Chapter 903
With Mr. Lu adjusting the atmosphere like this, the original quarrel between Xu Dong and Xu Ying ended like this.

However, Mr. Lu frowned when he saw the things that Xu Dong brought back from the antique street.

"Old Chen's guy took you there again, right? He, he loved playing these things when he was young, but he hasn't changed at all now that he's old."

But looking at Mr. Lu, he noticed something was wrong.

"No! You don't need these things, so what are you buying them for?"

Xu Dong just smiled mysteriously when he heard the words: "The mountain man has his own clever plan, just take a look."

When Xu Tao sent a message, Xu Dong was stunned for a while looking at the address.

Is there any mistake, Wu Mingquan has always settled his mother in Jindi Villa, which is only a few hundred meters away from where he is now.

One is leaning on the mountain, the other is leaning on the water, no wonder I haven't seen it much.

After Xu Dong got the reliable news, he packed his things properly.

Early the next morning, when Xu Dong's outfit appeared in front of Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu almost choked on himself with a sip of soybean juice.

"No, what's the matter with you?"

Dressed up like this, is this fooling ghosts?

Xu Dong smiled knowingly, even Xu Ying didn't understand what his brother was going to do.

"Brother, it's not that you've been too busy recently, so you're not mentally normal. If you're really mentally abnormal, I'll accompany you to see a doctor."

Xu Ying's eyes were full of horror, as if he couldn't believe that the person in front of him was his brother.

Xu Dongbai glanced at Xu Ying, then turned his head and said to Lu Lao: "Lu Lao, I naturally have my own plan, so I don't need to bother you about this matter, but don't worry, I will definitely not cause you any trouble." gone."

"I just hope that you can promise me one thing, and if I bring someone over later, you can just say what I want to say."

Whether it's troublesome or not, the most important thing is whether it's safe for him to do this thing!
Mr. Lu seemed to want to say more, but at this time Xu Dong had already gone out with his things.

How good is the security of this community? Xu Dong must find a suitable way to appear in front of them.

So when Xu Dong arrived at the door of Wu's house, he shook back and forth until he saw the Wu family members come out, and he fell down on the ground, yelling, "Oh, it hurts me to death."

The housekeeper of the Wu family was an old man who was about the same age as Lu Yuanshan, and he was kind-hearted. Now that he saw Xu Dong fell down, he hurried over to help Xu Dong up.

"Sir, have you lost your way?"

The roads in this villa are all the same, and it's normal that he can't find any blind roads.

Xu Dong heard the other party take the initiative to speak, and now of course he followed the words: "Yes, I am proficient in acupuncture, and recently I took a job, saying that their old man was paralyzed in bed, and asked me to come over and give acupuncture."

"As a result, I've had acupuncture a few times, and it's really improved a lot. Now I can get up and move around. I didn't come out of his house today. I can't remember the direction of the dangling one. Just now I tripped over a rock and fell, and now my butt still hurts."

The housekeeper looked up and down, and found that Xu Dong was indeed carrying an acupuncture box, and he was indeed blind.

So the housekeeper let go of his vigilance, and asked patiently: "Then the family you are treating, which building does it live in?"

"I only remember that it was the first row, the one closest to the inside. I still remember that this door should be near here, but I don't know how it turned around today, and I was so confused."

Hearing what Xu Dong said, the housekeeper immediately said, "That's it, then I'll send you back first."

"Okay, okay, thank you."

The reason why the housekeeper didn't choose to send him to the door was because he had a heart.

He also wanted to know if this person's acupuncture skills were so powerful.

The only thing Xu Dong is thankful for now is that Lu Yuanshan is usually low-key enough that people don't even know who lives here.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to make this lie now.

When the doorbell rang, Lu Yuanshan instantly remembered that what Xu Dong said just now knew that Xu Dong might really have something very important to do.

He got up to open the door himself, and saw that Xu Dong had really been taken back as if he was a blind man.

"Hello, this guy said he was here to treat people. It seems that he was in the wrong direction just now, so I sent him back specially."

Xu Dong immediately said after hearing what the housekeeper of the Wu family had said: "Mr. Lu, is that you?"

Xu Ying sat on the chair obediently, motionless, without saying a word, quietly watching how her brother performed the scene.

And Lu Yuanshan really did what Xu Dong said, following his words.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about why you came so late today, and I missed giving me acupuncture. Now that you're here, let's start quickly."

Xu Dong put down a stone in his heart, it seems that Mr. Lu already understood what he meant.

But at the moment when he was about to step into the gate of the Lu family, the butler of the Wu family spoke.

"If you don't mind, sir, can you come to my house this afternoon? Our old lady has been paralyzed in bed. If you can cure our old lady, let alone a reward, what do you want?" We can all give."

Xu Dong looked embarrassed, as if he didn't want to go.

The more he was like this, the more the butler felt that Xu Dong must be a man with real talent and learning.

After all, the more talented and learned, the more he will not want to make troubles and hide his clumsiness at this time.

The housekeeper also showed full sincerity: "As long as you come, I will give you a five-figure amount, just for today. If it is useful, the amount will only be more next time."

When Xu Dong heard the other party say this, he was obviously moved, so he quickly agreed: "Okay, but I don't need to give you today's reward, just let me try it. If it is useful, it's not too late for you to give it to me."

When the butler arrived one day, Xu Dong was willing to go, and instantly felt relieved: "Don't worry, as long as you are willing to come here to take revenge, you will definitely not be in the wrong."

Xu Dong didn't mind whether he was paid or not. After all, he had money himself. The only thing he cared about now was whether he could cure Wu Mingquan's mother.

After the butler left, it took Xu Dong a long time to take off his sunglasses, and he returned to his original appearance: "It can be regarded as suffocating me, it's really not easy to pretend to be blind. Mr. Lu, this time is thanks to you, if If you didn't follow my words, I wouldn't be able to continue acting in this play."

(End of this chapter)

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