Super Orchard

Chapter 149 Fatty Gets Married

Chapter 149 Fatty Gets Married
Golden autumn and October are the harvest season, and Shen Yangguang's good brother Zheng Hao also reaped love at this time.

The process of holding a wedding in Jinquan Village is relatively cumbersome. After a series of busy procedures, Zheng Hao, who is two hundred catties, lost a lot of weight. Shen Yangguang, who has been busy planting mangosteen in the orchard, also rushed to Zheng Hao's house the day before the wedding. help.

The wedding banquet adopts the customary method of the village. Several large earthen stoves are directly set up in the courtyard of the house. Several respected old chefs in the village are busy with their work.

Shen Yangguang remembered that when he was a child, all the earthen stoves used for weddings in the village were built with red bricks, and the gaps were sealed with yellow mud, and a large iron pot was covered on top.

After the wedding banquet, this kind of earthen stove will be dismantled, and it is troublesome to use. Today's earthen stove is a chunky iron bucket, and the inside is still made of yellow mud, just like a big iron stove. It is very convenient to mention whoever's family is holding a wedding banquet.

The charcoal fire in the iron stove is burning, and the meat is being stewed in a large iron pot above it. The chef who is over half a century old scoops up various seasonings with a palm-sized iron spoon, and then scoops up a little soup. Put the juice into a bowl to taste the saltiness.

In the living room, Zheng Hao was dressed in a suit and was patiently listening and memorizing some procedures and taboos for the wedding the next day, with a little nervousness on his chubby face.

In the wedding room, someone was decorating the room, holding a fruit plate and sprinkled some candies in the cabinets, and several children were also chasing and playing non-stop.

Shen Yangguang, Luo Zhiqiang and a group of brothers are preparing fireworks and firecrackers in the yard. These firecrackers piled up like a hill are also very particular when they are set off. All of them need to be categorized and summarized according to needs, so as not to be in a hurry when looking for them tomorrow. .

Everyone was busy until midnight, and they went back after finishing the mutton soup made by the chef in the yard.

Early the next morning, Shen Yangguang got up early and rushed to Zheng Hao's house, ready to go pick up the bride together.

According to the customs of the village, unmarried people such as Shen Yangguang and Luo Zhiqiang are the main force to pick up the bride. Although the homes of the groom and the bride and the place where the wedding is held are all in the village, it is reasonable to say that they don’t have to get up so early, but there are still a series of procedures in between. I can't sleep late today.

After a little preparation, a group of people came to the county seat and began to put on makeup and dress up the wedding car. Except for Zheng Hao, the accompanying brothers also dressed like dogs, with a flower pinned on their chests. very.

After a lot of work, the convoy of six BMWs returned to Jinquan Village and went straight to Jiang Xiaoxi's house.

This fleet was specially rented by Zheng Hao. He liked the BMW brand when he was in school. Although he has opened two supermarkets and made a lot of money, it is no problem to buy a car.

Although Jiang Xiaoxi has not been in the door yet, she still has the absolute right to speak. It only takes one sentence to make Zheng Hao give up his plan to buy a car, and save the money to open a third supermarket, so he still drives that Wuling Hongguang.

The motorcade stopped at the door of Jiang Xiaoxi's house. Zheng Hao got out of the car wearing big leather shoes and holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He smoothed his hair that had been made of hairspray so hard, and rushed in with a few brothers.

The first door was tightly blocked by a group of children. These children had already been signaled by the adults, and they would not move their positions no matter what. cry!
Shen Yangguang and others had to give up the series of aggressive methods prepared by them for the time being, and directly took out a stack of thick red envelopes. The adult standing not far away who was monitoring the scene saw the thickness of the red envelopes and nodded in satisfaction. The group of children were signaled, and after receiving the red envelopes, they all happily gave up to stick to the land acquisition, but Shen Yangguang and others smashed the door open with sugar-coated cannonballs.

The second door is Jiang Xiaoxi's boudoir, besides the bride, Xiaowei and Xia Yunxuan are also inside.

According to Shen Yangguang, Xia Yunxuan, Zheng Hao and herself are all classmates, so they should be on the man's side, but she just wants to be on the woman's side, saying that she wants to learn how to get married.

But this is not a problem, because they often go to the orchard to play and eat together, Xia Yunxuan, Jiang Xiaoxi and Xiaowei have already played together. Played from childhood to adulthood.

In the room, Jiang Xiaoxi was wearing a wedding dress and sitting on the bed. Xia Yunxuan and Xiaowei stood on both sides like two examiners, looking at the harmonious and peaceful scene of the scene, but in fact, the water was still and deep, with various traps hidden.

As for these ladies, Shen Yangguang and the others also couldn't use force. They opened the door directly to let the bride-to-be come in, which made all the men's thoughts of opening the door go away for the time being.

The next thing is similar to the kind in the news "the two sides had a pleasant conversation and fully exchanged opinions."

Xiaowei has a lot of ghost ideas. She prepared a dark drink mixed with soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt water, chili water, etc. in the room, and said with a smile: "The life of marriage is firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, so if you want to pick up the bride, the groom has to wait in advance. Taste the sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and salty."

Although this kind of dark drink is a little tasteless, it's not a big deal if you drink it, but the groom and the best men are a little dumbfounded, because Xiaowei has prepared several catties!
These dark liquids are all packed in beer bottles. Shen Yangguang and others thought they were beer when they saw these bottles at first, but they just wanted to show their skills and clamored to make the storm more violent. After listening to Xiaowei After saying that, when he took the beer bottle and smelled it, his face immediately changed.

Zheng Hao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, picked up a bottle and poured it into his mouth as soon as he gritted his teeth. He could smell the unknown smell emanating from the beer bottle a few meters away, making everyone tremble.

After drinking the Diablo drink, which weighed about a catty, Zheng Hao's face turned into a rainbow, and he said with difficulty: "Brothers, my lifelong happiness depends on you!"

Shen Yangguang, Luo Zhiqiang and others saw that there was no escape, so they stuck their necks and pinched their noses to drink. The taste was sour, spicy, salty and bitter, and the key point was that it was sweet. It was really indescribable and very choking. .

After drinking, everyone was in a hurry to find water. Xia Yunxuan thoughtfully held a few cups and a toothbrush and said, "After tasting all the flavors of life, the next step is to clean up to welcome a new life."

Seeing this, Shen Yangguang smiled and said, "Mr. Xia is still very considerate, really considerate!" After speaking, he took a toothbrush and began to brush his teeth.

Before the toothbrush was in his mouth, Shen Yangguang smelled a strange smell, and immediately felt his mouth, throat, and nose start to burn. This is not toothpaste, but mustard mixed with something unknown!
Seeing that Shen Yangguang was about to spit out the mustard toothpaste, Xia Yunxuan said quietly: "It must be brushed for 5 minutes, and the toothpaste cannot be spit out within this time, otherwise the timer will be restarted. I have a lot of toothpaste here, and whoever has less than 5 minutes?" Then brush again in a few minutes."

After speaking, he brought out a small bowl, which was filled with a greenish-yellow paste, which looked like thick snot.

Shen Yangguang couldn't help feeling nauseated. In order not to restart the timer, he could only resist the urge to vomit and continue brushing. Zheng Hao and others were not spared either.

 Thanks for the reward of eating noodles while riding a pig!Thanks!Thank you brothers for your subscription and recommendation vote support!

(End of this chapter)

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