Chapter 230 Check

Now that Yinzhen has a plan in mind, it will be much easier.

Not long after, during a private visit, Yinzhen "just happened" to run into a few eight-banners who didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and happened to bump into his hands.

Yinzhen didn't think there was anything wrong, but it was indeed a good time to make use of the topic.

Yinzhen knew that the matter of the Eight Banners still needs to be negotiated by the clan and the Manchurian dignitaries to be the master, so Yinzhen summoned the dignitaries of the Eight Banners, as well as the clan princes and county kings.

"Xiao Yong, the son of the Eight Banners, is the reason why the Qing Dynasty is now. But if you look at the Eight Banners now, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it. I look at the dandyism and the arrogant attitude. I have to dare to speak and act, if the Eight Banners go on like this, it will make the Qing Dynasty no one can use it, and let me face the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty..."

Yinzhen pretended to be angry and said a lot, and the people standing below were trembling.

It is impossible for them not to know about the dandyism of the Eight Banners children. Most of the major families communicate with each other, so they can generally know a thing or two about the children of any family. Therefore, they also know that the Eight Banners children are greedy for pleasure and have little ability. Relying on the power of his family, he was arrogant in the capital.

What happened this time was actually done on purpose by Yinzhen, otherwise it would be impossible to just happen to happen. The dandy style of the Eight Banners in the capital is prevalent, but it is not that serious. After all, it is still the early Qing Dynasty, and most banner people still value family The cultivation of talents.

In addition, he puts more and more emphasis on talented people, so a lot of bannermen have made progress.

Xu Zhen took advantage of the topic to take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of the hat of raising the Eight Banners. The money from the treasury can be used for disaster relief, but it cannot save the "poor".

Everyone said in unison: "The emperor calm down."

"I appease my anger, how do I appease my anger, I think they are the ones I am used to."

Then he said: "Where is the Minister of the Household Department?"

"The slave is here."

"What did I ask you to check! Take it out and show it to all the lovers."


Hubu Shangshu took out the dossier that he had written, and circulated it to everyone, and he was surprised when he saw everything.

What is written on the dossier is not the other side.

Yinzhen made a private visit in a micro-service that day, but in the end, he was slandered by a few playboys who had nothing to do with production, and wasted money.

What Yinzhen showed them now was the money borrowed from the Ministry of Households by those dandy families, and the amount of money was really shocking to see.

"Suo'etu, there was also a share of your little grandson that day. Why, don't talk about the money that was thrown at me, but also need to borrow money from the treasury and not return it. Huang Ama is sympathetic to all officials, so he allows people from poor families to ask for help. The imperial court borrowed money, and I have read the IOUs from the Ministry of Households over the years, all of which have been borrowed but have not been repaid. Why, the civil and military families of the Manchu Dynasty can’t open the pot? I see that one or two raised in your family can be blamed for spending money!"

Because Suo'etu was named, it was impossible for him to avoid it even if he wanted to.

"Back to the emperor, the servant is not strict with the family, and the children in the family are spoiled by the women in the mansion. When the servant returns, he will definitely teach them a lesson."

He only talked about teaching the children, and never mentioned the matter of returning the money.

Suo'etu was rectified by Yinzhen once, and now he is a lot more honest, but when it comes to repaying money, he has no shortage and can't do it. There are so many people in the capital who borrow money, and the more expensive people are, the more they borrow. many.

If Suo'etu took the lead in saying to return the money to the treasury, and the emperor set an example, he would be the one who would suffer and be run out.

He is not short of money, but he has to pay back the money. Anyway, he is determined not to be the first to pay it back. He does not lack a grandson who is a dude.

Yinzhen naturally understood the meaning of Suo'etu's words, and he also knew that no one would be willing to be such an early bird.

Yinzhen didn't mind, and then said: "My dear friends, do you have anything to say?"

Still no one spoke, they were all afraid of becoming the next person to be watched by the emperor.

Yinzhen: "Since no one speaks, I will directly punish you."

Although the people below didn't know how the emperor punished them, it was still inappropriate to speak, so they remained silent.

