Chapter 48

After spending the night in Bath, Shan Wangchen took Xie Moji to many places.He was as calm as ever, and seemed completely immersed in the joy of introducing all kinds of beautiful scenery and delicacies to Xie Moji.But Xie Moji obviously didn't have such a psychological quality, and her heart was always shrouded in that dangerous matter.Can't enjoy it at all.

On the night they returned to London, Liang Sheng came to join them.The next day was the day when Shan Wangchen went to the hospital to get the follow-up report.It should also be time for them to return his passport.Liang Sheng and Doctor Shan seem to attach great importance to this matter, and they have been discussing outside.When Xie Moji went out after taking a shower, they were still talking.

"Have you tested Xie Moji's blood?" She heard Liang Sheng ask in a low voice.

"No." It was Doctor Shan's cold voice.

"It's very likely that hers has the same antibody as mine."

Xie Moji couldn't hear clearly, and didn't quite understand what they meant.She thought that after so many things, Dr. Shan would take the initiative to explain these things to her, so she went back to the room with peace of mind, watched TV for a while, and fell asleep unknowingly.

the next day.A rare sunny day in London.

When Xie Moji woke up, the breakfast was already placed beside her bed, but it was the one who didn't see Dr. Shan.She finished her breakfast in the morning light.I also painted myself a light makeup.Then I called Dr. Shan, but the call didn't go through.

After trying a few times and still being the same, she became nervous and knocked on Liang Sheng's door next door, but there was no response.She wanted to make another call, but when she ran back to her room, she saw a stranger standing in the door.Her breathing was a little stagnant. I don't know what this person is going to do?
This is a tall foreign man wearing a mask and a well-made suit.

"Ms. Xie, hello." He greeted her in his unproficient Chinese.

His appearance was so strange that Xie Moji was completely in awe at the door, unable to move away at all.The man seemed to see her panic, chuckled and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm Mr. Liang's friend. He is with Shan Wangchen now. Let me protect you."

"Are they in danger? What happened?" Xie Moji's nerves were tense, and he looked at him guardedly, not sure whether his words were reliable.

"They were talking to the doctors at the hospital. Shall I take you there?" he asked.

"Okay." Regardless of whether it was dangerous or not, she would stay with Doctor Shan.

Xie Moji followed this strange man out.He is tall and has good strides. She has to take three steps and do two steps to keep pace with him.

Then she followed him into the car again.The man has been very silent, did not say anything.Xie Moji sat in the back row, quietly recalling the conversation with him just now.Suddenly noticed something was wrong.Since Doctor Shan and the others are not in any danger, why does Liang Sheng send someone to protect her?
Thinking of this, she couldn't sit still for a while.He looked out the window frequently, thinking about whether he should open the window and shout. How do you say "help" in English?The more she looked out the window, the more she felt something was wrong.The environment outside the window is very remote, it really doesn't look like the way to the hospital.

"Where are you taking me?" She finally couldn't help asking, her hands gripping the edge of the seat nervously.

"Hospital." The person in front replied.

"No, you stop! I'm not going," she yelled.He rolled down the window and shouted for help.

"It's late..." The man chuckled, ignored her shout, and continued to drive calmly, faster and faster.

Seeing the desolate scenery around him pass by like lightning, Xie Moji felt a chill in his heart.She still kept shouting, but the more she shouted, the weaker she became.Called the doctor again, still no response.What could have happened?What to do now?Her mind turned rapidly, trying desperately to think of various ways to get rid of it.But except for Doctor Shan's face, everything else was blank in his mind.

The car quickly stopped on a huge lawn.As soon as it stopped, Xie Moji tried hard to open the door.But I can't break it apart.The man looked back at her, smiled slightly, then got out of the car and walked around in front of her.

"Nothing, just to test your blood, OK?" He struggled to speak Chinese.

"And then?" Her hands were bound by him, unable to move at all.Every time he struggled, he tightened the band tighter.

"Look at Doctor Shan's performance!" He took her into a gloomy house, the light inside was very dark, and the few windows were blocked by curtains.

After turning on the light, she could see everything inside clearly.It turned out to be a laboratory, full of shiny glass instruments and all kinds of strange machines.Xie Moji was pushed down on a chair, and his hands were tied to the back of the chair by a man in white who came in afterwards.Beads of sweat slipped from her forehead, her breathing was disordered, and her legs were shaking.

"Don't worry, we are researchers, not kidnappers." The person who tied her said.

Soon a few more white coats and hats came in, and one of them walked straight to Xie Moji with a disposable needle.

"What are you doing!!" Xie Moji's voice was a little hoarse, and she couldn't think of any way to confront them.

She struggled desperately, but the needle still penetrated her skin.As the pain hit, she gradually calmed down.Be calm, be sure to be calm.Her heart was beating wildly, but she still warned herself time and time again in vain.

After drawing a tube full of blood, she was left in a cold room without anyone asking.Xie Moji tried to stand up and drag the chair, only to stagger two or three steps, and the loud noise alarmed the people outside.

