Chapter 917
Or in Wu Mingquan's impression, as long as he is blind or disabled, his brain must not be bright?

If you ask him, Wu Mingquan himself should be the person with the worst brain in the world.

He listened to one family and didn't know how to listen to other people's opinions. No wonder he ended up like this.

Wu Mingquan's leg was numb and he couldn't even stand up, but he still insisted: "I warn you, you'd better apologize to me now, otherwise my people won't let you go!"

"Will your people let me go? I don't know, but now I just want to know one thing."

As Xu Dong said, he slowly approached Wu Mingquan.

For some reason, Wu Mingquan always felt that the eyes behind the sunglasses were not dull like a blind man, but should be bright, and even able to see through everything to make everyone feel terrified.

With Zhu Xinyu's support, Xu Dong stopped when he was still [-] centimeters away from Wu Mingquan.

"There are medical expenses and later expenses. Because the housekeeper has no extra living expenses, they haven't paid them. Should you pay them now?"

Repaying debts is justified, not to mention that the money for medical treatment cannot be delayed, and it will be themselves who will suffer after delay.

Wu Mingquan's eyes widened instantly when he heard that there was still money to be paid, and those triangular eyes were almost rounded.

"What did you say? Are you ashamed to ask me for money?"

Wu Mingquan said so, but Xu Dong nodded in agreement: "Yes, I really want to ask you for money, why is it that my hard work is not worth the money?"

The butler looked at his young master as if he had taken the wrong medicine today, and couldn't help but persuade him: "Yes, master, at that time, this gentleman was willing to believe that I didn't need to pay for the treatment effect of his wife. Then you should also settle the bill for him."

As soon as the steward's voice fell, he heard Wu Mingquan scolding all his life: "You are an old bastard, and now you have learned to turn your elbows outward. Can you tell who is your master!"

If you really think Xu Dong is better, then just follow Xu Dong!
The housekeeper shut his mouth obediently, and Xu Dong's brows became more and more wrinkled. This man became more and more unreasonable.

As for Wu Mingquan, right now, he is just staring straight at the direction of the guest room, hoping that Liu Ming can come out in time at this time.

But Liu Ming didn't think about it at all, the bigger the noise downstairs, the better, at that time he would fall from the sky and be a good person.

Only then can this so-called wandering doctor in the rivers and lakes become a person of his own school.

The Liu family doesn't mind recruiting an extra guest recently. Anyway, even if a blind man goes there, he won't find out too many secrets of the Liu family.

At that time, the Liu family can be raised to a higher level, and it will have the capital to compete with other families.

Thinking of this, Liu Ming almost laughed out loud.

Wu Mingquan has unlimited trust in Liu Ming, so now he just thinks that Liu Ming has not woken up yet.

So he dragged the leg that hadn't returned to normal until now, and confronted Xu Dong with the butler as his crutch.

"You said that you tried your best to treat my mother, but why did the expert I invited here say that you actually consumed her original energy and returned to the light?"

"It seems that you really believe in your so-called expert." It's a pity that sometimes an expert is inaccurate.

Just like now, it's very inaccurate.

Xu Dong could figure it out even with his toes. This person must be doing it for profit, so he abruptly called his diagnosis and treatment methods worthless, and even called himself a quack doctor.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Wu Mingquan, since he believed in Liu Ming so much, let him continue to believe, anyway, he was not the one who dug a hole for him to jump in the end.

Xu Dong smiled knowingly, then raised his head, and said to the upstairs: "I don't know which senior wants to smear me like this, but I also hope you can understand a truth, in this world, doctors rely on It is absolutely unacceptable for those who talk about their strength to start malicious competition with a single mouth."

"Also, if you really have doubts about me, you might as well come down and have a good comparison between the two of us."

Xu Dong has already talked about this point, but any man with a bit of blood should rush down directly and compare with Xu Dong.

In the end, I didn't expect that this Liu Ming could really hold his breath, now that An An was acting as his shrinking turtle, he didn't see any movement.

Xu Dong finally understood that he couldn't wait for this Liu Ming to come down to confront him in person today.It seems that we have to wait until another day.

As for seeing Liu Ming not coming down, Wu Mingquan seemed to have come to realize it belatedly.

Why do you always feel as if you are really being put together?

Wu Mingquan couldn't figure out that he and Mr. Liu should not be related. Why is Mr. Liu ignoring him now?
Last night, Mr. Liu was still very enthusiastic, as if he was really thinking about him.

Today, it has changed.

Xu Dong turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, there was a sound of opening the door upstairs: "Wait a minute, sir, please stay."

After all, Liu Ming still couldn't hold his breath anymore, and he blamed Wu Mingquan's big mouth, insisting on saying everything he said yesterday, otherwise he wouldn't have to show up now.

And after Xu Dong heard Liu Ming's voice, he just smiled knowingly, he was finally willing to come out, if he didn't come out again, he would really doubt whether this Liu Ming was a man after all.

Liu Ming walked downstairs slowly, Xu Dong still turned his back to him, knowing that Liu Ming had reached Xu Dong's depth, Xu Dong slowly turned around.

Liu Ming had never met Xu Dong, and didn't even know anything about Xu Dong, so of course he didn't recognize Xu Dong as the number one enemy of the ancient martial arts family.

He was humble and polite, and took the initiative to extend his hand to Xu Dong: "Sorry, my friend may have made some miscommunications just now, but I think the two of us can be compared."

After stretching out his hand, Liu Ming reacted belatedly, Xu Dong was also invisible, even if he stretched out his hand, it was useless, and even if Xu Dong could see, he had no intention of shaking hands with Liu Ming. .

Shaking hands with this kind of person, he didn't know how many times to disinfect them after he went back.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong tightly held the hand that was hanging by his side, this action fell into Liu Ming's eyes, and he thought he was guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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