Chapter 3

A night without dreams.

In the morning, the world began to drizzle.After Xie Moji had breakfast, he adjusted the recorder and hurried out, forgetting to bring his umbrella.As soon as he left the gate of the complex, he saw the black Passat on the side of the road and Lu Yu holding an umbrella.

She was slightly surprised, coming to intercept people at the door of the house early in the morning, this is not quite like Lu Yu's behavior style.But the doubts in my heart were quickly overshadowed by the joy that rushed to my heart.She hid under Lu Yu's umbrella, and asked with a smile, "Lu Yu, have you discovered your conscience? Do you know that you love your girlfriend?"

A smile floated on Lu Yu's fair face: "I'm on leave anyway, so why don't I come and take you to the hospital."

Lu Yu parked his car at the entrance of the tunnel opposite the hospital, and walked down the tunnel with Xie Moji.There are quite a few people in the tunnel, most of them are in a hurry, and they look like office workers.When Xie Moji took Lu Yu's hand and walked to the middle of the tunnel, the lights on both sides flickered for a moment, and suddenly they all turned off.

The woman next to Xie Moji was very insecure and screamed in fear.With this shout, the others followed suit.The originally smooth tunnel suddenly became chaotic.Many people rushed forward in a panic, and those who were pushed aside cursed and launched a new round of attacks.

Xie Moji was quite calm, after being squeezed to the side by a big guy, he simply leaned on the wall and walked.Lu Yu was originally by her side, but was squeezed into the middle by the crowd coming up from behind.

"Lu Yu, Lu Yu..." She shouted loudly, but her voice was quickly drowned out by all kinds of screams.

"Everyone, stop crowding and step on carefully." Someone in front reminded loudly, the voice sounded very familiar.Xie Moji moved forward carefully against the wall, feeling a little scared in his heart.There were people pushing against her all the time.She felt like her bones were about to be torn apart.

At this moment, a hand reached out from the darkness, grabbed her cold and trembling hand, and lifted her out of the human wall.

Is it Lu Yu?Xie Moji was moved inwardly.

Lu Yu didn't speak, just took her hand, skillfully avoided the chaotic crowd, and walked forward sparsely to avoid secrets.His back was blurred in the darkness, making it hard to see clearly.But that hand strength and that gait are familiar to Xie Moji, so he let him lead her with peace of mind, and asked as he walked, "I'll go to your house to find you after I finish the interview, okay?"

The other party did not answer.

When he was about to reach the tunnel entrance, he let go of himself, stroked her face with rough palms, and let go again.When Xie Moji grabbed his hand back, he accidentally touched a thin scratch on the back of his hand.I was startled, when did Lu Yu get hurt?

The light in front of him suddenly became sufficient, making people's eyes dazzle.When Xie Moji's eyes fully adjusted, the front of her was already empty, and the figure disappeared.

"Lu Yu wait for me..." She felt anxious and hurried forward to catch up, staggering and almost falling.

"Mo Ji, I'm here." Lu Yu's voice passed through the mottled figure, and suddenly came from behind.

Why is Lu Yu behind?Didn't he always lead himself in front?
In a blink of an eye, Lu Yu had caught up from behind and trotted to Xie Moji's side.He was panting heavily, his short, well-shaped hair was squeezed into a mess, and he looked very embarrassed.

"Lu Yu, give me your hand." She finally felt something was wrong.

Lu Yu smiled and stretched out his hands, thinking that she wanted to hold his hand.Unexpectedly, Xie Moji pulled his hand, looked at the back of the hand, and then grabbed the other hand.

After looking at it for a long time, I asked with a heavy heart: "Lu Yu, you were behind me just now?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to be so good at running." Lu Yu walked out of the tunnel with her, stroked the bangs on his forehead, stuffed the umbrella under his arm and said, "I'll take you here, put on the mask, Go home after the interview."

"Coward!" Xie Moji teased him, but he was still thinking about the scene just now.

She still vaguely remembered the tactile sensation when that hand caressed her face, and the dry and warm palm rubbed against her numbly and itchy.That way he pulled her forward without saying a word, it should be someone who knows her.What's more, the figure and the steps are so familiar.

But whose hand will it be?
She subconsciously searched for him on the street near the tunnel entrance.After scanning blankly for a long time, I realized that my thoughts were stupid and ridiculous.At that time, she only felt familiar, and she didn't see the specific appearance of the other party at all.Now let her look at the whole street and "ruthlessly and quickly" find that person, how can it be done!
Putting on the mask, Xie Moji walked into the hospital.There was a strong smell of disinfectant everywhere in the hospital, and everywhere the eyes could see were people.She went where there were too many people, and she found the Department of Infectious Diseases without much effort.

There are two masked nurses standing at the door of the consultation room of the Infectious Diseases Department. One is responsible for collecting medical records and the other is responsible for taking temperature.Xie Moji saw many people who looked like family members crowded at the door, asking about the patient's situation after admission.She doesn't remember much about what happened after she was admitted to the hospital, and she doesn't know if anyone came to visit her at that time.

