Chapter 36

"Mo Ji, treat our family Wang Chen well. Although he is not my own son, I have always treated him like a son. After his eye problems are cured, you can get married." Mother Lu has always been a hot-tempered person. Of course, the same is true of juniors.

Xie Moji was embarrassed by what she said, he just thought she was joking, picked up the mop that Lu's mother had put down, and rushed to work.After mopping the floor, she cleaned the table and tidied up the house. It was already late autumn, but she was so tired that she was sweating profusely.Lu's mother went out to take out the garbage, and when she came back to see that she was still busy, she sighed sincerely: "Wangchen is still lucky."

"Auntie, do you often come to help him clean?" Xie Moji didn't want to make the atmosphere too dull, so he had nothing to say while cleaning.

Mother Lu glanced at her, and replied with a smile: "I heard from Lu Yu that Wang Chen would be back next week, so I thought I'd help him clean up first, so that he can live more comfortably."

"He's coming back?" Xie Moji was startled, his hands that wiped the table trembled, and almost broke the decorations on the bookcase.

"Why, don't you know?" Xie Moji's reaction was far beyond Mother Lu's expectations. She thought for a while, and then found an answer that she thought she was satisfied with: "It must be that he wanted to surprise you. This Wangchen, Pretty romantic."

"Maybe." Xie Moji echoed.She knew that the reason why she didn't know was that Doctor Shan did it on purpose.All this can't be blamed on others, it's all her own doing.She was the one who had the heart to leave at the beginning, so it was completely reasonable for him to choose to avoid seeing her.It's just that even if she understood this point, she still felt chills in her heart, as if she had been sucked out of something.

From this day on, Xie Moji would visit Dr. Shan's house every two days, in the pretense of cleaning, but in fact, to see if he had come back.

Once she came out of Dr. Shan's house and ran into Yin Xiangwei at the stairs.Xie Moji's impression of Yin Xiangwei has changed a lot since the last time, so he just greeted Yin Xiangwei lightly when he met her.But the other party seemed to have a long talk, so he grabbed her and asked, "How is Wang Chen? When will you return to China?"

Seeing that she also knew about Dr. Shan's illness and that he had gone abroad, Xie Moji felt even more sad.It turned out that the whole world knew about Dr. Shan's illness, but she was the one who was kept in the dark.

Or maybe it was out of selfishness that Xie Moji didn't tell her that Doctor Shan was coming back soon.He just said that he was still not sure, and then hurriedly said goodbye to the other party.

There were three days off on New Year's Day, and Xie Moji worked overtime for three days.

The colleagues in Group B either had a family, or had boyfriends and girlfriends, and she was the only one who came and went without any worries, so Zhao Rongsheng asked her to discuss with her as early as New Year's Day, to see if he could work overtime.She gritted her teeth and agreed fearlessly.After agreeing, he began to regret again, biting the root of his tongue fiercely.So when Li Lushuang and the others were traveling comfortably, Xie Moji was guarding a newspaper building by himself.During the period, I have to deal with various incoming calls.After a vacation, I made myself haggard.

On the first day after the holiday, others come to work refreshed.She was the only one with drooping head and red and swollen eyes.Even Zhao Rongsheng couldn't help but stop and greet her when he saw her: "Xie Moji, is it too hard to work overtime? Your state is obviously not right!" It's true.

Halfway through work, she had used up a small box of napkins.Seeing her runny nose and tears, Li Lushuang urged her to go to the infirmary to get some medicine.She also had this intention, and just as she stepped up, her cell phone rang suddenly.When I picked it up, it turned out to be Dr. Zuo's call.Said to let her go to the airport quickly.

She immediately understood that it was Doctor Shan who had returned.Regardless of dispensing medicine, he excitedly picked up his bag and left without even asking for leave.Until the car was almost at the airport, she thought of this and hurriedly called Zhao Rongsheng.Zhao Rongsheng seemed to be in a good mood. When he heard that she was going to ask for a half-day leave, he generously gave her a day and a half of leave, and told her to rest well and come back after recovering.Xie Moji hung up the phone happily, feeling that he was about to "come to hell".

She found Dr. Zuo in the hall of "International Arrivals".When the other party saw her, he frowned fiercely, shook his head and said, "Xie Moji, did you just come back from helping the poor in the mountains?" He pointed at her hair and clothes in disgust.

Through his eyes, Xie Moji looked at himself seriously, and he really saw a sloppy and embarrassed self.She ran to the toilet to look in the mirror several times, and found that she had indeed reached the point where there was no cure.Forget it, a dead horse is a living horse doctor.She wet her dry hair with water, straightened her bloated cotton coat, and then went out timidly.Hey, who made her work overtime for three consecutive days.It is not bad for her to stand here alive.

The plane arrived at the port soon.

Xie Moji felt that he was not ready yet, so Dr. Zuo dragged him to the exit.Then people came out one by one, and she still wanted to practice her smile, at least to make her smile more beautiful when the clothes and hair were already at a disadvantage.But she practiced several times, getting stiffer each time.She was practicing hard for the Nth time, Dr. Zuo tugged at her sleeve, and then, in a daze, a figure in a beige down jacket and black-gray slacks appeared in front of her eyes.

