rural little Shennong

Chapter 95 Dragon Head Gold Needle

Chapter 95 Dragon Head Gold Needle
Looking at Ivy's smiling face, Xu Dong always felt that this woman had malicious intentions.

Wouldn't this group of people want to trick him into going up and kill him to silence him?

Xu Dong felt vigilant in his heart, and hurriedly said: "I won't go up. Since you have found the treasure room, I have completed the task. I really have something to do tomorrow, and there is still time to go back now."

"Ivy said: Don't you want to see what is in the treasure room? Don't worry, anyone who sees it will have a share. If you like something, just say it, and we will definitely not take it for ourselves."

"No, no, you found the treasure room. It has nothing to do with me. I don't want anything. Don't worry, I will never tell anyone."

Xu Dong picked up the bamboo basket again and was about to leave, but the man in sunglasses pulled out his gun again and said with an inaccurate accent, "Go up!"

Xu Dong cursed secretly, and had no choice but to climb up the rope ladder.

Although he has cultivated his internal energy now and his skills are much better than ordinary people, but he dare not block anyone who is faster than the bullet.

You can only take one step at a time and look at it one step at a time, and go up first before talking.

When Xu Dong climbed into the stone room on the cliff along the rope ladder, Ivy and the man in sunglasses also climbed up one after another.

The stone room was pitch black, but Ivy prepared an emergency light. After turning on the switch, the white light quickly illuminated the situation in the stone room clearly.

Although the entrance of the cave is only half the height of a person, the space inside is very large, more than three meters high, and the area is about 20 square meters. It should be a naturally formed cave, but there are stone tables and chairs in the cave, and there are still fire left on the ground. There are charcoal residues under it, it is obvious that someone has lived here before.

In addition, there are six large wooden boxes in the stone room, placed neatly against the corners, it seems that these are the so-called treasures.

Seeing these six large wooden boxes, Ivy's eyes were fiery, and she immediately asked the two burly men to pry them open.

Two strong men pried open one of the boxes with their knives. When they opened it, they found a box full of long guns, but they were all corroded and unusable.

They pried open three more boxes in a row, and it turned out that there were still two boxes of rusted long guns and bullets. It seemed that they were really left by the bandits back then.

But when the fifth box was opened, a golden light came into view immediately, almost blinding their eyes.

A box full of gold bars!

Xu Dong was also shocked, it was the first time he had seen so many gold bars.

Not to mention how much these gold bars are worth, the visual impact alone is enough to make people dizzy.

Ivy leaned on the box with a face full of ecstasy, grabbed a large handful of gold bars from it, and cheered excitedly: "We found it, we really found it!"

"And this one, open it quickly, open it quickly!" Ivy rushed to the last wooden box and shouted excitedly.

The two strong men pried open the last wooden box. There was no gold bars in it, but it was filled with all kinds of jewelry, which made people dazzled.

"I like this one!" Ivy picked out a pair of ruby ​​earrings from it, hung them on her ears immediately, and then excitedly picked them around.

After all the jewels were taken out, a small box appeared under the wooden box. After opening, it turned out that it contained a set of moxibustion needles.

"A few needles are useless." Ivy looked at it, threw the small box aside, and continued to pick out the jewelry.

"Can I see the needles in here?" Xu Dong asked.

Ivy looked up at him, handed him the wooden box and said, "If you like it, I'll give it to you."

"Thank you!" Xu Dong quickly took the wooden box, took out the needles and looked at them carefully.

The color of these needles is golden yellow, and the tail of the needles is still in the shape of a dragon's head. They are lifelike, lifelike, and very exquisite.

Xu Dong was secretly excited, because he recognized at a glance that these needles were all acupuncture needles, and the whole body was made of real gold, so they were veritable gold needles.

Maybe the group of bandits back then went around and robbed houses and found that this set of moxibustion needles was made of gold, so they snatched them. But they didn't understand the value of this set of gold needles, so they just casually put this set of gold needles at the bottom of the box.

In fact, this kind of gold is really useless to ordinary people, but it is invaluable to doctors who know acupuncture.

According to what old man Liu said at the beginning, the therapeutic effect of using gold needles for acupuncture is at least [-]% better than using ordinary silver needles.

Don't underestimate these two percentages. At critical moments, the two percentages of the treatment effect can determine the success or failure of the treatment, and even determine the patient's life or death.

Of course, golden needles are soft, and ordinary people can't use them at all. They can only be used if they have developed internal strength, and this is no longer a problem for Xu Dong.

Xu Dong was ecstatic, he didn't expect to find the legendary golden needle here.

But at this moment, a warning sign suddenly arose in his heart, as if he was being targeted by some ferocious beast.

He turned his head subconsciously, and saw that the man in sunglasses was pointing his gun at him, with his finger on the trigger.

Xu Dong didn't have time to think about it, and immediately turned to the side.

The gunshot rang out suddenly, and his left shoulder seemed to be hit hard by a hammer, and after being numb, there was a sharp pain.

Xu Dong rolled two times on the ground, and found that the hole was right next to him. He hurried out and jumped down from the air.

Xu Dong just fell into the pool below the waterfall. He plunged into the bottom of the water and swam forward quickly.

Bang bang bang!
Gunshots were heard continuously above his head, and Xu Dong felt his left leg go numb again, but he couldn't care less, he could only swim forward desperately, and when he reached the shore, he immediately climbed out of the pool, and then rushed forward .

Under the cliff, the two strong men chased for a while and returned without success, Ivy frowned and said in English: "Mark, we'd better leave here immediately, Xu Dong will definitely call the police after he goes out, it's not safe here anymore. "

The man in the sunglasses took off his glasses, which turned out to be blue.Xu Dong guessed right, this is indeed a foreigner.

"Pack everything up and get out of here immediately."

On the other side, after Xu Dong ran for nearly half an hour, seeing no movement behind him, he sat down on the ground, gasping for breath from exhaustion.

Now that the sky was completely dark and he couldn't see his fingers, Xu Dong took out his mobile phone to check, and found that the mobile phone had been soaked in water and couldn't be used anymore.

After touching his leg, he quickly found a hole. It seemed that he had been shot again in the water just now. No wonder it hurt so badly.

The gunshot wound on his shoulder was behind him, he couldn't see it, and he couldn't reach it, so he could only endure it for the time being, but if the gunshot wound on his leg was not treated as soon as possible, it would have a great impact on his actions. Easy to handle.

As soon as Xu Dong gritted his teeth, he directly inserted his fingers into the hole in his leg, endured the severe pain and pulled out the bullet, and then dripped a drop of Chaos Source Water into the wound.

In just ten seconds, he broke out in a cold sweat from the pain and lay on the ground gasping for breath.

But after resting for a few minutes, he touched the gunshot wound on his leg, and it was almost healed, the speed was unimaginable.

Xu Dong heaved a sigh of relief, got up and continued running towards the outside of the mountain.

Although it was pitch black and he couldn't see his fingers, it didn't have a big impact on him. He had been playing in the mountains since he was a child, and he was very familiar with this road, and he couldn't go wrong with his eyes closed.

After an unknown amount of time, standing on the mountainside, he could already hear the sound of running water in the distance. Xu Dong was overjoyed, knowing that the Fairy River was in front of him, and he had already walked out of the mountain.

He took out his mobile phone to look again, and unexpectedly found that the mobile phone was working again, and there was already a signal here.

Xu Dong quickly found Chen Hua's number and dialed it.

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(End of this chapter)

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