Chapter 33

Xie Moji walked on the street, looking at everything in front of him with a fresh look.Today is National Day, if she didn't want to buy some daily necessities for Dr. Shan, she probably wouldn't come to the street.But it was unexpectedly discovered that the street had already returned to its usual bustle.There were mostly bright smiling faces in the crowd, and only a handful of them wore masks.

I don't know where the wind got out, but Zhao Rongsheng found out that she didn't work hard.He seemed very disappointed with her performance, and unilaterally and forcefully gave her a big vacation.It's just that Zeng Liang has been busy for a month with his feet on the ground, and he can't even remember his girlfriend's name.

On a small street, Xie Moji saw a store that was on sale, and the colorful clothes on the shelf at the door reminded her how long she hadn't shopped.She went up to have a look, and found that they were all the styles of last year and the year before last. Although they were a bit old-fashioned, the quality was still good.Without much thought, she bought two sweaters. They were just for base layering anyway, so it didn't matter if they looked good or not.

Men's clothing was being sold on the shelf next to it, so she went up to pick it out when she saw it.The clothes are autumn clothes that just came out this year, needless to say the price, but they look different from the ones that were discounted before.She took a fancy to a dark blue v-neck sweater, thinking that Dr. Shan might be able to wear it after he was discharged from the hospital, so she bought it.

When she returned to the hospital, Dr. Shan was sitting on the bed joking with Zuo Xiaojian.He has returned to his usual fluency in speaking, but his eyesight has not completely improved, especially at night, it is very difficult to see things, and Xie Moji has to help him to go to the toilet.When Xie Moji mentioned his eyes to the doctor, the doctor smiled and said that this is a normal situation, as long as it is improving a little bit, there is hope.

Seeing her come in, Zuo Xiaojian stood up.His eyes touched the big and small bags in her hand, and he smiled and said, "You bought so many?" Xie Moji nodded, and put the things into the cabinet one by one.It was already noon, and she was afraid of missing the lunch time, so she took out the tableware and went to the nurse's station to get lunch.

After she walked out, Zuo Xiaojian narrowed her eyes and said to Shan Wangchen, "She's lost weight just like you."

"Yeah. I've caused her to suffer with me." Shan Wangchen caught a glimpse of her walking back through the glass on the door.Dim, some colors, some outlines, but not clear.He suddenly got a little irritable, sat up from the bed, and walked to the window.Now he can walk freely, only the sequelae of his eyes still torment his mind.

Zuo Xiaojian glanced at him, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "What's the matter with you and Man Jing? After you leave the hospital, you have to give her an explanation. She seems to care."

"I know. I never told her about the past. You can imagine her mood at that time." Shan Wangchen looked at the blurred scene outside the window and said slowly.That day Manjing told him that she and Lu Yu were together.He is really happy for her.But she didn't expect that after listening to his blessing, she would be inexplicably excited.Especially when he learned that he had a new girlfriend, he insisted on looking at the photos of the new girlfriend.If he didn't give it, she leaned over to grab his wallet and cell phone...

"Wangchen, let's eat." Xie Moji quickly came in from the nurse's station.Zuo Xiaojian helped set up the table for eating.Xie Moji put the food on the table, then walked towards Shan Wangchen by the window.

"Mo Ji..." Shan Wangchen turned around and called softly.Because he couldn't see her expression clearly, he turned her head over, leaned very close, and carefully captured the expression on her face.When he saw her smile, he breathed a sigh of relief, let her go slowly, and walked to the bed.The two sat down by the bed together tacitly, only the two of them were left in the huge room, and Zuo Xiaojian had long since disappeared.

"Can you help me check if there are any text messages from me?" Shan Wangchen said suddenly, handing the phone in his pocket to Xie Moji.Xie Moji turned on the phone and read the received text messages to him one by one.The video transmission message no longer exists in the SMS list.He must have deleted it himself.Xie Moji was suddenly disappointed. If he could show a little indifference to this video, she might be happier.But he secretly deleted it.

After reading the text message, the two began to eat.Apart from serving Dr. Shan with food, Xie Moji remained silent.Noticing her unusual silence, Shan Wangchen stretched out his hand to pat her face, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? Do you have something on your mind?"

"Do you have photos in your wallet?" Her thoughts had already shifted from her mobile phone to his wallet, and she asked in order to verify whether the photos in the wallet had also been deliberately changed by him.

"Yes, yes." Shan Wangchen said with a smile, then fumbled out the wallet from the cabinet next to the bed, and handed it to Xie Moji.Xie Moji was actually very nervous, but he felt that Shan Wangchen was a little guilty after all, so he opened the wallet pretending to be calm, and when he turned to the last grid, he saw the photo.But it was no longer the one I had seen before.

"When was this taken?" She looked at herself with a bright smile in the photo, but couldn't remember when and where this photo was taken.

"The eve of your operation." Shan Wangchen's eyes were deep, and his eyes fell on Xie Moji's eyes.His scalp already has a layer of short hair, which looks much milder.

When he said that, Xie Moji went to look at the photos again, and when he saw the house behind the figure, he felt inexplicably familiar.The transparent glass glowed golden under the reflection of the sun, making it impossible to see the specific current situation or the furnishings inside.

"Where is this?" She asked, pointing to the photo.

"I'm in Dongqu's private laboratory. I'll take you to see it later." Shan Wangchen pinched her nose, took back the wallet, and put it in the cabinet.

