, I won't be jealous, but what do you think about this matter." Hearing what Ma Sisi said, Xu Dong almost stared out of his eyes.

Did he hear correctly?Ma Sisi said she would not be jealous!
Is it raining red or is the sun coming out from the west?Or maybe the tiger gave up eating meat and became a vegetarian?

But Xu Dong mostly said this, that is to say, he would definitely not say it when he thought about it in his heart. If his girlfriend is really angry, he still has to spend his time coaxing him, what a lot of effort!
So Xu Dong coughed twice, and said very seriously: "Of course I am, just to save people."

(End of this chapter)

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