Fuji Avenue

Chapter 480 The Deadly Game and the Reason You Cannot Go

Chapter 480 The Deadly Game and the Reason You Cannot Go

Of course, it is impossible to agree to the idea of ​​these people who are full of guns.

When he was about to speak, little Ada suddenly said: "Let everyone have a fair chance to compete. This is the rule of the ancient city. Each of you can have me."

As she spoke, her figure flickered, and a dozen girls exactly like her appeared in the open space.

Little Ada said: "These are me, we are exactly the same, each team just pick one."

A group of people moved quickly, and a group took away an Ada.

"What about the big-mouth scorpion?" Another person said, "We also want the big-mouth scorpion."

Little Ada smiled and said, "That's easy to say."

After finishing speaking, Tuntian's shadow also shook.After Shao Qing, every little girl has a big-mouthed scorpion next to her.

Little Ada said: "What will happen, everyone is fair?"

"Still not," someone in the crowd yelled, "How do we know that you won't collude with Wei Buer and give us fake products to trick us away."

"It's reasonable!" Another person said, "Let's switch with Wei Buer, come to my place, little girl."

Liu Mingxiang trembled with anger, and said, "Why?"

San Chou said: "We risked our lives to enter the ancient city, and passed many tests until now, not to serve as a foil for you, do you think we might just let you leave like this?"

"There are only two paths in front of you," said the big ugly, "either, hand over little Ada, or, we join hands to go up the mountain, and when we arrive at World Mountain, we will each get the fruit according to our ability."

"Every group has little Ada," Yi Xuan whispered, "These people still refuse to leave, are they too dissatisfied?"

Xiuxiu said: "It's not that they are dissatisfied. It's that they can't leave, and they dare not leave."

She was right.Bu Er has already seen the situation clearly——

If the fruit of the world is likened to a door, these many little Idas are the keys to true and false.Unused keys are most likely genuine keys.

No one wants to open the door with a fake key, because the way to find the door is too difficult and dangerous.If the key fails to open the door after paying a huge price, the winner cannot be won, and all efforts will be in vain.

What's worse, the monks who died during the adventure will not be able to be resurrected. This is the cruelest result, and no one dares to take such a risk.It is not difficult to understand that although time is pressing, they are unwilling to leave no matter what.

As far as Fuji is concerned, of course it is impossible to hand over little Ada, nor is it possible to cooperate with these people.One, he couldn't trust them, couldn't predict when these people would stab him in the back.Second, snatching the fruit of the world is an extremely difficult process that requires delicate cooperation. If one step is not careful, the whole game will be lost, and it is impossible to involve miscellaneous people.

This is a fatal contradiction that is fundamentally opposed and difficult to reconcile!

In addition, there is another major concern in Bu Er Xin - someone has already said it for him:
"Wei, you are cooperating with the Jiao people and traitors. We have so many eyes on her. If you don't hand her over, after we leave the ancient city, we will be executed by the clan alliance."

This is the deadliest point.

Many times, reality forces people to be cruel.

It is impossible for Buer to leave any handles behind, making it a sharp weapon to hurt him and his friends after the ancient city is over.

The number above his head reminded him that he could not delay any longer, and the experience in the first half of his life gave him the confidence to dare to make decisions at critical moments.

He waved the Qingyun sword, and the heads of the people who had just spoken just now rolled to the ground while they were still standing.

Blood sprayed from the neck to the sky, and two bright red blood columns spewed out, like scattering flowers.Immediately afterwards, his body also fell to the ground.

Just at this moment, everyone can see that no one here is Wei Buer's opponent.It doesn't add up enough.

The crowd was quiet, like a graveyard for the dead.

"I give you two choices,"

He raised the Qingyun sword and gestured towards the crowd: "Either get out; or die."

No one moved.

Fuji said again: "I'll count to three. If you haven't left, don't leave."

Before the three words were spoken, the "Five Talents of Huashan" slipped away with their little Ada and the big-mouthed scorpion in their arms, running faster than a rabbit.Many people followed suit.

When a person was about to leave, he sneaked a peek at Buer and cast a vicious look.

Bu Er swung his sword and cut him in two.The two parts of the body flew out about ten feet each, and one of them hit a monk who hadn't had time to leave, causing him to be covered in blood, and he screamed for a while.

The nearby monks became even more frightened, and ran away one by one.


Liu Mingxiang was stunned, and he said after a while, "Is it... killing too much?"

"Hey," Gu Yousheng shook his head and said, "Brother Wei is too soft-hearted. Why do you leave so many alive? Just kill them all. These people are full of evil intentions. After Brother Wei goes out, they will be in trouble." .”

"Fellow Daoist Gu is too worried," Chi Xin said with a smile, "There are still six hours left, I don't think Brother Wei will let them get out alive."

Xiuxiu smiled and said, "Brother Wei left these people's lives to increase our chances of capturing the fruit."

Chu Yue said: "The topic of the world forest has just started, the more monks who enter the forest, the better."

Bu Er nodded, only Xiu Xiu and Chu Yue understood his real intention.

"How do you say that?" Chi Xin asked.

"If we are the only team entering the World Forest," Xiuxiu said, "the enemy's targets will be concentrated on us, and the possibility of us getting the World Fruit will be very small. Now there are still so many monks sharing the enemy's attention for us." The enemy's attention will be distracted, and our chances of success will be very high."

Bu Er blinked at the years.

Years nodded.He thought she should understand that soon, the Horn people would sneak into the World Forest.These horn people will not participate in the fruit competition, but they will follow behind the human monks like ghosts.When the sun is about to rise, these monks will bid farewell to this world forever.

This is the guarantee that they will not be wanted by the Zongmeng after they leave the ancient city.

When Ada announced the rules of this world, this result was doomed, and she had already understood it.

"Daddy," little Ada whispered to him, "don't worry. All I gave them were avatars, and my memory is not very good. The one I gave you is the real one, the smartest one. Who called me your daughter?"

Fuji sighed.If he really had such a daughter, he might not be safe for the rest of his life.

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(End of this chapter)

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