Chapter 52

After Shan Wangchen left Dongqu for a year and lost contact with all his friends in Dongqu, Zuo Xiaojian finally noticed something was wrong.Although he knew they were in trouble, he always thought they would be back in a few months.Unexpectedly, after this walk, there was no news.Recalling the things before and after, but can't find a clue.

Just in time for the annual vacation, he simply packed his luggage and planned to go to City B to search for clues.He contacted Yang Xiaorui and asked her to accompany him to investigate.Regarding his relationship with Yang Xiaorui, this is the most headache for Zuo Xiaojian recently.He knew that this girl was interesting to him, otherwise he wouldn't find all kinds of excuses to run to the east.But he is a person who is used to freedom, and he really doesn't like a free life suddenly being restrained by a woman.

At the train station, he saw Yang Xiaorui who he hadn't seen for several months.It was already seven or eight o'clock at night, and the little girl leaned against the railing and fiddled with her mobile phone.Her white scarf wrapped her neck tightly, and only her small head was hanging out, looking at the screen in her hand.Ever since he explained to her in the text message that he had no plans to fall in love in the short term, she wisely disappeared.On the contrary, it made him unnatural, and after a long time of adaptation, he began to get used to the days without her nagging in his ears.

"Here!!" Yang Xiaorui saw Zuo Xiaojian in the crowd at a glance, and raised his hand to see him approaching step by step. "Is it cold?" She put away her mobile phone, shook out a dark gray scarf in her bag, hung it around Zuo Xiaojian's neck naturally, and explained with a smile: "I'm just knitting for fun, just take it for once Little white mouse."

After she said that, Zuo Xiaojian could only smile, stroked her head and said, "Have you been waiting for a long time?" Then he touched her face.When his finger touched her icy cheek, he froze for a moment, not expecting to subconsciously make such a movement.And Yang Xiaorui was obviously stunned, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Stupid? Let's go." Zuo Xiaojian pretended nothing happened, and strode forward, feeling guilty in his heart, he didn't even know what he was doing.

"I may have the clues you need." After the two of them got on the subway in silence, Yang Xiaorui grabbed the pull hook on the car and whispered.

"Say it quickly!" Zuo Xiaojian was a little impatient at the moment, and asked close to her face.

"Recently a colleague interviewed real estate tycoon Liang Sheng, and some news deserves attention," she said.Looking at his magnified face, thick eyebrows, and high nose, my heart still churns.For several months, she forced herself not to think about this man, but now it seems that her efforts are all in vain.

"Okay, let's go to your unit to look at the materials right away." Zuo Xiaojian said.It happened that the people next to him squeezed towards Yang Xiaorui, Yang Xiaorui could only move towards Zuo Xiaojian, now the two people were really face to face, body to body.Although they didn't speak, Yang Xiaorui clearly felt that their hearts were beating very fast.

When he arrived at the office, Zuo Xiaojian quickly read through Liang Sheng's interview records, and even pulled out his previous interviews in Dongqu.He had known for a long time that Shan Wangchen and Liang Sheng had a personal relationship, but he didn't know how good the relationship between the two was.The friendship between a man and a man cannot be as close as that of a girl, and many things are just to the point.

Liang Sheng was always cautious in his words during the interview. Compared with the interviews he had seen before, Zuo Xiaojian felt that his cautiousness was a bit deliberate.When asked where he has developed in the past year, Liang Sheng named a border town.This made it easy for Zuo Xiaojian to get in touch with his complicated relationship background. At the same time, he also had doubts, why did he suddenly leave Dongqu for that unremarkable town?Could this have anything to do with the whereabouts of Shan Wangchen and Xie Moji?
His thoughts became clear, and he also remembered that when Shan Wangchen left Dongqu, he told him that Liang Sheng would accompany them to City B to manage their lives.This thought confirmed his conjecture even more.He stood up excitedly, his head bumped against Yang Xiaorui's jaw which was up above him.Yang Xiaorui was hit so hard that tears came out, she frowned and covered her chin, unable to speak.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" Zuo Xiaojian apologized for his recklessness, and without any shyness, held her face, opened her hands, and looked at her chin.Seeing her red chin, I felt even more apologetic, and said softly, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault." He hugged her reassuringly, and then tried to make her move her chin.Seeing that she was still able to move her jaw, she let out a sigh of relief.

He pushed Yang Xiaorui down on the seat, picked up the towel in her cubicle, and walked out.Yang Xiaorui was so insensitive to the pain, she didn't know what he was going to do, but felt that the pain warmed her heart.It turned out that her emotions would still be affected by this man, even after such a long time, she was still deceiving herself.

After a few minutes, Zuo Xiaojian came back.Holding a basin of hot water in his hand, he quickly soaked the towel in the water for a while, then wrung it dry and applied it to her chin.He circled around from behind to complete this series of movements, giving Yang Xiaorui the feeling that he was gently hugging her, the movements were extremely gentle.For a moment, a thought crossed Yang Xiaorui's mind: Maybe he still has feelings for him?
The next afternoon, with the help of several journalist friends, Zuo Xiaojian and Yang Xiaorui found Liang Sheng.It seemed that he was only staying in City B for a short time. When Zuo Xiaojian explained his purpose of coming and mentioned the name of Shan Wangchen, he finally let the two of them go in to meet Liang Sheng.

The sun at two or three o'clock in the afternoon shone obliquely on the leather chair through the window. Liang Sheng sat in an empty office that looked like a makeshift office, half-closed his eyes.Just like what Zuo Xiaojian saw in the TV interview, he looks shrewd and sharp, a standard businessman.