"Since there is no objection, then it's easy to handle. Liang Jiugong, tell the imperial guards to go to some mansions. I want to see how big the family is, and I won't blink when I throw money at me."

As soon as Yinzhen said this, several people's expressions were a little bit wrong. If they can raise a wealthy dude, the family will certainly not be short of money. In addition, just now Yinzhen hinted that they would pay back the money, but no one said anything.

Now that he wants to investigate, it will be hard to say what will be found when the time comes.

Yinzhen glanced at Suo'etu, and said: "Since Suo'etu's grandson is leading it, let's start from his house."

Suo'etu naturally knew what was going on in his family, not to mention the filial piety he had received over the years, even the dowry money from the female relatives was enough to pay back the treasury money.

"Report to the emperor, the child is naughty, and the slave will punish him severely when he goes back. There are many female relatives in the mansion, so the imperial guards are afraid... I am afraid that it is not suitable."

Seeing that he still had to find a reason, Yinzhen secretly scolded the old man in his heart.

"You're right, Liang Jiugong, go to the House of Internal Affairs, find some rough nanny, let the guards take them there, and let them investigate."

Suo'etu broke out in cold sweat, the emperor didn't intend to show mercy.

Yinzhen was also angry. Over the past few years, he thought that Suo'etu had some talent, so he slowly started to use him, and only half of him was pulled out of the blacklist. If he went along with the flow and paid back the money this time, he would naturally not care about it. .

Since he doesn't know what's interesting, don't blame him for taking him to the knife. There is no shortage of money for the time being in the Ministry of Accounts, but now the money in the Ministry of Accounts is used by Yinzhen to prevent natural and man-made disasters. He took back this part of the money and used it to rectify The children of Baqi used it to build the academy and spent it on their own.

There was Suo'etu who made this early bird, and he didn't please, and the few dandy elders who followed Suo'etu and messed around together didn't dare to say anything at this time.

It's not that I don't want to, but I dare not.

At this time, everyone stood tremblingly, Yinzhen said: "Mingzhu, what do you think about this matter?"

Mingzhu knew that she might not be able to run away when the emperor had a seizure, and when the emperor called his name, he had a feeling that he had finally come.

How could Mingzhu feel, he could see the emperor's plan, the emperor has acted quite vigorously in the past few years, if he made up his mind to do something, it would definitely succeed in the end.

Mingzhu also borrowed a lot of money from the household department, not because she didn't have money to pay back, but because she didn't want to pay it back, there was no reason to spit out the money that was in her mouth.

Now he has understood that the money must be spit out, but he must not be the first to spit it out, he can't afford to be a young bird.

"Report to the emperor, the slave is dull."

"Where are the other mistresses?"

Immediately afterwards, he called himself stupid in various ways, which made Yinzhen feel a little headache.

Today, those who can be called by Yinzhen are old-timers. Most of these people have been in the officialdom for half their lives, and they all know that it is difficult to be a young bird.

No one wanted to stand out, so Yinzhen could only wait for the things the guards brought from Suo'etu Mansion.

Yinzhen was not idle either, and while waiting did not hinder him from reading the papers, because he was angry, he did not let the courtiers in the room sit down, so Yinzhen approved the papers for an hour, and they stood there for an hour.

An hour or two hours, they didn't dare to lose their dignity in front of the imperial court, and they were naturally tired from standing, so when Liang Jiugong knocked on the door again and came in, the legs of these courtiers were almost not their own.

Yinzhen raised his head, and seeing their uncomfortable appearance made him feel at ease. Sure enough, it is comfort to see people who make him feel uncomfortable!
Liang Jiugong: "It's been counted, and I'll ask the emperor to take a look."

As he spoke, he presented the collected brochures to Yinzhen's desk case.

Yinzhen looked at it, and was not very surprised. He had touched the Hesheli family in his previous life, so he naturally knew how heavy their family was. Greedy people.

In fact, Yinzhen was very puzzled, but he was so greedy that he borrowed money from the treasury but never thought of paying it back.

(End of this chapter)

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