The master of swordsmanship of the bright moon in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 120 The Great War Begins by the Bank of Sanghai

Chapter 120 The Great Battle on the Bank of Sanghai ([-])

"The order is for the whole army to attack and kill all these rebels," the general of the Qin army who came with Xuan Tian and others on this trip shouted at the herald at this moment.

"Master Tianshi has an order, the whole army will attack! Kill the rebels,"


As countless Qin soldiers shouted in unison, the tragedy on the battlefield really began to be staged.

From the very beginning, it was the infantry of the Qin Army who fought against the people of the Anti-Qin Alliance. The cavalry of the Qin Army had never been dispatched. Now, even the cavalry of the Qin Army have begun to charge. For the anti-Qin alliance at this moment, it is tantamount to cutting off their last straw.

I saw the Qin army's iron cavalry pass by, not as if they were stepping forward at the same time, stalemate, but after a few breaths, most of the Mohist disciples who had been resisting and the remnants of the Chu family were killed.

You know, these Mohist disciples are not ordinary soldiers. They are all trained martial arts masters. In normal times, each of them can block the attacks of five or six ordinary Qin soldiers. The biggest reason why they have been able to resist the attack of the Qin army's infantry.

But when the cavalry of the Qin Army started to charge, they were no different from ordinary soldiers!

"No, facing the charge of the cavalry of the Qin army, our people can't give full play to their advantages!" Master Ban saw those disciples of the Mo family being harvested like wheat under the iron hooves of the Qin soldiers, and his heart felt like a knife for a while. But they are powerless, those are the future and hope of the Mo family, most of them have given their lives here now, he hates it!

And when the battle was over for about a stick of incense, the soldiers and horses brought by the ordinary disciples of the Mohist family and the survivors of the Chu Kingdom had already been put to death. On the battlefield, there were countless corpses and blood flowed like rivers. Among them were soldiers from Qin. There are also anti-Qin alliances, but there are more than six layers of corpses left by Qin soldiers.

When a person is facing a desperate situation, the bloody courage that he can unleash is very terrifying.

At this moment, all members of the Anti-Qin Alliance gathered together, even Wei Zhuang and Xiaoyaozi, who had been fighting endlessly with the Six Swordsmen, had joined the rest of the people at this time, and when Wei Zhuang learned that Chi Lian and Bai Feng were both killed When Qin Jun captured him, he could see that Wei Zhuang's face changed for a while, and a strong killing intent shot out from his eyes, but soon, this obliterating intent was suppressed by Wei Zhuang.

"As long as you are still alive, and I can escape from this place, I will definitely rescue you in the future!" Wei Zhuang thought to himself. Regarding Bai Feng's capture, Wei Zhuang was not worried that his life would be in danger. When outside the city, Xuantian had captured Baifeng at that time, and finally wanted to take Baifeng under his command and let him go. Now that Baifeng is captured, he will definitely seek refuge with Xuantian.

The only thing Wei Zhuang worried about and cared about was Chi Lian. Although he basically didn't show that he cared about Chi Lian in his daily relationship with Chi Lian, many people knew that if anyone dared to touch Chi Lian, That Wei Zhuang will never end with anyone.

And as long as Wei Zhuang can escape from this place, Wei Zhuang will definitely go to rescue Chi Lian in person that day, no matter it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire.

However, there must be a prerequisite for these, that is, to be able to escape from this place.

Surrounding the crowd, at this moment, I don't know how many Qin troops have surrounded them, and they have blocked any escape route for the crowd. The current situation has become a deadly situation.

At this moment, the Qin soldiers who had originally surrounded the anti-Qin alliance people began to slowly give way, and after a while, Xuantian, Zhao Gao, and Zhang Han made way out of the Qin soldiers together. walking on the road.

"Xuantian! Are you finally going to make a move?" Looking at Xuantian who was slowly approaching, the anti-Qin alliance side, this sentence sounded silently in the hearts of everyone at this moment. It can be said that everyone at this moment is really at the end of the road. Countless Qin soldiers around, plus countless empire masters, and most importantly, Xuan Tian, ​​an unfathomable person, completely wiped out the tiny trace of vitality in everyone's hearts.

"Everyone, are you okay?" Xuantian's words sounded, and his voice was not mocking, but every word he said revealed Xuantian's contempt for the anti-Qin alliance.

But now the remaining members of the Anti-Qin Alliance are all people with firm minds, and they have turned a deaf ear to Xuan Tian's harsh words.

But the next moment, someone still spoke,

"Xuantian, don't you think it's shameful to show off your might now that you've been thinking so hard about getting rid of us!" The one who spoke was Robo Zhi, one of the leaders of the Mohist school.

"Oh," Xuantian chuckled when he heard the words, "Showing off your power? Is it still useful to you now? A bunch of poor people who don't listen to education and are willing to degenerate. You always think that what you have been doing all the time It is for the sake of the people of the world, and wants to reopen the world for them."

"But, have you asked the people in this world? They are just a group of self-righteous stupid people."

After a short pause, Xuan Tian continued to look at the crowd and said, "However, among you, there are indeed some poor people who are driven by other people's dirty faces buried deep under their masks to reach them for others. Even to the point of death, they will not be able to understand their selfish purpose, this is truly pitiful."

"It's at this time, you still want to use this despicable divisive plan to divide us, Xuantian, you are really shameless." In the anti-Qin alliance, the rest of the people waited to hear Xuantian's words , They were all silent, only Robber Zhi retorted loudly: "Our Mohists have always acted in accordance with the will of the world and the people, and the one who goes against the will of the people is the faint king, the tyrant who wins the government!"

"Huh!" Just at this moment, Robo Zhi's voice just fell, a stream of light flashed by, and the next moment, a big hand with vitality instantly grabbed Robo Zhi in his hand. You must know that Robo Zhi's famous stunt is known for his speed 'Electric light god walking' ah!Even compared to Baifeng, Robber Zhi's speed was almost the same, but at this moment, this powerful hand came directly from the front of Robber Zhi, and he was caught in his hand before he could use his movements.

"What are you going to do, let go of Xiao Zhi." Seeing this scene, everyone on the anti-Qin alliance was terrified, and the master of the Mohist class was the first to speak.

That's right, the person who caught Robber Zhi was none other than Xuantian, only to hear that at this moment Xuantian looked at Robber Zhi in the hands of the giant with vitality and said: "Look, with your body speed, you can't beat me. Among people, you can be said to be the ultimate person, but in my hands, you can't even dodge. Don't say I am sneak attacking, it will make me think you are an idiot, and from this point of view, you think, Is it necessary for me to go to great lengths to split you up and drive you apart? With that effort, I would have killed you all long ago."

"Then what do you want to do?" Master Class looked at Robo Zhi whose veins were bulging by the big hand of vitality, and was very angry in his heart, and he was puzzled to Xuantian: "At this moment, we are already in your hands. , what exactly do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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