Chapter 25

After tidying up his mood, Xie Moji walked into the hospital.

It was already off-duty time, and the corridors of the outpatient building were empty, only a few patients were still paying for their medicines.She found out from the nurse on duty that Dr. Shan was in the inpatient department, and then walked back to the inpatient building.At this time, she was supposed to have dinner at home.But after hearing Zhao Rongsheng's words just now, there was only one thought left in his mind, that he must see Dr. Shan immediately, even if it was just for a quiet look.

"Are you that girl from the newspaper office?" Xie Moji, who was walking hurriedly, was stopped by a doctor who was coming out of the radiology department.

"How do you know me?" She was very surprised, and couldn't remember where she had interacted with the doctor in front of her.Could it be that she also met during her hospitalization?A chill ran down her spine.

"Last time you broke your leg, I didn't see it for you." Dr. Wang said with a smile, his sneaky eyes kept sweeping her face: "Are you here to interview Dr. Shan again?"

Xie Moji responded with a guilty conscience, just wanting to slip away quickly.

Dr. Wang was not in a hurry, and said with an expression of fearing that the world would not be chaotic: "Dr. Shan's popularity index in the hospital is very high recently, and many girls like it."

Xie Moji smiled, and continued chatting unintentionally, nodded and bowed his head and said, "Yeah, I won't bother you, I'll go first."

"Not busy, not busy," Dr. Wang glanced at her again, and said slowly, "By the way, during the interview, ask him how he got the scar on his hand. Maybe something else will come out. "

"If you have a chance, you must ask." Xie Moji smiled and ran away with his tail between his legs.But Dr. Wang hooked her in her heart, and she also became curious.How could such a cold person like Doctor Shan have such a scar?Is it a work injury?If you get the chance, you really have to ask.

When she reached the floor of the infectious disease department, she was stopped by the security guard at the door.It is said that it is an infectious disease area, and family members are not allowed to visit.She had no choice but to call Dr. Shan.But I was a little reluctant in my heart. I always felt that when I dialed the phone, the meeting between the two became very deliberate, not to mention that she had nothing important to do.

The call was answered by a woman who sounded like Yin Xiangwei. She told her that Dr. Shan was performing an operation and asked her what was the matter.She didn't expect such an episode, and she was not mentally prepared at all, so she didn't answer right away.

Dr. Shan seemed to be nearby, and asked Yin Xiangwei softly what was wrong.Yin Xiangwei said in a low voice, "The other party didn't respond", and Dr. Shan said, "Then hang up the phone, it's important to go for surgery."

So, before she could react, the phone was hung up like this.

Xie Moji lingered at the door of the floor for a while, seeing that there was no hope, he walked down the stairs discouraged.After walking a few steps, I ran into Dr. Zuo coming up from below.

"Xie Moji, you have to ask Lao Shan to treat you to dinner." Dr. Zuo said cheerfully when he saw her, and raised a stack of copied paper in his hand, "His paper has been published in the British Medical Journal. We You are queuing up to ask him to treat you to dinner. Of course, you must have priority."

"Really?" Xie Moji was very happy for Dr. Shan.Looking closer, the copy paper is full of dense English, and there are many professional terms, and my head suddenly swells.

"Translated into Chinese, it should be 'Sexual transmission is a double-edged sword'." Dr. Zuo pointed to the title and explained kindly. His major has begun! You go back and study hard."

Xie Moji took it in a daze.She didn't think about it at the time, but she soon discovered that it wasn't scientific.

In the next few hours, she found a western restaurant near the hospital to eat, and studied the ghost symbols on the paper while eating. Even if she checked a lot of English words on Baidu on her mobile phone, she only understood the general idea.The general idea seems to be that sexual transmission is one of the important ways to infect unknown viruses.But at the same time, proper sexual behavior during infection can help curb the spread of the virus.

After seeing it, she was a little puzzled. In her limited knowledge system, it seemed that she had never heard of such a perverted virus, which could be suppressed by sexual behavior.For her who has always abided by traditional morality, this is really a difficult fact to accept.Fortunately, it's just a paper. If it is published in a newspaper, I don't know what kind of big discussion it will trigger.

She read for a while longer, pushed the paper aside, and began to concentrate on eating.There is some escape in my heart, and some fear.Have you ever been treated in this way?If that was the case, who would be the one to have sex with her?I just can't think about it anymore...

With so many questions, she turned back to the hospital after eating.The phone rang as I entered the hospital gate.Then, it happened to be Doctor Shan.

"What do you want from me?" Dr. Shan asked in a low voice on the other end of the phone.

"Can we have an interview?" Her hand was shaking while holding the phone, not sure if she would have the guts to ask questions such as "sexual transmission" and "sexual relationship".

Following Dr. Shan's instructions on the phone, she ran to his outpatient office to wait for him.The door of the office was wide open, but no one was there.As soon as she sat down on the sofa by the wall, Doctor Shan pushed the door open and walked in. Her arms were wet, and her hair and forehead were covered with water.

"What's wrong?" In her impression, Dr. Shan was always a well-dressed and well-dressed person.Seeing him so unkempt now, it was hard to get used to it.

"I just took a cold shower. Tell me, what do you want to say to me?" He asked casually while wiping his hands with a towel.In my heart, I have concluded that she is making trouble for no reason.

"I read your thesis." She took out the crumpled paper from her bag, gritted her teeth and asked, "Has the hospital ever treated patients with sexual transmission?"

