The master of swordsmanship of the bright moon in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 114 The Great Battle on the Bank of Songhai

Chapter 114 The Great Battle on the Bank of Sanghai ([-])

"Decree Zhao, General Zhang, you have prepared more means for these rebels, right?"

Xuan Tian looked at the lives that died from time to time in the field, whether it was the Mohist disciples or the soldiers of the Qin State, everyone was injured at the moment, but only those leaders of the rebels were still unharmed. Zhao Gaoming's prepared imperial masters could not beat them. If not for the support of countless Qin soldiers, these imperial masters would have been at a disadvantage long ago.

However, Xuantian is well aware of the strength of each of these rebels, so the current situation is still within his expectations.

But even so, Xuantian does not intend to let the battle situation continue to be stalemate like this. The so-called one-shot, then decline, and three-time exhaustion, but these rebels today are people at the end of the road, and they will definitely burst out with shocking blood and bravery , Xuantian doesn't want any accident to happen.

Therefore, Xuan Tian turned his eyes to Zhao Gao and Zhang Han who were beside him, the meaning was obvious, if there was a secret move, it was time to make a move.

"Lord Tianshi, don't worry, the battle in the field will soon have the result we want," Zhao Gao heard Xuantian's words, turned his head and said slightly to Xuantian.

And the moment Zhao Gao straightened his body, he saw Zhao Gao look at a snare killer next to him, and motioned slightly.

Seeing this scene, Xuantian didn't say a word, what he wanted was the result, the process was not important, besides, the Luowang, a weapon of the empire, was originally an organization that lived in the dark, and the battle on the bright side was never what it wanted. long, and only the true dark side is their kingly place.

In the battle between the two sides, many masters of the Anti-Qin Alliance are entangled by the masters of the Empire at the moment, but there are still people who have killed countless Qin soldiers on the battlefield. This person is one of the four heavenly kings of quicksand. practice.

Chi Lian was originally a South Korean princess named Honglian. She was well-clothed and well-fed since she was a child. At that time, Honglian was not the devil who murdered people like hemp and loved human life like nothing at this time. At that time, he had to meet Wei Zhuang, the Lord of Quicksand, and from then on he followed Wei Zhuang to practice martial arts. After the demise of South Korea, the innocent and innocent Princess Honglian disappeared, and was replaced by Chi Lian, who made everyone in the world frightened. Although he is not unique in poisoning skills, he still has his own achievements, and because Chi Lian is good at using poison, he, a member of Quicksand, has more lives in his hands than the leader of Quicksand, Wei Zhuang. many.

And in the current battle here, up to now, the one who has killed the most people is not Gai Nie, the top expert in the anti-Qin alliance, nor his junior brother Wei Zhuang, nor is it Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist sect. Chi Lian is a woman who only has the innate mid-stage realm!

I saw that the four secret shadow guards kept attacking Chi Lian, their moves were full of murderous intent, but since these shadow secret guards fought Chi Lian, they didn't even leave a single scar on her body.

This is not to say that the masters of these four Shadow Secret Guards are not strong enough, on the contrary, these four Shadow Secret Guards are all masters, and each of them is a person in the early innate stage. The captain of the team, but seeing them approaching Chi Lian's body for a few inches, they always staggered away like snakes and scorpions, and only dared to attack with the short blade in his hand!

And it is precisely because of this that these four shadow secret guards have only been able to hold Chi Lian back since they fought against Chi Lian.

The reason for this is that there is a layer of lavender smoke around Chi Lian's body all the time. Originally, a puff of purple smoke was nothing special, but when you see where Chi Lian passed by, it was surrounded by that lavender smoke. Qin Bing, who was touched by the purple mist, immediately twisted his face, and after falling to the ground, the four shadow guards finally got a reasonable explanation for their actions!
"If you want to get close to your sister, you have to pay a price," Chi Lian whispered after repelling the two shadow guard captains, and at the same time kept moving his hands, Chi Lian's right hand twisted slightly, and then I saw the chain snake soft sword in her hand, like a snake with the same spirit, smashing into the ground in an extremely strange and twisted way.

"call out!"

The next moment, the chain snake soft sword that had been pierced into the ground from Chi Lian's feet rushed out from the feet of a shadow guard captain in an instant, stabbing straight at his strength, trying to pierce him through!


There was a sound of impact, and at the critical moment, beside the attacked shadow guard, another shadow guard struck him horizontally, lifting him to death.

"Hiss," the rest of the people gasped when they saw this, but the Shadow Secret Guards were strictly trained people, not to mention that the four of them were already the captains of the Shadow Secret Guards, but in an instant, the four returned Immediately, the four of them surrounded Chi Lian in the middle, waiting for an opportunity to move.

At this moment, a plainly dressed Qin Bing suddenly charged at Chi Lian with a bronze sword in his hand.

Seeing this scene, the four secret guard captains were slightly surprised. Their battle with Chi Lian just now affected many people. At least seventy or eighty Qin soldiers died tragically under Chi Lian's sword and the poisonous body. It stands to reason that ordinary Qin soldiers should be afraid to avoid Chi Lian when they see Chi Lian, but this Qin soldier seems to be crazy, holding an ordinary rotten bronze sword and daring to kill the female devil head, there are many differences in this However, all of this happened in an instant, so even if the four of them wanted to stop it, it would be too late, so they prepared to wait for the opportunity, and wanted to use this Qin Bing's life to find a chance to kill!
"Looking for death!" Chi Lian looked at the lifeless Qin Bing, shouted lightly, and waved the chain snake and soft sword in the air in his hand. The spirit snake was winding and circling like a willow branch. In front of him, he was about to pierce through that Qin Bing's chest!
"It's now!"

Seeing the situation at this time, one of the secret shadow guards shouted loudly, and then the other three shot at almost the same time as him, facing Chi Lian who was attacking and killing the Qin soldier.

"Heh," on the other side, Qin Bing was not surprised when he saw the chain snake soft sword coming to his chest. Instead, he showed a strange smile. With a backward stroke, the chain snake soft sword that was killed at a high speed was swung away!
"What!" Seeing this scene, Chi Lian secretly exclaimed that something is wrong, she knew she had been tricked, this is not an ordinary Qin soldier!

However, Chi Lian's face remained unchanged, he turned around on the spot, bowed back, and turned his right hand lightly, and saw Chi Lian avoiding two shadows with a very dangerous posture. The secret guard's killing move is not limited to that, I saw the chain snake soft sword that the killer just sent out surged back, and the trajectory it passed just happened to force the attack of the other two shadow secret guards to stop!
"Die!" At this moment, less than ten feet away from Chi Lian, the fearless Qin Bing came to Chi Lian almost instantly, and saw him holding a bronze sword in one hand, The sword pointed, boundless killing intent shot out.


There was a crisp sound, and at the critical moment, Chi Lian's retracted chain snake soft sword swiped upwards, narrowly avoiding this decisive blow!
"Hey," but at this moment, I saw that Qin Bing's sword finger hanging on the lower left moved!I saw the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then a strong sword energy emanated from his hands!In an instant, it passed by Chilian's abdomen!

 The factory is on holiday, not the New Year's Day holiday, but the Spring Festival holiday, so starting tomorrow, the update will return to normal, thank you for your support, it's so late, I will post a chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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