Chapter 4

Chapter 4

I thought what I saw was an angel, but I realized afterwards that it was not an angel, but a demon, and those demons were my students.

When mentioning Class Three (2) and Ye Fei, Director Wang's expression was so reserved. It seemed that Class Three (2) was a key household in Harbin School.If those demons are put to rest, I'll be the most prominent teacher in this school.This is not important, the important thing is that I want to get back all the face I lost, and I must let those demons raise the white flag to surrender.

In order to be more familiar with the various rules and regulations of the school, the first thing after returning home is to read the blue book.

The biggest feature that distinguishes Harbin Private School from other schools is that students are regarded as customers, and teachers are waiters who serve customers.Teachers should always put the needs of students first, and care about students in life and study.

Among the many school rules and regulations, the most unacceptable to me is the "teacher's classroom precautions".

1. Come to class with a happy heart and avoid depression, depression, constipation and frowning.

2. You must speak, read, and write with your heart, and you must not behave like dealing with the majority of students.

3. You must look sincere, kind, and not deceitful, and you must not act cunningly or fox-like.

4. You must have a pure heart, be lively, and not be rigid, ignorant of flexibility, and have a speech every ten years.

5. Have a big stomach and a strong heart, be willing to accept criticism from others, and don't have small noses, small eyes, or look at people through doors.

6. Be as friendly and approachable as a friend, without being cruel or ruthless.

7. Be strong and optimistic, positive and enthusiastic, radiant like a rock star, and do not stand still on the podium.

8. Be humorous, cheerful and smiling, but not sad.

9. There must be lively and interesting expressions and gestures, and there should be no boring speech, enchanting gestures, or behaviors that lead to crimes.

10. You should have a pure appearance and a good manner, and you should not have coquettish or frivolous behavior.

What kind of bullshit school rules are these? I angrily threw the school rules at the door.Blood pressure is rising, heart is beating wildly.

No wonder those students are so arrogant and defiant. It turns out that there is a reason for all of this.Originally, I was full of infinite respect for this school, but now it is replaced by disdain, and I actually extended the concept of customer first to the school.Can such a school still be considered a school?What can students learn here?Could it be that arrogance and conceit are the graduation certificates issued by this school?

Recalling the bits and pieces that happened throughout the day today, I can really use the word "dramatic" to describe it.

Tired, too tired, take a good rest, and fight against those demons tomorrow with full energy.If you want to fight with me, there is no door, we will wait and see.

With a bang, Ye Fei rushed into my room.

What a rascal, a rascal, I didn't look for him, he came to me first.

"Hey, why did you rush to my room in the middle of the night?" I yelled angrily.

"this is my house."

"You—why do you talk to the teacher like that?"

"School is over now, you're just a poor worm living under the fence."

"You, you, you—" I didn't expect that I, who has always been sharp-tongued, would sometimes be speechless.Now I finally met my opponent.

"What are you, do you want to say that you don't want to see my ugly face. I only have one thing to say to you, don't make a big deal about your living here. I can't afford to lose this face."

"That's exactly what I wanted to say."

"That's best. I don't want to have any unnecessary involvement with you, a stupid woman."

"Wait a moment."

"You don't like me."

"Your imagination is really rich! There is one thing I want to ask you, what is your name? Who are you?"

"The name is just a code name. Of course I'm from Earth." Ye Fei walked out of the room after speaking.

Want me to go, there is no door.

Ye Fei's bad temper and ugly face aroused my unprecedented anger.

Brat, you want to fight with me, okay, let's wait and see who will be defeated first.

I don't wear makeup on weekdays, I deliberately put on makeup, not to be ugly, but to cover up, to cover up my haggard face, so that I can look more energetic.

Ye Fei's home is very close to the school, and walking to the school has many benefits, not only saving the bus fare, but also exercising.What's more, what I'm facing now is that group of "demons", how can I fight them if I don't save my energy.

Although I had prepared myself mentally, I was still very nervous when I saw the students wearing Harbin school uniforms.

Zheng Tianzhen, you can do it, you have no problem.They're nothing more than a piece of cake, and you're sure to get those demons out of the way.

