rural little Shennong

Chapter 969 Ye Huaisheng is Coming

Chapter 969 Ye Huaisheng is Back
When getting off the boat, Ye Huaisheng was extremely cautious.

He looked around, as if he was worried that someone would recognize him, or that someone had already ambushed here, just to kill him with a single blow.

But after looking around, he found that no one was going to do this, so he was completely relieved.

He walked out of the pier in a hurry, and got into a dilapidated van instead.

Before Shang Jun could catch up, he was directly stopped by Zhu Xinyu: "Don't follow, it's already agreed, let him go."

"Are you really going to let him go? Captain, is that a member of the Guo'an team or Xu Dong's subordinate?" Shang Jun is now more angry than Zhu Xinyu. In his opinion, Zhu Xinyu is now an out-and-out love brain.

Zhu Xinyu looked away in embarrassment. After all, this was something she had promised Xu Dong, and it was hard to go back on it now.

Seeing Zhu Xinyu's appearance, Shang Jun was too embarrassed to say anything more, after all, he was his captain, wasn't he?
After Ye Huaisheng got into the van, he didn't go anywhere else. Instead, he had someone drive the car onto the highway, and returned to Ye's house in this way.

After returning to Ye's house, Ye Huaisheng thumped his heart when he saw that Ye Changqing was absent, and knew that something must have happened to Ye Changqing, and now it is likely that Ye Changqing is in Xu Dong's hands.

But now, he has no extra time to take care of his son.

When he returned to the Ye family ancestral hall and was about to worship, the butler suddenly appeared.

"Master, why are you back? We thought..."

The butler's eyes filled with tears, these days, the Ye family has suffered a lot.

Ye Huaisheng knew this very well, but he was still not moved now, he just stretched out his hand to the housekeeper and opened his mouth to beg for snacks.

"Where is the snack? Didn't I tell you to come back? Now, it should have a whereabouts."

The housekeeper looked at Ye Huaisheng in great difficulty, but now he could only shake his head and didn't say anything.

After Ye Huaisheng saw this, he knew that he had to get the snacks from Xu Dong.

Thinking of this, Ye Huaisheng felt headaches one after another. If he had a direct confrontation with Xu Dong now, he would be the one who would be unlucky.

But what can he do?

Ye Huaisheng's frown became tighter and tighter, and finally he left with a flick of his sleeves, but the housekeeper firmly stopped Ye Huaisheng at this time.

"Master, where did the young master go? Is he safe now? Didn't you say that the young master would come back? But it's been so long, young master, there's not even a shadow of him."

When Ye Changqing was mentioned, Ye Huaisheng felt even more upset.

He didn't know what to do. The only thing he knew was that snacks were the most important thing now. Anyway, Ye Changqing in Xu Dong's hands would be a hostage Xu Dong used to hold him.

That being the case, Xu Dong will definitely not do anything to Ye Changqing.

After thinking of this, Ye Huaisheng left here directly without even answering the housekeeper's question.

As for Xu Dong, after learning that Ye Huaisheng had returned, he went directly to northern Shanxi.

Yu Zhou has already dealt with the matter there, and now he just needs to go over and finish it in person.

Besides, with what I have done now, maybe it will completely anger Ye Huaisheng and make him take the initiative to show up.

When Xu Dong arrived in Jinbei by plane, Yu Zhou was already waiting for him at the airport.Yu Zhou took the initiative to take the luggage, and then reported the latest progress with Xu Dong.

"Most things have come to an end. Regarding the acquisition of the Ye Group, because Ye Huaisheng has not shown up, it is indeed hindered."

"But I think it doesn't seem like a particularly difficult problem, so we shouldn't worry about it."

When Yu Zhou said this, Xu Dong nodded in agreement, and went to Sinan Company instead.

While processing the documents, he was also observing the developments about Ye Huaisheng.

Looking at Xu Dong's appearance, Yu Zhou couldn't suppress his curiosity after all, and now he was trying to find out what was going on.

"No way, Ye Huaisheng would even give up his own son just to break a rock?"

"Who said no? I was shocked when I found out about it. I even wondered if I was living in a dream."

"And after that, what did you do?"

In fact, Yu Zhou already had the answer in his heart, but now he still wanted to hear Xu Dong himself say it.

"What else can I do? I locked Ye Changqing up. I originally thought that Ye Huaisheng would be eager to find Ye Changqing when he came back. In this way, I would be able to confront Ye Huaisheng head-on."

"What I didn't expect was that he didn't have this idea at all. It seems that he already planned to give up Ye Changqing completely."

While talking, Xu Dong shook his head regretfully.

It is said that tiger poison does not eat its offspring, but now it seems that not everyone is like this.Take Ye Huaisheng as an example, how can a person like him be called a tiger's poison but not a child?

Yu Zhou also seemed to be quite emotional. He never thought that such a person could come out of the so-called ancient martial arts family, which really made him, an outsider, feel contemptuous.

Xu Dong and Yu Zhou looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes, but they didn't discuss this matter too much.Everyone has everyone's pursuit, it can only be said that they are not on the same channel after all.

Ye Huaisheng left the Ye family, and now he is wandering aimlessly in the street like a headless fly, he doesn't know what to do now to restore the current situation.

He still had to come back, otherwise it would be even more troublesome there, but he couldn't do nothing, after all, it was too easy to kill a person in the country with the power of the Sanzhuhui.

Ye Huaisheng thought about whether to ask Xu Dong directly for help, but he really couldn't save his face.

In fact, as long as Xu Dong stepped forward, Sanzhuhui would be helpless.But the question is, what method should he use to beg Xu Dong.

Maybe his son is still in Xu Dong's hands, how could such a person choose to help him?This was something Ye Huaisheng didn't even dare to think about.

After thinking about it, Ye Huaisheng could only choose to take the risk, and go back to the Ye Group to see what the situation is now.
At the same time, Yu Zhou also received news immediately that Ye Huaisheng had gone back.

"Ye Huaisheng has returned to the Ye Group, what should we do now? Do you want to see him?"

Xu Dong's hand holding the pen paused slightly, then raised his head to look at Yu Zhou.

(End of this chapter)

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