Chapter 107

"Is that so!" Xuantian murmured, then looked at Han Xin, and said, "Han Xin, have you ever heard of the Mo family's four spirit beasts?"

"The four spirit beasts at the gate of the town?" Han Xin repeated a sentence after hearing the words, and seemed to think for a while, before Han Xin said: "It is said that since the founding of Mozi, the Mohists have always adhered to the concept of non-aggression, but it is difficult to survive in troubled times. , and the Mohists must have the power to protect themselves if they want to survive in that chaotic world, or in other words, they created the so-called four spirit beasts for their so-called dream in their hearts."

After a short pause, Han Xin continued: "The four Mohist spirit beasts are 'Qinglong', 'White Tiger', 'Xuanwu', and 'Suzaku'. The Mohist white tiger has already appeared in the world and is known to the world. , Suzaku is the same, but only Xuanwu and Qinglong are unknown!"

Speaking of this, Han Xin suddenly realized something, and then looked at Xuantian and said: "Could it be that Master Tianshi meant that not only they, but also other members of the Mohist family participated in the action of the Zongheng two people this time?" Come in, and also use the four spirit beasts of the Mo family's town gate?"

"Ha." With a chuckle, Xuantian said slowly: "The action of Zongheng and Hengheng this time was originally to save the people of the Mo family. If this is the case, then the Mo family sent out their own mechanism beasts to meet Gai Nie and the others. It's no surprise at all!"

Pausing for a while, Xuantian continued to say to himself: "Among the Mohist mechanism beasts, the four spirit beasts are the first, and the rest are nothing to worry about. And these four spirit beasts, as you said, are green dragons and white tigers. Suzaku Xuanwu. As you said just now, the white tiger of the Mohist school has already appeared in the world and is known to the world. The same is true for the Suzaku. That’s it. No one has seen Qinglong, and there is no accurate news, but Xuanwu has all kinds of legends in the world! But it’s not known to the world!”

"Oh?" Han Xin pondered and said, "I don't know what the legend of Xuanwu is like?"

Seeing Han Xin's curious expression, Xuantian didn't hide anything, paused for a moment, and then said: "Xuanwu is also the image of a tortoise and snake. It is said that Xuanwu, one of the organ beasts of the Mo family, is like this, but Since no one has actually seen it except the Mohists themselves, everything is just speculation, but one thing is basically certain, that is, the Mohist Xuanwu can move underwater!"

"Act below the surface of the water!" Han Xin said silently after hearing the words, suddenly Han Xin seemed to understand something, and then said to Xuantian: "This subordinate understands, if it is true as what your lord said, the mechanism beast Xuanwu of the Mo family can really move Under the water, then, Zongheng and Zongheng's actions this time must have been a success! And this is why the subordinates and others didn't realize that Zongheng and Zongheng came out of the Tooth Prison by themselves!"

"That's right!" Xuantian said softly: "The Tooth-Eating Prison is close to the sea, and the entrance changes with the ebb and flow of the tide. Under normal circumstances, after Zongheng wins, he must return the same way, but since he has not seen him , Zhang Han and the others were seriously injured and did not catch Zongheng, so if they think about it, they just took the Mohist mechanism beast Xuanwu and left underwater."

"Xuanwu! Interesting," Han Xin read a little, then turned to look at Xuantian and said, "Master Tianshi, besides those just now, there is another piece of news."

"Huh? What's the matter!" Xuan Tian asked Han Xin.

"According to information, three days ago, a meteorite fell in the northern border of the empire!" Han Xin said in a deep voice, "In addition, according to reports from spies, an important event happened in Dongjun. "

"Oh! It's important! What's the matter?" Xuan Tianning asked.

"Shen Nong Ling, reappear in the Jianghu!" Han Xin said in a deep voice.

"Hmm! The Shennong order has reappeared?"

Han Xin saw that Xuantian was slightly doubtful, so he said again: "That's right, it's the reward token that the peasant family shows up every ten years. Everything in the land is marsh, Shennong is immortal, princes and generals, it's better to have a seed, and everyone Among the hundreds of families, the peasant family is the most numerous faction, with a mix of farmers and merchants, dragons and snakes, every time the Shennong Order appears, it will set off a bloody storm in the rivers and lakes! This time, it must be."

After a pause, Han Xin continued: "Before the empire was unified, during the period of King Qin Zhao, Lord Wu'an of the Great Qin Dynasty Bai Qi led troops to attack the six countries many times and killed millions. The enmity with the six countries was deep, and the people of later generations only Knowing that Bai Qi was ordered to die by King Qin Zhao for disobeying the military order and refusing to lead troops to attack Zhao! As everyone knows, it was the former peasant hero who issued the Shennong order to summon the top experts of the six farm halls to eliminate him by secret means!"

"Oh, does this Shennong Order have such a great appeal! It can actually drive the six halls of the farm!" After pondering for a while, Xuantian said to Han Xin slightly: "Han Xin, you were born in a farming family. Regarding the Shennong Order, you have something to say. What do you think?"

"Master Hui Tianshi, from the point of view of my subordinates, this matter is also quite strange," Han Xin said in a deep voice, "For 800 years, the Shennong Order can only be issued by every hero of the farm family. Xia Kui died mysteriously three years ago, and for the past three years, all the farmhouses have been leaderless, and at this moment, the Shennong Order has appeared in the rivers and lakes, what does this mean!"

"Well," he murmured for a while, and after thinking for a while, Xuantian said to Han Xin: "You are fully responsible for the matter of the Yinghuo star, and monitor every move of the various forces caused by the meteor! The Sanghai matter After that, I will rush over as soon as possible.”

After a pause, Xuantian continued: "As for the Shennong Order, the various forces involved are intricate, even the empire is also involved. I will make a decision after I arrive at Dongjun."

"No," Han Xin responded, paused, and then said, "Your Excellency, you mean that Luo Wang is also involved in the incident of the Shennong Order?"

"Ha," Xuan Tian chuckled, "The nets of the sky and the earth are all-pervasive, isn't it a lie, if the peasant hero really died three years ago, then the only thing that can set up this trap is the nets."

"If your lord has no other orders, then Han Xin will go."

"Ha," Xuan Tian laughed lightly when he saw this, and then he reached out and patted Han Xin on the shoulder, saying: "There is no need to be in such a hurry, you have to combine work and rest, and take care of your body. By the way, His Majesty Shi Huang's appointment has arrived at Sanghai the day before yesterday. From now on, you are the Deputy Qin Cha Envoy, you can take a rest in Songhai first, and then set off. "

"Thank you Master Tianshi for your compassion," Han Xin saluted Xuantian.

(End of this chapter)

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