"Come here so early, is Mr. Zheng very active?" Chu Fan greeted me with a smile.

Seeing Chu Fan's smile, I felt unspeakable embarrassment in my heart, he really deserves to be a gentleman.Instead of remembering the previous episode, he comforted and encouraged me like a caring friend.

"You're early too!"

It was only then that I noticed that there was a woman in professional suit beside Chu Fan.

"You are the new teacher! Hello, my name is Lan Jieling, and I am the school's music teacher."

"Smurf? Sorry, hello, my name is Zheng Tianzhen."

One more friend, one more road, not to mention the two of them have worked in the school for many years, they must know the school very well.By getting in touch with them more and learning from them, I can make fewer mistakes, or even no mistakes.

Not only men like to look at women, but women also like to look at women, especially women who are comparable to themselves.

She looks very coquettish, her slender figure is very eye-catching, she exudes the charm of a mature woman all over her body, she has a successful career, and maybe she has a handsome boyfriend.In the face of her, I actually feel inferior for no reason.

"To be honest, I admire your courage, naivety, you must be mentally prepared!" She said with a smile.

To be honest, my first impression of Lan Jieling was not very good. I always felt that this person was not simple, and even when he smiled, he couldn't feel sincere.

"Okay, why are you talking about this?" Chu Fan interrupted Lan Jieling.

Chu Fan didn't introduce his relationship other than his colleague Lan Jieling, but I still found clues from their words and deeds that they were a couple of lovers.

"I'm also kind. You also know that Class Three (2) is a famous devil class in the whole school. The longest of the first nine class teachers worked for three months, and the shortest worked for one week."

"Is it really that scary?"

I didn't have much confidence in my heart at first, but now hearing what she said, I became even more uneasy.

"Of course, what's even more frightening is that one of the male teachers has lost his mind."

Nervous?Is that not far from mental illness? Are those students really that scary?

"Then I'll have a good fight with them to see who is the one who lost his mind in the end."

This is always the case when working in a new environment. Countless self-introductions really consume a lot of energy.

The student cafeteria of Harbin College is quite different from the canteens of ordinary schools. The fully transparent floor-to-ceiling glass doors and windows create a cheerful and lively atmosphere. A few pots of green plants inject vitality into the interior, and the wine red and white are refreshing.

The food in the restaurant is varied, ranging from western steak to Lanzhou ramen.If it weren't for the signboard at the door, I would definitely regard this place as a star-rated restaurant.My favorite place in this school is here. I come here to order a breakfast before class. Looking at the sunshine, green leaves and students playing ball outside the big glass window, I feel very leisurely and comfortable.

Lan Jieling and the other teachers smiled and came to me with a tray.

"Can I sit down?"

"Of course."

"Those students give you a headache?" The head teacher of the second class looked at me sympathetically.

"so far so good."

What a shit!
Did those "little devils" really grow up eating rice like me?Why are they so difficult?Skipping classes is a normal behavior. I have never been here in the past few days.Sleeping in class is a tradition, passing notes is a pastime, and listening to songs is a joy in bitterness.

"Probably because Mr. Zheng, you are a newcomer, Ye Fei wanted to show you off." The head teacher of Class [-] explained.

What?Get off your horse?Students give the teacher a blow?
Where the hell is this Ye Fei?Not only the students are afraid of him, but even the teachers are respectful to him, who is it?
"Mr. Zheng, you have to be quiet next time, it's better for you." He kindly told me.

"It's just a small case for them to treat you like this. You haven't seen the real big guns. The teachers in the school know that any class is acceptable, only your class of darlings must never be touched. Love education is popular in this era. Students are getting more and more difficult to manage.”

"Actually, they were just a little naughty, not as scary as you said?" I looked disbelieving.

It's better to say that you don't want to believe than you don't believe it.If what they said is true, wouldn't my future be very dangerous, rough, and tortuous?God!O earth!Why do you always throw hot potatoes to me?
"I'm not exaggerating at all." The class teacher put down his chopsticks and counted with his fingers, "The student who goes to the principal's office most often in the whole school is from your class; the No. 1 list of troublemakers has been monopolized by your class; and The daily attendance rate is pitifully low.”