Ignoring her piercing gaze, Dr. Shan sat down in his seat and said flatly: "It is impossible for this kind of thing to happen at the hospital level. Because the chance of treatment in this way is very small. Only blood gene complementers can produce it." If there is no antibody, such sexual behavior will accelerate the transmission and spread of the virus. So we will not take this risk lightly.”

"That's it..." She was obviously relieved.

Hearing her gasp, Shan Wangchen stood up and took out a cigarette from his bag.After lighting it up quickly and taking a sharp puff, he walked over to the window, "Actually, you don't think of anything at all, do you?"

"So what?" Xie Moji slowly followed to the window, and when he smelled the aroma of burning tobacco, a vague picture flashed in his mind: in the dark ward, bright fireworks flickered.She opened her eyes slightly, and saw a fuzzy black figure standing quietly beside the bed.The room was so quiet that there was only the sound of time passing by.And this faint lingering tobacco aroma...

"If you remembered, you should have known that it wasn't Ying Chengbin who violated you that night." Dr. Shan's voice was cruel and clear, like a sharp knife tore apart Xie Moji's mood which he managed to calm down.

"It was Lu Yu who broke into my room that night?" All kinds of clues emerged in my mind, and there was no way to avoid or hide them.Xie Moji staggered back, his face pale.

She remembered the first interview with Dr. Shan, when Lu Yu asked her on the phone if she had met any acquaintances in the hospital.At that time, her mind was full of him, and she didn't have the IQ to doubt anything.And the time she missed the appointment, Lu Yu said, I sometimes feel that you are not pretending to be me... She tried to explain, she really thought she had neglected him.Now that I think about it, there is a demon in his heart.

She and Lu Yu have known each other for almost a year.For a long time, he obviously had many opportunities to tell himself about his illness, but he concealed it for no reason.She was worried because of this, how estranged she was from him to make this happen.Until now, I finally realized that he deliberately didn't want her to remember the past, remember his bad performance at that time...

Dr. Shan pursed his lips, and after quietly smoking a cigarette, he said slowly: "I thought he had confessed this to you a long time ago. He remembered the past shortly after he was discharged from the hospital. It's also very rare."

He also hid half a sentence and didn't say: How I wish he could remember, and you can too, but...Of course, he will never say such words.He threw away the cigarette butt and remained silent.

Xie Moji sat down on the sofa, suddenly a little thankful that she had exhausted the last bit of fate with Lu Yu before this.If they are still deeply in love now, how should she let go and let go?
"I still have something to do in the inpatient department, let's go?" Doctor Shan's cell phone rang, and he hung up the phone, looking worriedly at Xie Moji, who had a frozen expression.

Xie Moji stood up, like a drowning man grasping the floating board on the water, firmly grasped Dr. Shan's cool hand, and muttered: "Then did he violate me?"

"No." Doctor Shan frowned, and held her petite and cold hand back. "He was subdued. And your room was moved next to mine."

"Did you change the room for me?" Xie Moji squeezed his hand even harder, and the sweat accumulated on his palm rubbed against his hand.

"Yeah. I can take better care of you for convenience." Doctor Shan let go of her hand, picked up the medical records and reports on the table, and said, "Mo Ji, I really have to go, be careful on the way back."

The stimuli came one after another, and the wound that was just opened in the evening was opened again in the evening.

As soon as he got home, Xie Moji received a call from his college classmate Sang Ling, asking her to go to Kai Grand Hotel for a wedding next Saturday.Excelle is the most famous five-star hotel in Dongqu. When Xie Moji heard it, he yelled into the phone: "Rich woman, have you finally married a wealthy son-in-law?"

"Once in a lifetime, it must be beautiful." The bride said happily on the phone, "Remember to call Lu Yu, I will reserve two places for you."

"Sang Ling, I broke up with him..." Although he was talking about his own business, Xie Moji felt like a bystander.Lu Yu...that seemed to be a very distant person, so far away that he seemed to have met in a previous life.She didn't feel bad, but she could feel that there was still a place bleeding deep inside.

"Then bring any man here. Anyway, the place is already reserved, and it's a waste if it's empty." The bride said carelessly.

In this way, Xie Moji was brought into another trouble. Within a week, he found a man he knew well to accompany her to the wedding.This is not a difficult task, but when it comes to Xie Moji, it becomes even more difficult.She has very few friends of the opposite sex, and some of them lost contact after graduating from college.Now it is very difficult to change her into a living person.

The first man she targeted was Zeng Liang, and he was the only one in the unit who could talk to her in private.The other men are either unpredictable or secretive, Xie Moji can't afford to provoke them but can also hide them.

As soon as she arrived at the unit the next day, she found Zeng Liang in the cubicle and explained her request in detail.Zeng Liang's eyes lit up when he heard that there was a good thing about free food.The two agreed on a time, and on the day of the wedding, Zeng Liang's girlfriend happened to be going out on business, and she was free anyway, so he agreed.

After deciding on a good candidate, Xie Moji's heart settled down.The next thing to do is to count the days with your fingers.Outside of work, Xie Moji has already thought about what clothes and shoes to wear that day.Just waiting for that day to come and get ready to go.When she was in college, she was very sloppy about her dress, and she became more particular after she met Lu Yu.And this time, the reason why she paid so much attention to it was because she was completely guilty in her heart, and she didn't want her college classmates to see the sad appearance of her abandoned wife.

(End of this chapter)

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