"You wait patiently. The test results will come out in the afternoon." The man in the suit who brought him before heard the sound and warned her coldly.

"I want to go to the bathroom. You can't tie me like this." Xie Moji tried to reason with him.

"Okay." He went over and untied the rope from the back of the chair, and tied her hands alone.Then push her out.When going to the toilet, Xie Moji observed it intentionally, and found that the toilet was a closed house, only the roof had a skylight, and there was really no way to escape.After delaying for a while, she could only go out.

In the afternoon, the man came again.Holding a stack of colorful papers, he said to Xie Moji, "Unfortunately, we can't let you go. You also have unknown antibodies in your blood. We still need to continue our research."

"I didn't agree to you, so you experimented on me without authorization. Do you have any bottom line?" A person was imprisoned in a huge laboratory and waited to die. Except for the insidious instrument, she didn't speak, and no one paid attention to her.The suffocating silence was driving her mad.She is completely relying on will, sitting quietly inside.She told herself over and over in her heart: To conserve energy, try to escape.

"We're trying to figure out some facts, not do experiments," the man said.

"Then at least tell me, where is my fiancé?" This was the first time she called "fiance" three words, and a feeling of emptiness slipped through her heart after she finished speaking.The future is uncertain, everything is unpredictable!where is he?How is he?Can she and him who are finally together be happy?

"Hmph. You still care about him. He's probably hugging him right now." The man lit a cigarette and looked at her with a sympathetic expression.

Seeing that he was still willing to tell her something, Xie Moji held a sliver of hope and said in a soft tone: "Brother, I'm caught by you and I can't escape anyway, can you tell me what's going on?"

"Okay, I'll tell you if you want to know." He pulled a stool and sat down, fiddling with his tie: "You and Shan Wangchen's blood both have antibodies. Liang Sheng's blood also has antibodies. We want to find out the antibodies How it is transmitted. We have determined the route of blood transmission, but whether sexual transmission is established depends on the experiment...”

"So you plan to let Shan Wangchen have sex with other people, and then observe whether this person's blood has antibodies?" Xie Moji jumped up from the chair all of a sudden, his heart was half cold.

"Smart!" The man laughed, "A man would be happy to do such an experiment."

"If that's the case, what's the use of you tying me up?" The news was terrible, her heart filled with despair, and her voice became more and more manic, "What's the difference between this and rape/violence?"

"Miss, we are here to benefit the world. As for tying you up, it is to make Dan Wangchen work harder! Haha."

"I want to see him!" Xie Moji's heart seemed to be torn apart.She didn't even know how to face it all.The person who was still spending time with him yesterday, is actually in Wushan with another woman today.Even knowing that he was forced, her heart still hurts so much that she wants to die.What should she do?She couldn't imagine what Dr. Shan would look like lying on top of someone else, what expression he would have.Just thinking about it makes my chest burn.

"It's absolutely fine. I'll take you to see for yourself how he fucks other women in a while!" The man threw away the cigarette butt, and ravaged her with intriguing eyes: "It's really rare to see a brave woman like you."

Forced to finish the meal they sent, an egg, a bottle of milk, and two sausages.Xie Moji was taken away from the laboratory again.Her eyes were blindfolded, and after going around a few times, she completely lost her direction.After walking for more than ten minutes, she was brought up the stairs.Then turned a few more times before arriving at the destination.

After taking off the blindfold, she saw Liang Sheng sitting on the side, his hands were also tied, followed by a ferocious man.

"Xie Moji!" Liang Sheng smiled when he saw her, he looked very relaxed, and he didn't show any abnormality at all because they were imprisoned.

"Where's Dr. Shan?" Seeing Liang Sheng, her mood became more stable.

"It's inside. Xie Moji, it's no big deal, you want to open some." He told her in Dongqu dialect, and Xie Moji immediately understood what he meant, and answered him in a crappy dialect: "Liang Sheng, how long has he been in? There is a woman here in?"

"It was brought in an hour ago. There were two women inside."

Two... Xie Moji's face turned pale, his chest began to ache, and his body sank little by little.Can't fall down, can't make jokes.She recited silently in her heart, and the joints of her clasped hands were trembling.

As long as the scene of Doctor Shan and two women having sex/love in the room flashed through her mind, her heartache would be hard to aggravate.The heart-piercing and powerless feeling reminded her of the pain of her parents' death when she was eight years old.

Be strong, be strong.She told herself over and over again, holding back the tears in her eyes over and over again.

A woman's soft groan came from inside, but the few accompanying people didn't laugh.He took a serious look inside.Liang Sheng couldn't sit still anymore, he subconsciously looked at Xie Moji's face, and found that she was squatting on the ground seemingly unresponsive.Locks of hair hung down, covering half of her face.The exposed half of the sheet has a dignified expression, but it is quiet and composed.

she is special.At this moment, Liang Sheng suddenly understood the choice of his friend.

(End of this chapter)

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