It is undeniable that what he said is true.

"Mr. Wang, you don't need to say any more." I shook my head, sighed, and shrugged helplessly.I'm sure to have indigestion if I listen to it any more.

"Naive, it's still too late to let go. Report to the principal and director that it would be better to have a male teacher lead the class, otherwise you will fall into their hands sooner or later." Lan Jieling suggested.

"It's not that miserable, is it?" What did these teachers do? How could they overestimate the strength of those little devils and underestimate my ability?
"They are still young, and it is not my style to give up too early, especially they are now in the rebellious period of youth, and they will calm down after a little patience."

"You are still young, you can marry a wife in the old society."

"In short, this Ye Fei is really scary, very scary."

There are several reasons why the teacher's attitude will be abnormal--the family has a background, he is fierce enough, or his personality is extremely skinny and there is no cure.

"It's hard to find a job now, and the chances of finding another job as a teacher are almost zero."

"His family is in business and very rich," another teacher added.

"He transferred here. I heard that he will go to the United States to study after graduation, so he doesn't care much about his grades."

Since you are going to study abroad, why not go now?This is the common aspiration of all teachers.

Ye Fei and a few students walked into the restaurant, and the chattering and laughing restaurant suddenly became quiet.

Seeing Ye Fei coming in, Lan Jieling's face immediately darkened.

"Does the school just ignore it? Or what background does he have?"

"Injustice, injustice, last month a student bumped into him and knocked out two front teeth; a student from another school had a dispute with them last week, and they beat him to a broken bone and sent him to the hospital for emergency treatment. Hmph!" Lan Jie Said through gritted teeth.

so arrogant?

I frowned.

So what if you were hit and bled, slapped in the face, or in broad daylight?What would it be like to live under the same roof as him?Bloody pictures filled my imaginative mind.

I shook my head vigorously.Why are you so worried, I am a teacher now, and the teacher is the biggest, so I don't believe they dare to do anything to the teacher.

If I can turn the rebellious Ye Fei into a well-behaved and lovely high school student, then it is certain that this will be one of the proudest achievements in my life.At that time, Ye Fei's parents will definitely come to thank me with big bags and small bags.

I stared blankly at him, the rough outline deeply attracted my attention.

The sun outside the window fell on Ye Fei.

He was wearing a crisp white coat and hand-tailored slacks, and he exuded an aura that made people dare not look at him just sitting quietly.That neat short hair looks very wild, a pair of deep black eyes are as charming as black gems, and under the straight bridge of the nose is a plump and sexy lip.

It hurts.

Lowering his head, his sacred chest was hit by a steamed bun.

Damn, this brat made me so unhappy early in the morning.

He came to Ye Fei's side in three steps and two steps.

It was too late, but it was too late, I grabbed his skirt with both hands.

"Stinky boy, are you impatient to live?"

"What?" Ye Fei gave me a blank look.

"To shut up."

Before Ye Fei could react, I had easily thrown Ye Fei out.

If he looked down on me because I was a woman, he would be very wrong.I have used Sanda before to deal with boredom, and it finally came in handy at this time.

Ye Fei immediately turned over and jumped up.

"Don't think you're a woman, don't think you're a teacher—"

Damn, hateful guy, he is still stubborn.

An over-the-shoulder fall knocked him to the ground.Ye Fei's anger rose ragingly, his eyes were full of murderous intent, it seemed that he was really angry.

"How dare you—"

"Why don't you dare? It's so deceiving. You dare to sneak attack on me. It's that part. If you don't want to live, just say so." Left uppercut, right uppercut, thunderbolt kick, mandarin duck foot, I hit, I hit.

"Teacher, I lost it just now, and you took revenge." A man with glasses said unhurriedly.

Impulsive, impulsive, too impulsive.How did I forget the horrible school rules?
The principal, vice-principal, director, head teachers of various classes, and activists all gathered in the office.There was a strange atmosphere in the office, and everyone was silent.