"Are you Shan Wangchen's friend?" Liang Sheng spoke first.

"Mr. Liang, my surname is Zuo, Zuo Xiaojian. I am Shan Wangchen's good friend and colleague." Zuo Xiaojian and Yang Xiaorui sat down on the wooden chairs opposite.

"I know. He mentioned you more than once. And Xie Moji, he often mentioned you." Liang Sheng opened his eyes, glanced at the two people on the chair, and closed his eyes again.Touching his temples with his hand, he said in a deep voice: "I lived with them in a border town for a while. But they were still found. But after they disappeared, the eyeliners I released came back and said that they were still looking for them everywhere." It can be seen that they have not been arrested. They must have gone to a place we do not know, and they are safe."

Shan Wangchen didn't tell himself that he was being followed.But as smart as Zuo Xiaojian, he had already guessed seven or eight points from Liang Sheng's words.The last time Shan Wangchen went to England to see his eyes, his classmates told him that his blood was very special, different from ordinary people.Therefore, this must be the fuse of what Liang Sheng said.

But Yang Xiaorui couldn't understand at all, she asked the ins and outs of the matter without any scruples.She asked directly, and Liang Sheng answered very frankly.Meanwhile, Yang Xiaorui's face changed color several times.Before, she only thought that Dr. Shan was a god-like existence, but she never thought that his physical structure was different from that of ordinary people.

When she asked Liang Sheng where they might be going, Liang Sheng shook his head and said with a cold expression: "I have been looking for them this year. But there is no trace of them. Even if it is a dead person, there will be a body. It is impossible to do this out of thin air. disappear, unless..."

"Unless what?" Yang Xiaorui asked anxiously.

"Unless they go where they are supposed to go...they don't belong here." After Liang Sheng finished speaking, he rang the bell next to him, and immediately someone opened the door and entered.

"Sorry, I'm a little tired and want to rest. I've told you everything I know. Go back." He nodded slightly, holding a twisted ring in his hand.

"Okay, okay, excuse me. Mr. Liang, thank you." Seeing this, Zuo Xiaojian took Yang Xiaorui's hand and said goodbye in a low voice.

Liang Sheng's words completely confirmed his conjecture.He understood roughly what his last words meant.He has long felt that there are many extraordinary things about Shan Wangchen, such as his astonishingly good physical strength, his terrible memory, and his prescient healing mode... Looking back now, everything has a reasonable explanation .

After Liang Sheng watched them leave, the expression on his face relaxed for a moment.He focused on the twisted ring in his hand, and remembered what a scientist friend said to him: "If there is no extraordinary pressure and magnetic field, it is impossible for a good platinum ring to become like this."

Extraordinary pressure and magnetic field?Thinking of this, Liang Sheng smiled lightly.His good friend should have really gone back.back to his world.Then leave this ring for him as a souvenir.According to the scientist friend, the composition of the ring has been changed, and some unknown new element has been mixed into it.Or, he can find new business opportunities through this again.Liang Sheng rubbed his eyebrows and thought.

Walking out of Liang Sheng's office, Zuo Xiaojian was completely relieved.It's not that he didn't hear Liang Sheng's reserved words.But it was his implicit unspoken words that made him feel more at ease. His good friend must be living peacefully in some corner of the world.

On the contrary, Yang Xiaorui was a little bluffing, and took his hand for a while and curiously asked Dr. Shan where they were going.After a while, he happily made up a popular time-travel story with Shan Wangchen and Xie Moji as the main character.

Zuo Xiaojian found it funny seeing her like this, couldn't help but put his arms around her shoulders, and patted her arms lightly.

When the cold-faced doctor came in and asked Xie Moji what method he was going to adopt to give birth, Xie Moji's stomach throbbed to the extreme.She was dripping with cold sweat, and the cotton clothes were tightly attached to her somewhat bloated body at the moment, covered with layers of sweat.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Shan Wangchen in white/medical uniform walked in.He had been lingering at the door for a long time, and only then was he allowed to come in to accompany his wife.

"Mo Ji, use the new method here. This way you can relieve the pain soon." Shan Wangchen touched Xie Moji's forehead, with regret and intolerance in his eyes.

"No, I have to live on my own!" Although he was gnashing his teeth in pain, Xie Moji's attitude was still firm.

Seeing her like this, Shan Wangchen didn't insist any more, just gently reminded her how to relieve pain through scientific breathing method.

It was probably the first time that the cold-faced doctor heard that a pregnant woman chose to give birth on her own, her expression twitched in shock, and she said after a while, "Okay, I'll go to the midwife."

"No need. I'll do it myself." Shan Wangchen stopped him.Although here, he is still a prospective doctor who is studying for a medical certificate, but in that world where he has lived for more than [-] years, he has already been an excellent doctor.So he has all the calmness and superb technique that a good doctor should possess.

"If you insist on doing it yourself, there's nothing we can do. But you need to confirm your signature with fingerprints." After the cold-faced doctor finished speaking, he handed over a small display screen.After Shan Wangchen pressed his fingerprint on it, he turned his head to look at his wife's expression intently.He tried to open her legs, and after probing with his fingers, he said steadily and forcefully: "Baby, the cervix has been opened six fingers, it's almost time. Just hold on."

"Okay!" Xie Moji's expression was distorted by the pain.Her hand was tightly held by Doctor Shan.Although the pain was overwhelming, her heart was at ease.She believed that as long as he was there, everything would go well and everything would be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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