Chapter 957
Zhu Xinyu and Xu Dong joined the battle together. Zhu Xinyu is not as good as Xu Dong, but he is more than enough to deal with people like the Ye family, and the emotion in the Ye family's heart can no longer be simply described in words of horror.

They still knew a little about Zhu Xinyu, she was the daughter of the Zhu family.

But didn't the Zhu family have been unable to practice many years earlier?What the hell is going on now, it turns out to be stronger than them?

The more they thought about it, the more frightened they became, and in the end they did not hesitate to use some dirty methods, just to make Zhu Xinyu quit quickly.

How could Xu Dong just watch Zhu Xin's costume in the rain?Now, even the Ye family members are shameless, so he simply retaliates in his own way.

Seeing the Ye family lying on the ground like gourds rolling on the ground one by one, Xu Dong couldn't even make a sound of wailing, so he felt relieved, let them bully girls, now he knows girls can't bully.

After seeing Xu Dong's methods, Zhu Xinyu shook her head frequently. Why can't these people compare themselves to Xu Dong? Why are they so shameless?If this guy is really shameless, I'm afraid there is no one in the world who is his opponent.It seems that the Ye family really has escaped the world for a long time.I don't even know what's going on outside right now.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to Xu Dong's place on purpose, but he failed to get back the place, and instead suffered a loss like today's.

Xu Dong looked at these people lying on the ground, and just kicked them to find one of the leaders, picked him up from the ground, and threw him on the sofa beside him.

He dragged a stool over and sat face to face with him, just to ask questions clearly.

"Listen to me, I never accept nonsense, so I don't want others to talk nonsense to me, you just need to answer my question now, daughter
Listen to me, I never talk nonsense, so I don't want others to talk nonsense to me, you just need to answer my question now. "

"If you answer this question well, I will naturally let you go, but if you don't answer well, then don't blame me for being merciless."

Xu Dong took out a master's posture, the more he was like this, the more it made their teeth itch with hatred, and now they almost gnawed their own teeth.

"What exactly are you trying to do? You despicable and shameless person, you still want to attack us while our Patriarch is not around!"

Xu Dong looked at them and beat them up without changing their faces, and laughed loudly: "Haha, no way! You guys are ashamed to call me a despicable and shameless person, I think you should change the dictionary in your head Right? Or are we not educated in the same country since we were young?"

"If you don't know everything that your Ye family has done, go back and ask your Patriarch to see if your Patriarch has that face, and tell all the things he has done."

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that your young master, for his own benefit, did not hesitate to attack his brothers from childhood to adulthood. He is really very powerful, and I am impressed."

"So there are only two options before you. The first option is to answer my questions obediently. The second option. That is, now I will tie up all of you and take off your shirts and go parading around the gates of various aristocratic families."

"Anyway, in the end, it's not that I'm ashamed, at most, it's just that I have a bad reputation on my back, but reputation can't be eaten as food, so why should I not think about it?"

When Xu Dong said this, these people's expressions had already changed. They had seen people who were both desperate and shameless, but someone like Xu Dong who was both lifeless and shameless and very capable was really the first See you once.

So now, they finally know what it means to be afraid.

The original arrogance has disappeared, and now there is only deep fear.

"As long as you ask, you can ask, as long as we can answer, we will tell you everything."

Seeing the change in their attitudes before and after, Xu Dong nodded in satisfaction, and turned to look at Zhu Xinyu. Without saying a word, Zhu Xinyu immediately closed the door, as if closing the door and letting the dog go.

And Xu Dong, after Zhu Xinyu closed the door, asked directly: "First of all, the first question, the reason why you came here, is there really no conspiracy? Is it just for such a simple stone, or do you want to come here?" Do you want to take this opportunity to suppress me again?"

Hearing Xu Dong say this, the other party shook his head desperately: "No, really not, we just want to get that stone back. We lent that stone to them at the beginning, but they failed to return it in the end."

"That's what you are willing to borrow, right? Why do you come to trouble me? I don't know where I provoke you. Since I want you to embarrass me over and over again."

Xu Dong vaguely felt that this matter was not that simple, and there might be other secrets involved, so he asked a lot.

However, he did not get a useful answer to this question.

These people were very tight-lipped. After hearing Xu Dong's question, they just talked about him and came up with an answer: "Actually, we were only entrusted by the family members, saying that this stone cannot leave the Ye family. It's been too long."

"Oh, so it's like this!" Although Xu Dong said so, he didn't actually believe it.

Are you kidding me? If that's the case, why don't they come over to snatch it desperately?

Besides, it's useless to keep this fast stone by yourself, so it's okay to give it to them.

It's just that the way they came here to ask for things mainly made Xu Dong dislike it, so Xu Dong has changed his mind now, and he doesn't want to give them at all.

But the question still has to be asked, doesn't it?

Xu Dong also smiled at Zhu Xinyu, and Zhu Xinyu immediately understood what Xu Dong meant and asked, "There is one more question, is this the spirit test stone from that time?"

Zhu Xinyu has made a decision in her heart, but now she is not sure who knows if this thing has changed after so many years.

When the Ye family heard this, they immediately nodded, like chickens pecking at rice: "Of course, you used to be a member of the ancient martial arts family, how could you not know about this thing?"

Hearing what they said, Zhu Xinyu nodded solemnly at Xu Dong.

If it is confirmed that it is this thing, then the rest of the matter is easy to talk about.

(End of this chapter)

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