rural little Shennong

Chapter 926 Kidnapped

Chapter 926 Kidnapped
Hearing what Xu Dong said, Shang Jun's heart skipped a beat.

For some reason, he had a premonition that this matter must be related to Zhu Xinyu.

If it wasn't because of Zhu Xinyu's relationship, why would Xu Dong apologize to himself?

Fortunately, Shang Jun is a rational rival in love, he knows that the more flustered he is now, the more he argues with Xu Dong, which will delay the best time for rescue.

So he kept his voice as calm as possible, kept the reason in his brain, and asked Xu Dong for a while: "Tell me, what's going on."

"Just now I brought Yingzi and Xinyu to the snack street to eat some delicious food, so I went to buy a porridge. After turning around, the two of them disappeared. I searched all the shops, but there was no such thing. The figure. I also shouted on the street for a long time, but no one answered."

After Xu Dong finished speaking, he took a deep breath and expressed his inference: "I suspect that they were kidnapped by members of the Liu family."

"The Liu family? Didn't you go to negotiate terms with them this morning? Why can't they restrain themselves now!"

"I suspect that they have been staring at me, and they may have discovered who I am, so they want to start with Yingzi and the others."

Shang Jun frowned with a headache when he heard this, this Xu Dong can really cause trouble.

But it doesn't matter now, the matter has already happened, the only thing he can do now is to quickly locate Zhu Xinyu's location.

"You are waiting for me at the same place. I will go to locate the captain's position first, and I will follow you after I have located it."

"Well, don't disturb other people about this matter for the time being. The Liu family won't let too many people here. The most is just Liu Ming, plus their family's ancestors. I can deal with these two people."

Shang Jun knew what Xu Dong was capable of, so he just agreed softly and hung up the phone.

He took out the mobile phone specially used for internal communication of the Guoan team, and began to locate Zhu Xinyu.

Zhu Xinyu could feel the slight vibration of the phone, but fortunately, she was driving on a bumpy road, so Liu Ming didn't hear it.

After successfully locating Zhu Xinyu, Shang Jun immediately drove to the snack street. He picked up Xu Dong in the car, and immediately followed the route guided by the navigation.

"Xu Dong agreed in advance that the situation is urgent now, so I won't pursue it with you. When this matter is over, we will settle the score after the fall."

Xu Dong smiled wryly when he heard the words, but still agreed: "I know what you said is right, this matter should indeed be settled with me."

It's all his fault for being too careless, he shouldn't let these two people get out of his nose.

If you don't have to leave under your nose, then you don't have to be so anxious to find them now.

It's not a matter of wasting time, it's that they are likely to be in danger.Thinking of this, Xu Dong couldn't help feeling guilty.

One is his sister, and the other is the woman who looked forward to him for this time.

And he rejected Zhu Xinyu more than once, but Zhu Xinyu is still rain or shine, for him.

He even suspected that if one day the exchange condition was Zhu Xinyu's death, then Zhu Xinyu would be able to find the highest building and jump off without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong immediately closed his eyes.

Seeing Xu Dong like this, Shang Jun couldn't bear it.

Is what I just said a little heavy?
But Shang Jun quickly put the little bit of guilt in his heart behind him, and the most important thing now is to get Zhu Xinyu and the others out.

In a villa on the outskirts of Beijing, there is only one room with a light on. Liu Ming carried Zhu Xinyu and Xu Ying into the villa by himself, and threw them heavily into the living room.

Zhu Xinyu was awake, and the pain in her body almost made her cry bitterly, but now that she thought about pretending not to be awake, she forcibly endured it.

Even though Xu Ying was in a coma, she still couldn't bear the pain in her body, and hummed softly, it was this sentence that made Liu Ming turn around immediately.

He stared at the two of them for a long time.After confirming that the two people did not show signs of waking up, they went upstairs with confidence.

At the same time, the old ancestor was staring at the business card that Xu Dong handed her in a daze.

This person does have some ability, so whether I should believe it or not, there is no conclusion until now, if I believe him, then I can really get the golden needle, and let the Liu family's strength rise to a higher level .

But if you don't believe him, what other endings will there be?
The ancestor couldn't figure it out, so he thought of putting the business card aside first, maybe he could figure everything out after sleeping.

But at this time, there was a knock on the door: "The ancestor is me."

There are only the two of them in this house, except for Liu Ming, of course there will be no one else. The ancestor opened the door with a walking stick, and then glanced sharply at the living room downstairs, where there were two people lying there. indivual.

"What's going on? Who did you catch back?"

I am a great-grandson, and I really feel more and more worried.Obviously, when he was young, he was talented, not to mention intelligent, but also very sensible, what kind of things did he do now!
Hearing what the old ancestor said, Liu Ming smiled honestly and flattered his face: "Ancestor, do you remember that wandering doctor? He is not blind at all. One of these two women is his. Sister, one is his girlfriend."

"Now that I've brought these two people over, we won't have to be controlled by others, but can threaten him instead."

"Old Ancestor, think about it, if you threaten him like this, can he not hand over the golden needle? He is just a charlatan, how capable can he be?"

Liu Ming originally thought that by doing this, he would be able to get his ancestors to treat him differently, but what he didn't expect was that he was indeed treated differently, only coldly.

With a "slap", the crisp sound fell on Liu Ming's face, the ancestor felt that his hands were numb from the shock, and now Liu Ming is also being beaten with stares in his eyes.

He covered his face, and looked at the ancestor with disbelief: "Ancestor, what are you doing, I've always been for the Liu family, why are you doing this to me!"

"For the sake of the Liu family, you are ashamed to say that it is for the Liu family. If it was really for the Liu family, you would not do such a mindless thing!"

This evil obstacle, does it have to be mad at her to death!
If the ancestor didn't get angry, he raised his hand and wanted to teach Liu Ming a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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