"I already know what happened—"

"Director, it's not what you think, it's him, he's gone too far." I still understand the principle of preemptive action.

"Enough, Mr. Zheng, things have come to this point, how can you still say that? Mr. Zheng, he is a student, and even our parents. How can you treat your parents with such a bad attitude? Shoulder fall, how can you use such a cruel atrocity on a child who is like a flower? How can you do it?"

Director Wang's face was pale, and other teachers also chose to be ready-made ostriches when they encountered this situation, and did not dare to have any opinions.

What I met was Ye Fei, a difficult person that even the principal dared not touch. He was the most troublesome person in the school, so that no one dared to provoke him openly. Even if they wanted to discipline him, they would only be polite Just a few words of persuasion.

Zheng Tianzhen, you big idiot, big fool.

No, I will be at a disadvantage if this goes on, and I may have to pay for this job.Cry, a woman's best weapon is tears—

In an instant, the tears were like the opening of the river, a handful of snot and a handful of tears, just like the tigress when he was punched and kicked just now.This is woman, this is life.

"Mr. Zheng, Mr. Zheng Tianzhen, don't do this. If you have anything to discuss, don't cry, don't cry."

Done, the director finally spoke softly.

The first step was still successful, so I hurried to make persistent efforts, and I hurriedly pretended to be weak.

"How could he bully a weak woman like me in this way in broad daylight?"

"What? Weak? Where are you weak? Were you weak when you threw me to the ground?" Ye Fei said angrily.

Boy, the skin is itching, on the surface he wiped away his tears, but in his heart he scolded this brat.

The dean of training had an extremely ugly face, coughed a few times, and tried to make big things into small things, and small things into nothing.

"Mr. Zheng, I think this matter is a misunderstanding. I will deal with it. You should leave first!"


"That's right, it was a misunderstanding, and I don't want to pursue it any further," Ye Fei said.

Boy, if your attitude changes quickly enough, you know the times.

Since he cooperated so much, of course there was no need to be fierce to him anymore, and as a teacher himself, it seemed that he should not use force to solve it like before.

Thinking that there was actually something wrong with him, he couldn't help showing a smile that turned hostility into friendship.

"Actually, I didn't punch you on purpose, because I haven't moved my hands and feet for a long time, and you are a very good opponent. On a whim, your fists are very good. In short, this is a misunderstanding. The teacher does not blame you. Don't worry about it! It's settled like that, haha!" I laughed dryly.

"That's right, that's right! Well, it's all right, let's go out!"

Finally came out of the devil's den.

The sun is so bright and the air is so fresh.

The blue sky stretches as far as the eye can see, the color tone is as bright as a watercolor painting, and there are a few clouds dotted almost at the end.

"Look, it's Ye Feiye!"

The surprise sounds of a group of girls resounded on the campus.

They pointed and nodded at Ye Fei, their eyes shining brightly.What is so great about Ye Fei, and why did it attract cheers from all the girls?How good is Ye Fei?How could it make the Hajin girls so crazy?

"You owe me a favor, how will you repay me?" Ye Fei threw me a sentence.

"What?" I couldn't believe my ears.repay?What kind of kindness and virtue does he have towards me that I need to repay?

"Go to the supermarket after get off work to buy something delicious, and give me an extra meal at night."

"Hey, brat, don't bully people too much."

"Is this the way you treat your benefactor? Thanks to me, who is as broad-minded as the Pacific, you were able to keep this job. You stinky girl who doesn't know how to be grateful."

"Stinky boy—"

"You don't even think about what kind of job you can find if you have no appearance, no looks, no education, no work experience, and no backer. Well, let's not talk about it, so as not to make you feel inferior. The extra meal is 70.00% of your salary five. By the way, I know your monthly salary, so don't try to get away with it."

"you you--"

"Then we'll see you tonight."

Ye Fei whistled and swaggered away.

I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off.What else can I do but beat my chest and stamp my feet?

Nemesis, nemesis, Ye Fei is definitely the nemesis of Zheng Tianzhen's life journey.

*The copyright of this article is reserved. Without the authorization of "Flower Season Culture", please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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