Chapter 10

Xie Moji thought for a long time, but to no avail, then he dug out the phone address book and dialed Dr. Shan's phone.When no one answered, she called his office number again.A long time after the call was connected, a slightly unfamiliar male voice answered.

After Xie Moji explained his purpose, the other party said: "Doctor Shan is in the operating room, what do you want me to tell you?"

"You are... Doctor Zuo?"

The other party responded quickly: "Yes, you are Miss Xie?"

"Well. I don't have anything important, I just want to ask Dr. Shan something about my hospitalization." She said tremblingly.

Doctor Zuo said with a clear tone, "You finally came to ask..."

Xie Moji's heart trembled: "What do you mean?"

"In order to save you, Doctor Shan experimented on his own body, was exposed to the virus, and was forced to rest for half a year. I thought that even if you forgot other things, you would always have a little impression of Doctor Shan..."


An inexplicable emotion gushed out from Xie Moji's heart, rushing mightily to every corner of his body.Her whole body seemed to be submerged by a huge wave, and it was difficult for her to breathe and see and hear. She stood stupidly holding the phone for a long time before waking up from the busy tone of the phone.

Xie Moji returned home in a daze, mechanically selecting vegetables, washing vegetables, washing rice, and cooking.Just about to cook, I received a call from Lu Yu's mother.

"Mo Ji, I made black chicken soup for you, I'll send it to you now." Aunt Lu said happily on the other end of the phone.

Xie Moji's originally idle expression suddenly became fearful. "Auntie, let Lu Yu drink the black chicken soup, he works so hard." After living alone for more than ten years, suddenly there is another person who greets you.In addition to being moved, she felt more uneasy.

"There's more here at Lu Yu, I'll send it to you later." Lu Yu's mother insisted, "There is one more thing I have to say, Mo Ji, let me meet your second elder when you have time, this is what we should be there Etiquette."

Xie Moji was taken aback after hearing this, but he didn't expect her to bring up the old matter again.Just as the oil was boiling, she asked her aunt to wait a while and put the sliced ​​vegetarian chicken into it piece by piece, before answering the phone again.

"Auntie, my parents have long since passed away." She made a quick decision within a few seconds.Thinking about it, I still don't want to go against my principles and deceive an old man.

"Mo Ji, it's hard for you to live alone for so long... It's hard for me to imagine, at such a young age, how did you bear the sudden bad news?" Lu Yu's mother's voice was obviously lowered.

Xie Moji sniffled, knowing that this moment was also a page in her life that she had to cross.Just like when she used her eight-year-old immature body to bear the instant collapse of a beautiful family.She pretended to be relaxed and said, "Auntie, it's not unexpected. They struggled for a year before leaving..."

As soon as she finished speaking, both of them fell into a huge silence.

It wasn't until the crackling sound of the frying pan broke the suffocating atmosphere that Xie Moji summoned up the courage to say to the phone: "Auntie, I'll eat black chicken soup next time! I'm a little busy now, so I'll chat with you later."

"Okay, okay, go ahead." Aunt Lu hung up the phone in a hurry.

Xie Moji put down the phone, feeling a little sad.He called Lu Yu, but he couldn't get through.She was a little out of sorts all of a sudden.Thinking of Lu Yu saying that his parents had a heavy feudal mindset, he faintly felt something was wrong.

If his parents objected, would Lu Yu still insist?

She was taken aback by the sudden question that popped into her mind.Tell yourself desperately, yes, yes.But as he talked, even he doubted himself.Lu Yu is so filial and has a sense of responsibility, why is he really willing to confront his parents for himself?As she thought about it, her heart became heavier.I have no appetite to eat the finished dishes.

After dinner, she called Lu Yu again, and the other party reminded her that the phone had been turned off.She wondered if Lu Yu did it on purpose, and her heart was cold.Climbed to the Internet to watch funny comedies, obviously ridiculous movies, but she watched them with a frown.

Halfway through, a phone call came in.She thought it was Lu Yu, and happily picked it up, but the other party froze when she heard her crooked voice, and then laughed.

"Mo Ji, who are you talking about with such a sweet voice?" It was Li Lushuang's voice.

Her heart sank, and she slowly came back to her senses: "Lu Shuang, what's the matter?"

"Qin Qi asked me to go to KTV to sing tomorrow night, and asked me to call a few more friends and say that the crowd would be more lively. How about it, then you and Lu Yu should go too."

Li Lushuang's invitation really wasn't the right time, but she didn't want to spoil her good friend's favor, so she hesitated for a long time before telling the truth: "Lu Shuang, Lu Yu and I are having a relationship, why don't we join?"

"Arguments are more likely to come. Once the song is sung and people are happy, all worries and troubles will be over." Li Lushuang said with a smile.

Seeing that what she said made sense, Xie Moji finally agreed.I thought, yes, just take this opportunity to communicate with Lu Yu and discuss countermeasures.

That night, Xie Moji didn't have that weird dream, but dreamed of Doctor Shan.

In the dream, the background was still the warm glass room and the bright and dark starry sky, but the man with a deep voice and sharp eyes turned into Doctor Shan.He looked at himself with a gentle face, with a friendly attitude, and smiled at Yanyan.The soft gaze was the same as when he was treating the female patient.

Opening her eyes, the dream disappeared, but the bright-eyed and handsome face in her mind still jumped out from time to time to interfere with her peaceful breathing, making her emotions gushing out like boiling water in the wee hours of the morning.No matter how you press it, you can't go back.

Doctor Shan, Doctor Shan... She murmured in her heart, raising her hands to her forehead, trying to block the moonlight outside.But he couldn't stop the tears slowly flowing from his eyes.She thought him so bad, so bad...

But it happened to be such a person who saved her so hard, and never said a word in front of her...

