Chapter 990
With a thought of Xu Dong, a drop of Primal Chaos Water gushed out of his fingertips.

Xu Dong lightly tapped it on his palm, and soon, this chaotic source water quickly spread out, covering his entire palm burned by the spirit stone.

The burning heat in his palm reminded Xu Dong all the time what happened just now.

But now Xu Dong still can't understand why this spirit stone has such a big reaction. If you look carefully, you will find that a small part has fallen off now.

In other words, if I do this a few more times, it will inevitably drop the coefficient.

As Xu Dong was thinking here, his hands suddenly felt itchy. He looked down and found that the burnt flesh on his palm had completely disappeared, replaced by small new growths.

The palms were still recovering. Although Xu Dong was itching unbearably, he still held his breath and looked at everything in front of him quietly.

When the palms were fully grown, Xu Dong held the spirit stone again, but this time he was smarter, he opened the window in advance to ventilate, anyway, people outside might think who ordered the takeaway.

But his hands were scorched, Xu Dong really wanted to eat barbecue, as if he hadn't eaten this kind of food for a long time.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong already had a plan in his mind. He waited for the Lingshi to be completely phoned, and then asked them to bring barbecue from outside, and eat the barbecue while playing cards.

What Xu Dong didn't know was that the former Guo'an team member who was passing by didn't think it was right, so he finally told Zhu Xinyu about it.

"Captain Zhu, when I passed Xu Dong's gate just now, I noticed a strange smell coming from his room, as if the meat had been burnt."

"He said it's fine, but I'm also a little worried, but the relationship between Xu Dong and I is not too close, if we rush in rashly, maybe it will make him unhappy."

"I just thought it's better for you to go, if you go, he will definitely agree."

Zhu Xinyu couldn't sit still when she heard the team member say that there was a strange smell coming from Xu Dong's room.

If it wasn't for listening to him patiently, Zhu Xinyu would have rushed to Xu Dong's room by now.

And after Zhu Xinyu patiently waited for him to finish speaking these words, he finally couldn't hold back anymore, and rushed to Xu Dong's room with one stride.

Sure enough, he saw Xu Dong holding the Lingshi tightly with his palms as a support.

As for the weird smell mentioned, it didn't come from other places, it came from Xu Dong's palm.

"Are you crazy! Hurry up and let go, if this continues, your hand will be finished!"

What is he doing?Do you want to eat braised pork trotters?Even if this is the case, she should be allowed to buy it, so why bother here.

While talking, Zhu Xinyu took the initiative to go forward, trying to take Xu Dong's hand off the spirit stone, but what she didn't expect was that instead of being able to take it off, she was almost beaten out by the spirit stone.

Zhu Xinyu fell heavily to the ground, panting heavily, eyes full of disbelief, looking at the spirit stone in Xu Dong's hand.

Who can tell her what happened to this stone?
Regarding this stone, Zhu Xinyu is not totally worthless. He had carefully checked the relevant information when he was in Zhu's house before, in order to help Xu Dong.

Unexpectedly, Xu Dong actually figured out such a risky solution by himself.

But now that Xu Dong had already done this, he wanted to stop him, but was directly pushed out by the aura above the spirit stone.

That being the case, it proves that this thing can no longer be touched by oneself.

Since I can't let myself touch it anymore, I can only leave it to Xu Dong himself, hoping that Xu Dong can save the day.

And Xu Dong was enduring great pain at the moment, the further back, the greater the heat and power emitted by this spirit stone.

Every time Xu Dong increases his spiritual power and wants to refine the objects on the surface of the spirit stone, he will also suffer greater attacks from the spirit stone.

Between the two of you, the stronger you are, the stronger I will be. Just like this, the stalemate persisted until Xu Dong's hand was full of bones, and then he reluctantly let go.

Even though Zhu Xinyu was still sitting here, Xu Dong definitely didn't intend to hide it from Zhu Xinyu.

Now that he had condensed more Chaos Source Water, he used the washbasin beside him to put his whole hand in it, and then turned his head to talk to Zhu Xinyu.

"Why did you suddenly come to me when you are free? Shouldn't you be busy now? If you want to be busy, then go and do it quickly. Don't worry about me. I have nothing to do here."

Zhu Xinyu walked to Xu Dong's side in three steps at a time, and looked down at the washbasin.

The scene in front of her made Zhu Xinyu subconsciously take a few steps back, feeling horrified and even nauseated.

This dense white bone is no longer like the hands that a person should have.Just like that, Xu Dong was able to open his eyes and tell her that he was fine?

Even if you are talking nonsense, you can't say that!

Zhu Xinyu was very distressed, but now she was still trying her best not to show herself, but how could Xu Dong not understand her thoughts?

Xu Dong raised his other good hand and rubbed Zhu Xinyu's fluffy hair: "Don't worry, this hand will grow back after a while, you have to know that I have a lot of secrets, so Sometimes you may not have the ability to save your life."

"Instead of worrying about me, you might as well worry about what will happen to that stone."

When Zhu Xinyu heard what Xu Dong said, she suddenly remembered about the stone. She hurried to the side of the stone and touched it tentatively with her hands to make sure that there was no problem after touching the stone. up.

With the help of the light, Zhu Xinyu carefully observed the difference in this stone, and she found out: "Why is this stone so different from before? It wasn't the same color before."

If you look carefully, you will find that the entire spirit stone now seems to reveal a faint golden color from the inside.The surface is full of brilliance, and it is no longer the dusty appearance before.

Zhu Xinyu thought of Xu Dong's hand, no matter how stupid she is now, she knows that all these things are inseparable from Xu Dong.

She turned to look at Xu Dong, and Xu Dong gave an affirmative answer: "That's what you think, but I don't have the ability to refine it all at once, so I need to give me some time."

"You still want to continue, do you want your hand or not!"

(End of this chapter)

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