The glass room, the man...these are all elements in the dream.Even though he had already determined that the man in the dream was Doctor Shan, Xie Moji never thought that those buildings and plots in the dream might be real.Is it really that part of the memory that I have pressed in the depths of my memory?If this is the case, then her intimate interaction with him, as well as the short-lived ring, are all real things?

"Wangchen, I dreamed about this glass room." Xie Moji packed up the dishes, raised his head and said to Shan Wangchen meaningfully.

"Really?" Shan Wangchen smiled, his face was slightly flushed, his scars were no longer obvious, and his cheeks were rounder.

Two weeks later, Shan Wangchen was finally discharged from the hospital.

Zuo Xiaojian borrowed a car to take him and Xie Moji to Shan Wangchen's house in City B.Yang Xiaorui also came, following behind to help carry things.

Shan Wangchen was wearing the sweater Xie Moji bought earlier, and a dark coat outside.Because his hair is very short, it has a different effect when matched with the clothes.When getting out of the car, it naturally attracted the attention of many passers-by.Xie Moji followed behind him, wearing a gray-black coat and carrying big bags, he felt like a celebrity assistant.She was about to take a step when the person in front turned her head and motioned her to go faster, then reached out and took something from one of her hands.

"No, no, you just got out of the hospital, so I'll pick it up." Xie Moji tried to snatch back the luggage, but was blocked by Shan Wangchen. "Just kidding, if you can't lift this little thing, you might as well lie on the hospital bed forever." Shan Wangchen obviously didn't want to be underestimated, carrying the bag, walking briskly.

"His eyesight has not fully recovered, you have to pay attention at all times." After sending them to the door, Zuo Xiaojian gave a few words of worry, and left with Yang Xiaorui.

"Doctor Shan's eyes..." Following Zuo Xiaojian back to the car, Yang Xiaorui finally asked her question.She always found it strange that if the blood clot was pressing on the optic nerve, she would have fully recovered after so long after the operation.But Doctor Shan's eye disease doesn't seem so simple.

"The car accident also affected his retina. It may be permanent, or it may gradually get better." Zuo Xiaojian started the car and explained simply.

"Does Mo Ji know?"

"Old Shan is afraid that she will be worried, so he has been hiding it from her. I am already contacting my classmates in the UK to see if there is any way to solve this problem."

"If it can't be solved, will he not be able to be a doctor..." Now even Yang Xiaorui felt a little distressed.Doctor Shan is so good, so excellent, it would be a pity if he couldn't become a doctor.

"Don't worry too much, there is always a way." Zuo Xiaojian looked at her frowning and comforted softly.The mind is so chaotic.How can we solve the problem of old single eye?He had already thought of many ways, but they were all rejected by the old order.

"I'm still a little worried." Yang Xiaorui said with a sad expression, "So you should be careful when driving."

"Little girl is quite lenient!" Zuo Xiaojian patted her head and smiled.

Xie Moji helped Shan Wangchen into his dormitory.This is her first time here, she is a little strange to everything, a little curious, it is inevitable that she will look around.Seeing her overwhelmed look, Shan Wangchen let go of her hand and said jokingly, "There are only two rooms, you can visit as you like." Then he sat down on the sofa.

With his permission, Xie Moji put down his luggage and quickly satisfied his curiosity.She pushed open the door to look, and only came out discouraged when she saw that the bedroom, study and living room were all furnished in the same way.

"Do you think it's boring?" Shan Wangchen glanced at him, and habitually fumbled for cigarettes in his pocket. When he touched the empty pocket, he remembered that he had been forced to quit smoking after the car accident, and he withdrew his hand embarrassingly. Put it on your lap.

"Why do you like metal and glass things so much?" Xie Moji remembered that Dr. Shan Dongqu's home also had such decorations, and now she was a little convinced that he was indeed a science major.Otherwise, how could there be such a mechanical and single decoration style?

"This house was assigned to me by my unit when I came to participate in the vaccine development last time. I didn't have time to decorate it, and the furniture was bought temporarily. If you are not satisfied, you can buy it again at that time." Shan Wangchen patted himself next to him sofa, let her sit on it.

Xie Moji obediently sat down beside him, feeling a little confused.When I thought that starting today, I would start a cohabitation life with him, I couldn't help but blush.Although she was in the same ward as him in the hospital, it was during treatment after all.Now at home, the lonely men and widows seem as ambiguous as possible.

"Mo Ji..." Shan Wangchen raised her chin with his slightly cool fingertips, staring intently into her eyes.I don't know if it was because of the car accident, his eyeballs turned gray-black, and looking at it for a long time made it even more difficult to get rid of the bewitching feeling.Xie Moji was embarrassed by her stare, and unconsciously moved his hand around in front of him, trying to push him away, but he took advantage of the situation and held him in his arms.

"Don't move, let me take a good look at you." After Shan Wangchen hugged her, he let her go and continued the posture and movements just now.After looking at it for a long time, his lips slowly pressed against it.Different from the bewilderment of the first kiss between the two of them, his kiss this time was refreshing and heartfelt. It fell lightly, but hit Xie Moji's heart hard.

Slowly, she began to follow suit.Those bad things flashed through her mind, and then they were thrown behind her.What the hell?Enjoy everything in front of you first, okay... Xie Moji devoured this wonderful feeling greedily, the tip of her tongue actively responded to Dr. Shan's teasing, the crisp/itchy feeling hit her one after another, making her Breathing is also not smooth.

(End of this chapter)

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