After the patient's family members were dismissed, Xie Moji stepped forward and grabbed a nurse with double eyelids, explaining why he came.The nurse gave her a blank look, and said angrily, "Go to the meeting room next to you and wait. Dr. Shan is still making ward rounds in the inpatient department."

She expressed her thanks, walked into the room, and vaguely heard the nurse saying: "Really, I'm so busy, and there are always messy people here to make trouble."

She felt a little guilty when she heard it, and felt that the "messy person" in the nurse's mouth was referring to her.

She waited in the meeting room for nearly half an hour, adjusted the recorder three times, and read the introduction about the unknown virus in the meeting room twice, but the doctor Shan hadn't come yet.She became a little impatient, stood up and sat down several times, not knowing when she would have to wait.

The rain outside the window stopped at some point, and the sky became brighter, and even the light in the conference room was much better.She was looking at the piece of green in the fence at the entrance of the hospital in a daze, and the door creaked open.

A hurried voice said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry, Miss Xie, I can only give you 15 minutes."

Xie Moji turned around when he heard the sound, and met a pair of dark eyes.The owner of the eyes was wearing a mask and gloves, and his whole body was white.The sharp eyes were staring straight at him without any concealment.

Xie Moji guessed that he was Dr. Shan, hurried to the table and picked up the recording pen.But I was a little nervous in my heart, the eyes of this doctor Shan seemed a little scary.

"You are Doctor Shan, right? Can you give me a little more time? 15 minutes is not enough to talk about." She used tactful words while taking out the interview outline in her bag.

"Miss Xie, there is a patient who has controlled his body temperature and is waiting for surgery. My time is life!" The cold voice could not be refuted.

Xie Moji had just read the introduction and knew that the treatment of an unknown virus would go through three stages: temperature control, surgical treatment, and postoperative observation.The most dangerous one is the surgical treatment stage, so I dare not delay the patient.I can only turn on the recording pen and get to the point.

The entire interview process was very efficient.Dr. Shan almost always answers every question, although every time the answer is very concise, every sentence hits the point.Xie Moji had interviewed many people before, but he felt that Dr. Shan was the one who cooperated with her more.

There was only one question. After she threw it, Dr. Shan did not give a clear answer.

She asked: "Doctor Shan, recently there have been many couples who have been infected at the same time. There are rumors that couples who are infected at the same time have a significantly shorter recovery time than other patients and their symptoms are much milder. Can you explain this?"

Doctor Shan replied: "I have also heard some rumors about the infected couple, but there is no clear basis for it yet."

Although he failed to dig out any clues on this issue that the public is very concerned about, Xie Moji is quite satisfied with this interview.Especially in the control of time.After she finished asking all the questions, exactly 15 minutes had passed.

"Miss Xie, please disinfect in time when you go back." Doctor Shan stood up and said coldly, as if it was a routine.

Xie Moji remembered that he also explained in the text message yesterday, and naturally thought of the beggar, and asked with concern: "Doctor Shan, was the old man diagnosed yesterday?"

"He just had a normal fever."

At this time, the door of the conference room was opened, and a nurse rushed in, saw Shan Wangchen, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Dr. Shan, the female patient in 411 insisted on asking you to go to take the medicine. There is also Dr. Zuo." Said that the preparations for the operation have been completed, and I will wait for you."

Doctor Shan nodded, said "Sorry!" to Xie Moji, and walked out of the conference room quickly.

The smell of disinfectant on his body still remained in the room. Xie Moji sniffed, feeling that after breathing in such air for a long time, his senses became numb.

She sorted out the materials and hurried out of the meeting room.A nurse saw her naked face and motioned for her to put on a mask.When she took out the mask from her bag, she recalled a detail from the interview just now: From the beginning to the end, it seems that Doctor Shan never took off the mask...

What could be the reason that made him cover his face so persistently?
As soon as he walked out of the hospital, Xie Moji called Lu Yu.Her mood was light, and her tone became light.

In addition to Lu Yu's voice in the receiver, there were also various human voices on the TV: "Did the interview go well? Did you meet any acquaintances in the hospital?"

"The interview is all OK." Xie Moji said with a smile: "But your memory is so bad, I lost my memory, even if I meet an acquaintance, how can I recognize it.

Lu Yu also laughed, and comforted softly: "It's okay if you can't remember, it wasn't a pleasant experience anyway."

"Yes. Lu Yu, shall we have lunch together?"

"You'd better rush to draft with peace of mind."

"The manuscript is rushed in the afternoon, there is no rush. I want to spend more time with you."

"Mo Ji, we are here for a long time, you have just been to the hospital, you should go home and take a shower..." Lu Yu said.

Xie Moji came to his senses a little bit, isn't Lu Yu afraid that he would bring the virus to his house?Recalling the conversation just now, she suddenly felt like a two hundred and five.

(End of this chapter)

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