Chapter 11

Half a day later, Xuan Tian rushed to catch up with the route Duan Mu Rong told him that day!Finally, I saw Gai Nie and Tianming not far ahead, as well as Duanmu Rong and Yue'er.

"Hey, are you waiting for me?" Xuantian's voice had already reached everyone's ears before he arrived.

"Huh?" Tianming and the others heard Xuantian's voice and looked around, only Gai Nie looked in Xuantian's direction.

"Yue'er! Uncle, that guy Xuantian is back," Tianming said to Yue'er and Gai Nie, although he didn't see Xuantian, and then said, "But why didn't I see him".

""yes!Mr. Guy, why didn't we see him!There aren't many things blocking it around here! At this time, Duanmu Rong also looked at Gai Nie.

"Look carefully over there. Although the little brother Xuantian has not arrived yet, he has come over through sound transmission with extremely profound inner strength. You just need to pay attention to the top of the mountain, and he should appear in a short while." .

When Tianming and the others heard the words, they all looked in the direction Ge Nie said!However, he saw nothing but a big mountain!

"It seems that he is really powerful!" At this time, even Tian Ming, who was usually not interested in Xuan Tian, ​​whispered.

Five or six minutes later, two or three minutes later, everyone saw Xuan Tian approaching himself and the others in a short while with extremely unpredictable movements.

"Everyone, I kept you waiting for a long time!" Xuan Tian looked at the familiar people in front of him and said.

"You guy, you're finally here. We've been waiting for you for a long time. If you don't come, we're going to leave. Look, old man Ban is getting impatient!" Tianming looked at Xuantian and said, Don't forget to say bad things about old man Ban.

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about? I don't have one." At this time, Master Ban who was standing next to the giant mechanism bird said.

"Bang, Tianming, you speak ill of the class teacher again." Yue'er, who was beside Tianming, just gave Tianming a knock on the head!Then he said: "But if you don't come, Brother Xuan, we really have to leave first,"

"I'm really sorry to keep everyone waiting for so long!" Xuan Tian looked at the crowd and said with a smile.

"Where, let's talk about it first, so as not to be chased by people from the Qin Kingdom," Master Ban said, pointing to the huge mechanism bird next to him.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then they all went to the organ bird!

Gai Nie and his party walked all the way, because Xuantian blocked Wei Zhuang and Baifeng and the others, so Yue'er in the original book was controlled by the Chilianhuo magic technique and did not happen, nor was she chased by Baifeng!It's just that Qin Bing has been sticking to him! .

And when the mechanism bird was activated, Gai Nie took the lead in asking Xuantian, ""Brother Xuan is here, what happened?" "

Everyone heard the words and all looked at Xuantian!Because he didn't notice it at the beginning, it was only now that he realized that Xuan Tian's clothes were a bit torn, but there was no blood on his body.

Xuan Tian looked at everyone, and said immediately: After I separated from you, I first went after Bai Feng, and after continuous pursuit, finally it was...

Except for the realm breakthrough, General Xuantian told everyone about the battle with Wei Zhuang and others.Just now! .Then it will come after you.

"" I didn't expect Brother Xuan to be so strong in martial arts at such a young age!In a few years, I'm afraid there will be no one in the world who can beat little brother Xuan! "Said the old man who was turning on the machine.

"" The master of the class is too praised!There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.The boy has never thought about it." Xuan Tian opened his mouth and replied to Master Ban.

"Brother Xuantian, what you said just now! Is it true? Gai Nie next to him looked at Xuantian with a serious face and said.

Seeing the impatience on Gai Nie's face, Xuan Tian knew that Gai Nie was impatient!It was only because Gai Nie did exactly as his master Guiguzi expected, because he learned that Wei Zhuang knew Cong swordsmanship and Baibu Flying Sword, so he misunderstood that Wei Zhuang killed his master.

"Oh? Could it be that Mr. Gai doesn't trust me? He thinks I'm boasting?" Although Xuantian knew what he meant.But still deliberately said to Gai Nie.

"" What did the uncle say to him? "" At this time, Tianming beside him also whispered to Yue'er.

"Brother Xuan said just now that Wei Zhuang fought him with a hundred-step flying sword." I guessed that Mr. Gai asked Brother Xuan just because of this, and Yue'er returned to Tianming.

"Oh! I remembered, Xuantian did say that just now. No, isn't the hundred-step flying sword only for uncles?" Tianming suddenly realized.

"Gai is speechless, please don't be offended by Brother Xuan, because, my Guigu sect, both vertical and horizontal have their own inheritance, and Guiguzi in the past will not pass on the vertical and horizontal skills to one person at the same time. Therefore, Gai is eager to offend him. Please forgive me." Gai Nie explained to Xuantian.

"Where is it? Mr. Gai is serious, I am not angry.", "It turned out to be because of this matter, please rest assured Mr. Gai, what I said is absolutely true. Besides, whether it is true or not, Mr. Gai and Wei Zhuang If we meet, don't we know? So there is no need to lie."Xuan Tian said to Gai Nie.

"Brother Xuan said yes."Ge Nie returned with an apologetic smile.

"Legends say that the Mohist Trick City is like the Demonic City beyond the Heavens, with uncanny workmanship! This time, I, Xuantian, can go to the Mohism with everyone from the Mohism to experience it. I am very lucky to witness this Demonic City beyond the Heavens! Let's change the subject," Xuan Tian looked at the mechanism bird that was holding everyone under his feet, and said to Master Ban and others.

"Little brother Xuantian is too famous! My Mohist family has gone through hundreds of years since the ancestor of Mozi was handed down to the world. During this time, we have seen many hardships in the world. Then we started to build the mechanism city. However, it has been continuously improved by many sages of our Mohist family! Not the Demonic City Beyond Heaven! But, it can be regarded as a paradise on earth!"

"However, the tyrant Yingzheng can't tolerate the little paradise of my Mo family. He has been sending troops from the Qin State to hunt down and suppress our Mo family! In recent years, our Mo family has also suffered heavy losses! If we don't have the Trick City Fortress !Maybe my Mohist family is really going to die out." Master Ban said slowly to Xuantian and others.

"The Mohist Trick City is so powerful! After I get there, I must take a good look at it." At this time, Tianming who was beside him said happily to everyone.

After a group of people flew on the mechanism bird for nearly half an hour.Finally arrived at the entrance to the Mohist Trick City.

However, near the entrance, there are cliffs and cliffs, and a continuous abyss of hundreds of feet!Even the surrounding rivers are full of rocks, in this place!No matter how powerful your army is!Coming here is like being sent into the mouth of an abyss.

Only Mohists who know mechanism skills and are familiar with safe passages can reach Mohism safely. !
But putting aside the danger, the place where the Mohist Trick City is located is truly breathtaking.

Just when Xuantian and others arrived at the entrance of the Mohist Trick City!Everyone didn't notice that a huge white bird flew across the sky in the distance!And above the giant bird, there is either Baifeng or Kazuto.

Bai Feng looked at the people on the organ bird in the distance below, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth!Then he drove the giant white bird away.

(End of this chapter)

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