Fuji Avenue

Chapter 494

Chapter 494


Li Ran glanced into the jar again, and saw a person's mouth opened in the middle of the dark mud, and then sank into the muddy water and disappeared.

Wan'er said: "I knew this earlier, so why bother?"

"Who is he?" Li Ran pointed at the jar, her fingers trembling.

Wan'er sighed, the sarcasm on her face gradually faded, and said: "A ghost, a ghost who has committed a great crime, the soul body is torn apart, only the dirtiest sludge can preserve it."

"Don't say it's useless!" Li Ran grabbed Wan'er's neckline and tugged hard, "Who the hell is it?"

"He is..." Wan'er looked down at the porcelain altar in her arms, which shook with difficulty.She said: "A senior brother in this sect."

"You're lying!" Li Ran suddenly grabbed Wan'er's neck, "Tell me! Who is he!"

Wan'er's face was flushed red, the bright moonlight shone on her face, and the distorted expression was clearly visible.

"Li Ran!"

Chu Yue and Liu Mingxiang hurried forward and pulled Li Ran away forcefully.

Liu Mingxiang said: "Calm down, it's just a jar."

"Jar?" Li Ran was hugged by Chu Yue, struggling, staring at Wan'er's arms, "That's because you don't know who this mud is."


Wan'er suddenly raised her head and pointed outside, "Look, what's there?"

Li Ran sneered, "You think I'll be fooled?"

Liu Mingxiang looked out of the cave. In the night, the figures of two big bears and one small bear were rushing over from a distance, and their shadows were cast on the ground.

"Bearman," she gritted her teeth with a pale face, "it's a bearman!"

"Ah," Yi Xuan said, "Could you smell the smell I made just now?"

All the girls looked out of the cave, only to see three bears about ten feet away running towards this side.The moonlight shone on them, revealing indifferent faces.Their front paws waved in the moonlight, and their hoarse growls pierced the tranquility of the night.

Liu Mingxiang said: "What should we do?"

"When they are approaching the entrance of the cave, I can let them stay in a daze for a while," Wan'er said, "Kill them while they are here."

Yi Xuan said: "Gu Yousheng said that the bear's skin is very thick, I'm afraid it's hard to kill."

"Get ready, let's try," Chu Yue said, "If it doesn't work, run away."

The bears ran closer and closer, with a clear growl and heavier footsteps—soon, they reached the entrance of the cave.


"The Eye of Enchantment!"

As Wan'er spoke, her eyes were dimly lit, and she walked towards the entrance of the cave.

The low growl of the bear man stopped for a moment.Liu Mingxiang looked forward—the three huge figures were in a daze, their movements were stiff, and they stood at the door of the tree hole, completely blocking the moonlight.


After Chu Yue finished speaking, all the girls came out from the bear man's crotch.

Chu Yuefang rushed over, and when she turned around and waved her hand, a sword glow slashed at the neck of a bear man, without even cutting the fur.

"If you can't beat it, withdraw!" She hurriedly rushed out.

After running for more than ten zhang, he heard a roar behind him, followed by heavy footsteps.

Looking back, the bear man woke up, turned around and chased after him.

Xu Shicai's blow caused a little pain just now, and the bear man who was hit had a hideous face, roaring again and again, and his voice echoed in the forest.

"Oops," Liu Mingxiang said, "Will the three-headed bird be recruited again?"

Chu Yue glanced back and said, "This won't work, we have to separate."

"But," Yi Xuan said, "without Liu Mingxiang, none of us would know the way."

"I know," Chu Yue said, "I will lead a team to the left, and Liu Mingxiang will lead a team to the right. We will separate now, and we will be in the seventh bear cave from east to west, and the eighth cave from north to south." Gather under the spruce tree north of the bear cave."


Liu Mingxiang, Li Ran, and Wan'er were divided into a team, running forward and backward.

They were chasing a bear man behind him. He was tall and big, but his steps were not clumsy at all.

"It's over," Liu Mingxiang glanced back, and said, "I have to catch up right away."

"I'll hold it back," Li Ran said, "You two should run away first."

Liu Mingxiang wanted to talk about seniority. He was Li Ran's uncle, so there was no reason for the younger generation to be the queen.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" She said, "You let it slap to death, it can stop the ass! I'll go."

As she spoke, she suddenly stopped and walked back.Without saying a word, Li Ran followed behind her.

Wan'er said: "If you two want to die, just do it, I won't appreciate it."

As he spoke, he ran a few steps forward, stopped again, and turned around to run back.

"Why are you back?" Liu Mingxiang asked.

"I don't know the way." Wan'er said.

Seeing the three people returning, the bear man also slowed down, gritted his teeth, and growled a few times.

The three girls stood side by side, facing the bear man.It is better to say that death is like home than to say that it is ready to fight.

Suddenly, the porcelain altar in Wan'er's hand shook.


The porcelain altar slipped from her hands and fell to the ground, shattering into a puddle.

The mud spilled all over the ground, wriggling on the turf, and soon turned into the face of a middle-aged man.

Li Ran stared at Mu Mu's face.

"Uncle Master!" Liu Mingxiang exclaimed.


When the bear man saw the mud surging on the ground, he seemed to be a little curious, and watched from a distance of several feet.

Li Qingyun opened his mouth suddenly, and spat out a puddle of foul-smelling mud, which landed on the bottom of the bear man's feet, engulfing its feet completely.

The bear raised his leg and moved forward, but the sticky mud stuck to his leg, making him unable to take a step forward.Angry, it exerted more force, but the bear's body sank little by little into the mire.

Liu Mingxiang said: "Disciple Liu Mingxiang, I pay my respects to the sect master's uncle."

Li Qingyun's muddy face slowly rose from the ground, looking directly at the three girls.He said, "Hurry up and run away, I'm here."

"Who asked you to sell it?" Li Ran gritted her teeth and said, "Li Qingyun, it's great that you really didn't die."

"Li Ran!" Liu Mingxiang said, "Why are you so ignorant? I don't care about you."

Li Ran looked at Li Qingyun and said, "I've been waiting so hard for this day."

As he spoke, he rushed towards Li Qingyun.

Liu Mingxiang quickly pulled her back, and said to Li Qingyun: "Uncle Master, let's run away while the bear man can't move!"

"I need to be here to control this mud. It won't work after I leave," Li Qingyun said, "Liu Mingxiang, I order you to take her and leave quickly. I will deal with it here."

Liu Mingxiang said: "But..."

"It's just a bear, can't you take care of it as the head?" Li Qingyun's muddy face twitched, and small pieces of mud fell from his face from time to time, "You... Hurry up, don't miss the important thing."

Wan'er said, "Let's go quickly."

Liu Mingxiang hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Follow the order of the head!"

As he said that, he wanted to pull Li Ran away.

Li Ran pushed her away, causing her to almost fall to the ground.

"Go away," Li Ran said, "Be careful I'll kill you."

Liu Mingxiang was stared at fiercely by her, and he felt a little flustered in his heart, and said for a long while: "If I don't care anymore, you're a bastard!"

Said, followed Wan'er and fled to the distance.

"Liu Mingxiang,"

After walking a few steps, Li Qingyun said from a distance: "Remember what you said earlier."

Liu Mingxiang looked back at him.His eyes were like melting ice in a spring river, full of burning hope, which she will never forget.

Her heart trembled, and she fled forward.

 At present, the average order is 3138, and the high order is 7291. Thank you very much for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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