Chapter 202 My name is Su Bai
In the direction of the villa, Sanbo had already strode over, and Qin Changsheng saw him immediately.

Sanbo walked in front of Su Hong and bowed very respectfully: "Miss."

When she regained her senses, Su Hong's eyes were very sharp: "Uncle San, let me ask you, did you really see her go in?"

After being stunned for a moment, Sanbo came to his senses: "Miss, are you talking about Miss Luoluo?"

"It's her!" Su Hong became nervous, "Where did she go?!"

Stretching out his finger to the depths of the miscanthus bushes in the distance, Sanbo could only slightly frown uncertainly: "I only saw her going there from a distance, I remember that there was no road there, the miscanthus bushes and reeds There are swampy land everywhere, it is not easy to walk, pass through the miscanthus bushes, and not far ahead is the resort newly developed by the leading developer, and I heard that it has been completed."

"Okay! Uncle, go get busy, remember! Don't tell Xiaobai a word!"

Seriously reminding the third uncle again and again, Su Hong kicked off her high-heeled shoes and stepped into the field barefoot. Qin Changsheng's eyes widened when he saw it, and he quickly picked up her high-heeled shoes and hugged her In his arms, he followed Su Hong and shouted: "Wait for me! Su Hong! Your feet will hurt—"

Seeing the two of them going away, Sanbo thought for a while, then looked at Su Hong's sports car parked by the side of the road, followed Su Hong's instructions, turned around and went back to the villa.

At this time, Ye Luo had already been submerged in the tall Miscanthus clumps, and the road under his feet was no longer a road, and when he stepped on it, there would be "sizzling" blisters, which seemed to be a piece of swamp land, fortunately, it was not too serious The swamp, otherwise Ye Luo might be stuck in it and unable to get out.

But at this time, her mind was still so unclear and dizzy due to the influence of the medicine, those intermittent memory fragments, as she went deeper into the reeds, more and more popped up!
Strenuously pushing aside the tall and thick reeds, Ye Luo breathed heavily and quickly, the miscanthus and reed leaves drew bloodstains on her arms, but she didn't seem to feel it, just kept walking forward, walking all the way , the phone in the bag has rang countless times, but she just didn't answer it.

The scene in front of him was suddenly like an illusion, overlapping and overlapping, like the scene from a long time ago, overlapping with the miscanthus and reeds in front of him, vaguely, Ye Luo seemed to be able to see a little outline.

"To... the sunflower?"

Originally, this land should not have miscanthus and reeds, but sunflowers?
With a pause in footsteps, Ye Luo panted heavily, turned around suddenly, and when she turned her head, the reeds and miscanthus disappeared instantly. In an instant, as far as the eye could see, there were large fields of sunflowers, as beautiful as a fairyland on earth!
A meaningful smile appeared on Ye Luo's pale face: "Yes... sunflowers... that should be sunflowers! That's how it should be!"

Before the joy was over, there was a distant sound of playfulness in Ye Luo's ears. It sounded like a child's laughter, approaching from far away.

Soon, a small figure jumped out of the sunflower field, about six or seven years old, wearing a small white skirt, long hair, and bare feet, burrowing around in the tall sunflower stems , the laughter spread to the sky.

Suddenly, the little girl stopped, her laughter also stopped, she stretched her neck and turned her face to the side, not knowing what to look at, Ye Luo seemed to be bewitched, and couldn't help stretching her head to look, but it was a pity that she was caught by Sunflower. Clusters of thick flower stems were blocked.

Unknowingly, Ye Luo raised her foot, but she couldn't walk over, there were still puddles of muddy water under her feet, but she walked forward like sleepwalking as if she didn't feel it.

Finally, I went around to the little girl and followed her gaze. It turned out that there was a little boy hiding in the corner of the sunflower field next to him. He was wearing a shirt and suspenders. He looked like a kid from a rich family, holding With his knees huddled under the roots of the sunflower, the sun's rays hit him through the huge sunflower leaves, dancing on his long eyelashes.

What a beautiful little boy!
At that moment, such a thought popped into Ye Luo's mind. For some reason, she looked at the little girl's dazed appearance, and felt that she had the same thought in her heart.

This feeling... so strange!How does she seem to know what this little girl is thinking?
Blinking, the little girl seemed a little overwhelmed, but she bravely walked towards the little boy: "So you are here..."

The little boy didn't answer, and the little girl was a little discouraged. She looked up at the sunflower sky and smiled until her big eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

"You are not good! I saw you running here to hide so mischievously! Your parents are very anxious to find you!"

"Don't worry about it!"

The little boy was an awkward child at the moment, he turned his head to the other side angrily: "I don't like this place! I don't want to stay here!"

Blinking her big eyes suspiciously, the little girl yelled at him bluntly: "I don't like you and you're still hiding in this flower field?"

"I—" Couldn't find the words to refute, the little boy blushed, "I dare not... go out!"

The little girl gave a "puchi" smile, sat down beside him generously, and took the initiative to show her affection: "My name is Luoluo! What's your name?"

In an instant, Ye Luo's heart trembled——

Luoluo? !
His eyes moved over the little girl's face and landed on the little boy, Ye Luo's heart was lifted up: "Then he is—"

The little boy looked at the little girl beside him hesitantly, sniffed, and mumbled out a sentence: "My name is...Su Bai..."

A sudden pain in my heart——

Ye Luo clutched her chest and almost knelt down, bent down and panted heavily, her brow was covered in cold sweat, and she seemed to hear the little girl's voice in her ears.

"Su Bai? Hmm! Then I'll call you Xiaobai from now on..."

The voice quickly faded away and disappeared. When Ye Luo came to catch her breath, she suddenly raised her head——

Where else are there sunflowers?Where are the little boys and girls?In front of her eyes, there are still thick reeds and miscanthus bushes!
And the wet swamp beneath my feet.

"How could it be..." Staring at all this, Ye Luo's eyes were red, and he muttered to himself, "Could it be that I really... knew him a long time ago?"

If it was a memory just now, if it was her and Su Bai just now, they knew each other at such a young age?
Then how could she have no impression at all? !

She is impressed!She remembers it!It's just that she seemed to be held down by her subconscious mind, preventing that memory from coming out, she was lying to herself, hiding it from herself!
But the body is very honest, the memory exists in the mind, even if she forgets it for a while, it cannot be erased!

(End of this chapter)

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