Chapter 123
Because after weighing the balance, Batu took the initiative to agree with Butong that he would be the internal response in the city, but in order to make Batu do his best, Butong promised to capture Bayin City and he was still the lord of Bayin City.

Batu, who returned to the city with a good mood, started a latent life.On the one hand, he refused to work for Shu Qing on the grounds of recuperating his injuries; on the other hand, he began to contact wealthy businessmen and big households in the city in private while he had time at home.

The rich merchants and big households in the city are all from the Da Yue clan, and they were originally unwilling to treason like Batu.But under Batu's coercion and temptation, many people began to shake their firm hearts.

Batu was waiting for the final blow from Shu Qing, and he was paying attention to the amount of grain in the granary and Shu Qing's movements every day.Batu knew that he could not persuade wealthy businessmen and big households to join him, but if Shu Qing concentrated the food in the city to distribute the supply because of the shortage of food and grass.Those rich businessmen and big households who are for their own interests will join their own camp.

After returning from Shuqing, Tour sent his generals to collect food in the city.While collecting food, it was given the pretext of unified distribution.The generals under Tour's command collected the grain of all the people in the city, but they were obstructed when they went to the homes of rich merchants and big families to collect grain!

Although these generals are all from the city of Bloom, they are not reckless at all.Instead, he reported back to Tour after being obstructed!
Because there are soldiers and slaves in the homes of rich businessmen and big families, it is okay if they are a family.But now it is the rich merchants and big households in the whole city who refuse together. The family soldiers and slaves in the hands of these people add up to at least 1 people.Tur didn't dare to neglect, and quickly found Shu Qing to report the matter.

"These damned profiteers!" After hearing Tour's report, Shu Qing thought that those merchants joined forces with all the big households in the city to blackmail them for interest, so he cursed angrily.Then he told Tour: "Tell these wealthy businessmen and big households clearly that the grain is borrowed from them by the state! It will be returned in the future, and an extra [-]% will be added!"

"What?" Tull was a little surprised, and then asked, "Master! Thirty percent, is this too much?"

"If not, do you think those people would agree to hand over the grain?" Shu Qing asked back.

Before Tuer could reply, Shu Qing continued: "If they don't hand it in, do you want to send troops to snatch it? If you rob their food, according to their respective strengths, there will be chaos in the city! At that time, you have to first Should we suppress the rebellious soldiers in the city, or repel the enemies outside the city first?"

After listening to what Shu Qing said, Tur understood!Then he nodded and said: "Please rest assured, Commander! The last general will personally supervise the generals under his command. If any of them do not act according to the Commander's words! I will behead their heads and apologize to the Commander!"

"Hmm!" Shu Qing smiled noncommittally at Tull's statement.Then he waved to Tour and said, "Go ahead and execute it!"

"Yes!" Tull stepped back after saluting.

After the rearrangement, Tour began to supervise the generals to collect food.Because of the guarantee, and it was said by the second prince Shuqing.Many big households and rich merchants turned in their grain, and the granary in charge of Tour began to pile up grain for a while.

However, this is on the surface.Secretly, those rich merchants and big households who handed over their grain have agreed to cooperate with Batu to become the internal response of the Western Regions Allied Forces to attack the city gate and send them to the Western Regions Allied Forces.

Shu Qing's envoy for help arrived at the camp in Shuhai City and explained to Shu Nanting that Bayin City was besieged after Tur's defeat.And ask Shu Nanting to send elite soldiers to rescue!

Knowing that the situation was critical, Shu Nanting dispatched [-] troops from the Tie family and Luo commander to rescue.

Afterwards, the coalition forces of Dayuezhi State and Qin State fought against the Huns together.

Seeing the unrivaled heavy armored cavalry in the Qin army camp, the Huns began to panic!
Touman quickly recruited Ying Quan and asked, "General, what is the weakness of this heavy cavalry?"

"When facing the enemy head-on, it can be said that there is no weakness!" Ying Quan replied to Touman very sincerely.

Just when Touman wanted to order to retreat without fighting, Ying Quan said again: "If you find a group of warriors who are very good at shooting, and shoot horse eyes and human eyes far away from the heavy armored cavalry, I believe you will be able to achieve great results! "

Touman's eyes lit up immediately, and he laughed a lot at the fear of the heavy cavalry.But he couldn't have summoned so many good shooters without preparation, so he planned to withdraw his troops and return to the camp.

Just when Touman was about to order his troops to withdraw to the camp and retreat without fighting.Knowing that there was a general in the Qin army opposite who killed his brother, Yasko drove his horse to the front of the battle.

Holding up his spear, Yasko shouted, "Come out whoever killed my brother! I want to kill you to avenge my brother!"

Xiang Yu had heard Yasko's yelling in the battle, but he didn't dare to act rashly without Feng Jie's order.

Seeing that no one in the Qin army responded, Yasko was furious and kept insulting Xiang Yu's family and ancestors.Then he turned to insulting Ying Zheng and Feng Jie's ancestors, and Feng Jie was also furious at this time.

I saw Feng Jie called Xiang Yu and ordered: "To the two or five hundred masters, order to kill this man to strengthen our army!"

Upon hearing Feng Jie's order, Xiang Yu, who had been agitated for a long time, cupped his hands and said, "I will not disgrace my life! I will definitely kill this official!"

Waving the iron gun, Xiang Yu charged in front of Yasko.Then they fought without saying a word, and the dust flew up for a while.The sound of weapons colliding could not be heard, and the generals and sergeants of the two sides witnessed an extremely exciting duel.

Yasi Ke's martial arts are different from Ya Sifeng's. His martial arts are very proficient and powerful.As soon as they fought, Xiang Yu felt a little strenuous.

After all, Xiang Yu's experience in fighting in front of the battle is still very little, although he has a lot of experience in fighting people.But they didn't use all their strength and ultimate moves, unlike the fight with Yasko now.

Yasko, who is desperate to move and move, taught Xiang Yu a lesson. The battlefield is not a joke and there is no chance to do it again.Xiang Yu, who regards fighting on the battlefield as a child's play and a little arrogant, began to change.

After twenty rounds, Xiang Yu has adapted to Yasco's style of play.Start looking for his flaws, and find a way to defeat Yasco.

After [-] minutes, Xiang Yu began to really exert his strength.As soon as the weapon touched, Yasko felt the god-like power coming from the opponent.Suddenly, my hands were numb from the shock!
Yasko, who was about to walk away, suddenly found that Xiang Yu's weapon was coming, but he had to use all his strength to resist the divine power from Xiang Yu's weapon.Yasko felt his hands were wet, and he knew that Xiang Yu's jaws had been broken by Xiang Yu just like the enemy generals he had beheaded in the past!
(End of this chapter)

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