With clean short hair and a cool face, Shan Wangchen walked out of the hall slowly.Next to him is Team Leader Ying who went with him.The two exchanged something in a low voice, their expressions very focused.

Xie Moji watched Doctor Shan gesturing while talking, his slender fingers drew beautiful arcs in the air again and again, his movements were chic and free.Her breathing was no longer her own, and her heartbeat went nowhere.Only the consciousness is still there, reminding her over and over again that she misses him very much...

"Old Dan!" Zuo Xiaojian called him while lying on the railing.Shan Wangchen turned around when he heard the sound, with a faint smile on his face.Soon his eyes collided with hers, and when the eyes passed each other, Xie Moji found that the expression on his face was a little frozen.

After the four people got together, Dr. Shan introduced each of them. When he introduced Xie Moji to Team Leader Ying, he said flatly, "This is my friend Xie Moji." As soon as he finished the introduction, Team Leader Ying smiled Said: "What kind of friend, it should be a girlfriend. I have wanted to meet for a long time."

"Hello, Team Leader!" Xie Moji greeted politely with a blushing face.My heart is lost.He said they were just friends, just friends...

Several people got into Zuo Xiaojian's car.Along the way, Team Leader Ying was very excited and dragged Xie Moji to chat.He kept praising Dan Wangchen all the time.He also reminded Xie Moji to cherish it.When he was talking, Shan Wangchen sat beside Xie Moji and remained silent.Xie Moji was a little embarrassed by the weird atmosphere, no, no, no.

After finally sending Team Leader Ying to his hometown in Dongqu, Xie Moji regained his strength.Lean back in the chair and pant.She caught a glimpse of Shan Wangchen's expressionless side face from the corner of her eye, and felt even more indescribable pain in her heart.

And Shan Wangchen kept looking sideways out of the window, except for the one at the airport, he never looked directly at Xie Moji from the beginning to the end.

Dr. Zuo was very knowledgeable, and after sending Dr. Shan home, he had to get off the car with Xie Moji no matter what.Before Xie Moji could stand firm on the side of the road, the car had already sped away.Xie Moji looked at the car going away, then at Shan Wangchen who was standing quietly, and said awkwardly: "Wangchen, why don't I go home first..."

"Aren't you going to sit down?" Shan Wangchen looked at her coldly and asked in a low voice.

"That's it...that's fine." After staying for a few seconds, Xie Moji still agreed without any bones.

The two walked upstairs in unusual silence.Along the way, Xie Moji wanted to ask for something several times, but after seeing Shan Wangchen's expression, he fell silent.

Entering the door, changing shoes, everything is quiet and depressing.After Shan Wangchen put his luggage on the ground, he went to the kitchen to boil water.Xie Moji observed his quick movements and knew that his eyes were completely healed.She didn't follow the kitchen, but sat down on the sofa by herself, her mind was messed up, and she didn't know what to say to him in a while.Otherwise, let's start with being sorry.She thought secretly in her heart.

Doctor Shan came out quickly, holding two glasses of water in his hand.He put a cup in front of Xie Moji's eyes, and stood holding another cup.From Xie Moji's point of view, he is like a high-ranking king who is in charge of her destiny.

"Wangchen, I'm sorry!" The apology had been brewing for several months, and it was only at this moment that she finally said it.Xie Moji imitated Dan Wangchen and held the cup in his palm. After gaining courage, he said sadly: "I am such a narrow-minded woman. You are right to ignore me. Even I despise myself."

After she finished speaking, Shan Wangchen frowned and did not speak.Seeing his indifference, Xie Moji became even more disheartened.Anyway, there is no hope of recovery, so just say what you think.So she cleared her throat and went on:

"I watched the video on your mobile phone, and I also saw her photo in your wallet. At that time, my mind was confused. I knew it was not good, but I watched it anyway. Then I have been looking at you with colored glasses I'm sorry!" Xie Moji was about to cry, she had already forgotten how all this happened.In short, when she cleared up her mood, she already had a prejudice against him and Xu Manjing in her heart.

Seeing her pained expression, Shan Wangchen took a sip of tea and said, "I keep your photos in my wallet..."

"No, it's her picture. She's wearing a green dress. No matter how confused I am, I can't get this wrong." Xie Moji hurriedly explained, staring straight at Dr. Shan.

Doctor Shan glanced at her, put down the cup in his hand, and said softly, "If that's the case, then I know what's going on."

"Xu Manjing let it go on purpose? You and her..." Xie Moji bit his lips, something melted in his heart, and a large area was wet.

"If you want to know, I'll tell you." Shan Wangchen took off his down jacket, and walked slowly to the window alone.He rubbed his hair lightly and closed his eyes, as if thinking about it.

"I want to know!" Xie Moji said.Since she was about to die, any death would be death, she didn't want to let herself die with regret.

"I became an orphan when I was nine years old and stayed at Lu Yu's house. Man Jing and Lu Yu are both neighbors and classmates. I am two years older than them. We often go to school and eat together. We should be friends who talk about everything." Shan Wangchen looked at the river and recalled softly.His expression was calm, and his speech was calm.

(End of this chapter)

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