Shan Wangchen just came out of the inpatient department.Because of working all day, he looked very tired, and there was a large blue shadow under his sharp and energetic eyes.The fluffy black bangs brushed his forehead slightly in the wind, forming a great contrast with the snow white around him.Because of this color contrast effect, he looks very eye-catching walking in the outpatient building.From time to time, someone stopped to greet him, and he responded politely, with a trace of tiredness in his eyes.

Seeing him walk into the office, Zuo Xiaojian, who was reading a book, was a little surprised, and asked casually, "Aren't you off work? Why are you here?"

"Let me see if there is anything that needs help here." Shan Wangchen glanced at him, walked to his seat, picked up a bag of brewed juice, and made himself a full glass of bayberry juice.

A sweet and sour smell soon filled the office.Zuo Xiaojian couldn't help but sneezed, and said half-playfully, "Someone came to you just now. Didn't you come here to wait for her?"

"Who?" Shan Wangchen's hand holding the cup froze, and turned to look at Zuo Xiaojian.Looking at the smiling eyes of the other party, I already vaguely guessed who it was, "She's gone?"

"I don't know if she left. She just poked her head in to have a look, and slipped out when she found that you weren't there." Zuo Xiaojian put down the book in her hand, and had a premonition that a good show would be staged soon.

After listening to his speech, Shan Wangchen quickly picked up the bag hanging on the hanger, and walked out of the room before finishing the juice in the glass.

"Hey! Can't wait?" Zuo Xiaojian looked at his face that changed color instantly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Shan Wangchen put on a mask, and began to stride toward the parking lot.Halfway there, the phone rang, and it was a call from a nurse from the inpatient department.

"Doctor Shan, the patient in 411 said he wanted to see you again before the operation."

Shan Wangchen frowned slightly, and said helplessly, "You let her answer the phone."

"Dr. Shan, just now the nurse asked me to sign the consent form for the operation. It says that the risk of the operation is 5%. Is it possible that once I go in, I will never come out again?" The patient sighed on the phone.

"Miss Xu, every operation has risks, and our technology is very mature, so the probability of success is very high." He said patiently.

"If I don't know you when I come out, you have to remind me."

"Okay." Shan Wangchen perfunctory.His head swelled slightly, and a certain place in his memory was touched again.

From a distance, he saw his off-road vehicle parked at the corner of the green belt, bathed in the spring morning light.When he took out the key, he suddenly saw a person standing behind the car, his whole body tensed up.

"Doctor Shan." The other party also saw him and waved to him.He nodded slightly, remembering Xiao Jian's smiling face just now, and knew that he must have told her his parking space.

"I came here to ask you something." Xie Moji was wearing a red baby shirt, standing beside the black car, very eye-catching.

Shan Wangchen stopped in his tracks and looked at her silently for a few seconds, with an emotion that Xie Moji couldn't understand in his eyes.

Xie Moji's heart fluttered when he saw him, and he had already thought about what to ask, but now there was no sign of a single word.When she came to her senses, Dr. Shan had passed her and stepped into the car.

"Doctor Shan..." She slammed on the car window with a helpless expression.She knew that it would be impossible to get close to this single doctor without a thick skin.

Seeing Doctor Shan start the car, Xie Moji rushed to the front in a moment of impatience and stopped the front of the car.A screech of brakes sounded near her ears.She instinctively closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she saw Dr. Shan jumping out of the car and staring at her without blinking: "You don't want to die? Is there anyone who doesn't care about you so much?" His voice was very Loud, very harsh tone.

Xie Moji was frightened by his bad attitude, his feet were pinned to the ground instead, unable to move at all.

Seeing her at a loss, Shan Wangchen's face gradually warmed up, and his voice lowered: "Are you hurt?"

She shook her head and took the opportunity to ask him, "Doctor Shan, why did my leg hurt?"

"Your leg was injured?" Dr. Shan quickly approached her, and was about to squat down to check, when Xie Moji burst into laughter: "I asked why I broke my knee when I was hospitalized?"

Doctor Shan's movements stopped instantly, and he half bent over to look at her.There is a fiery light in the eyes.Before he took off his mask completely, his breath sprayed onto Xie Moji's face.

"Doctor Shan?" The man's strong aura forced her to back up, until her body hit the front of the car, causing her to grin her teeth in pain.

"Get in the car and talk about it." Dr. Shan suddenly looked away, stood up straight, returned to the car with a cold face, and restarted the car.Xie Moji rubbed his knees, followed Dr. Shan's footsteps in three steps, and got into his car.

The scenery outside the window passed by Xie Moji's eyes row by row, and those huge billboards only stayed for a few seconds before disappearing at the end of the window.Xie Moji sat in the back seat of the car, and when his hand touched the furry seat cushion, he felt a sense of peace in his heart.It seemed that only in this way could her restless heart settle down all night.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" She was at a loss for words.

"We'll eat when we get home." Doctor Shan's voice was hoarse.

Xie Moji couldn't help but look up at him in the mirror, only to find that Dr. Shan's eyes were on her as well.The four eyes met, and there was silence for a while.

After the car drove out for a long time, Doctor Shan asked, "Do you remember the past?"

She froze for a moment, and then said against her will: "I just remembered a little bit." She thought luckily, maybe she could use this method to dissuade Dr. Shan from his guard, and slowly figure out everything she wanted to know.

"What do you remember?" Doctor Shan asked softly, with a certain emotion suppressed in his voice.

"It was you who saved me at all costs... Thank you, Doctor Shan." Xie Moji's tongue was trembling, and he said something that even he was not completely sure about.

After listening to her, Doctor Shan's eyes suddenly darkened, he turned his head forward, and did not speak again.

(End of this chapter)

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