Chapter 123
"Since both Master Ban and Xiao Gao are willing to surrender, I am naturally willing to be with them." Bandit Zhi's exclusive frivolous voice sounded.

"call out!"

The next moment, a pill flew out of nowhere and landed in Bandit Zhi's hands.

"Can I not take it?" Robber Zhi looked at the dark red pill in his hand, the more he looked at it, the more he felt panicked, even the playfulness on his face was gone, he looked at Xuantian with an ugly face and said .

"What do you think?" Xuantian looked at Robber Zhi blankly,

The next moment, Robber Zhi took the medicine with great difficulty.

"But I have to warn you." At this moment, Xuantian said to Robber Zhi with a playful face: "Once you surrender to the empire, you must strictly abide by the laws of the empire. If I find out in the future, you still do what you want For the theft, I will break your hand with which hand you steal it, and if you do it with both hands, I will cut off both hands, you have to remember it well."

"What!" Bandit Zhi heard the words, exclaimed, and said, "Why didn't you say it earlier, you, you deceive people too much."

After being plotted by Xuantian, Robber Zhi felt unwilling, and immediately stroked his neck with his hand, wanting to spit out the pill he had taken!But no matter what, the pill has already been taken, and the hateful thing is that the pill melts in the mouth, allowing him to do whatever he wants is useless.After a while, he had no choice but to give up, and then went to Master Class with a look of grief and indignation.

After watching the three Mohists all join the empire, the expressions of the rest of the people in the field were different for a moment.

Wei Zhuang's face was slightly mocking. In Wei Zhuang's view, the Mo family was so stupid that they had to surrender after all their disciples died in battle, so what's the point of the death of their disciples.But now no matter what, it's time for me and others to make a decision. If not, with the current situation, even with the strength of myself and others, I can't escape.

"The rest of you, have you considered it?" In the end Xuantian's voice still rang in the ears of Xiaoyaozi and others.

"Zhang Liang is willing to surrender," at this moment, it was Zhang Liang who spoke first!I only heard Zhang Liang say to Xuan Tian: "But Liang has a question! I wonder if Master Tianshi can solve the problem?"

"Oh! Confused?" Xuan Tian looked at Zhang Liang, pondered, and said, "Tell me."

After hearing the words, Zhang Liang tidied up his words slightly, before he said: "The people here are all rebels against the empire, and are not tolerated by the empire. Although Lord Tianshi is in the empire, he has a high position and authority, and he is even more favored by His Majesty the First Emperor. , but, I wonder if my lord can guarantee that if I wait for everyone to return, His Majesty the First Emperor will not kill me? After all, now that the Great Qin is invincible outside and has no major worries inside, it is not the time when talents are urgently needed. Your Majesty the First Emperor And what reason do you allow people like me who rebel against the empire to exist?"


After Zhang Liang's words fell, a gust of cool wind caressed him, and the chills made people tremble uncontrollably.

Zhang Liangzhi's thoughts are really meticulous, worthy of being a genius for seeking saints. Every word of his words points to the crux of the problem, and these problems are all related to the life and death of everyone, and it is true that as Zhang Liang said, the current Qin Dynasty The country is no longer the kind of individual talent, regardless of its source, no matter what mistakes it has made in the past, if people like them are caught, the most likely end is a dead end. After all, the empire does not Maybe let a group of rebels live in peace, if so, will the people of the empire follow suit, because as long as they surrender in the end, they will survive, and if they can get some benefits from the treason, wouldn't it be Made a lot of money?
For Zhang Liang's words in an instant, Xuan Tian still admired them very much. In an instant, he was able to gain insight into the situation and see where the problem lies, which is not something everyone can do.

After being silent for a few breaths, Xuan Tian just looked at Zhang Liang and said: "Since I dare to ask you to wait to surrender, I will naturally save your lives, you don't have to worry about this issue, I think I still have this ability. "


After getting the answer, Zhang Liang groaned, then glanced at Wei Zhuang and others beside him without any trace, and then said: "In that case, Zhang Liang is also willing to surrender."

"Ha," Xuantian laughed loudly when he heard the words, and then looked at Zhang Liang and said, "Mr. Zhang Liang is willing to serve the empire. It is really a happy thing. I think Mr.'s ancestors were the prime minister of the fifth generation of Korea. Mr.'s talents have already spread far and wide. Far, as long as you are really willing to serve the empire, if you think about it, not only will your life be safe in the future, but you will be able to show your grand ambitions!"

"Master Tianshi is ridiculously praised!" Zhang Liang smiled wryly when he heard the words, and said: "Liang only hopes that in the future he will not humiliate the lintel of the ancestors, that is enough."

At this moment, a pill also went into Zhang Liang's hands, only to hear Xuan Tian say: "It's not that I don't want to believe you sir, but, no matter what, in the future, I have to say something to His Majesty the First Emperor, yes In return, sir, don't refuse, "

"Everyone has considered the present, should you give an answer?" Xuan Tian looked at the rest of Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang, and Xiao Yaozi and said slowly.

"Xuantian, do you think that the current situation can really trap me?"

Among the three, Wei Zhuang was the first to speak at this time, but it was not a word of surrender, on the contrary, there was a strong sense of disdain in Wei Zhuang's words.

"Oh!" Xuantian looked at Wei Zhuang, groaned, and said with great interest: "Could it be that you think that at this moment, with the army of more than ten thousand and the masters of the empire, it is still impossible to keep you?"

After a pause, Xuantian said solemnly: "I don't know where your confidence comes from, but since you insist on giving it a try, let me see, Your Excellency's martial arts have improved again during this period of time. How much!"


As soon as Xuantian finished speaking, he saw that around Xuantian, countless heaven and earth vitality condensed, with Xuantian as the center, the power approached within tens of feet of the surrounding area.

"Go back!"

At this time, Zhang Han yelled at the countless Qin soldiers around him, and led them to disperse, and did not stop until Baizhang.

And at a few feet away from Xuantian, Wei Zhuang turned his head to look at Gai Nie and Xiaoyaozi at this time, the three nodded to each other, and then saw Xiaoyaozi stretching out his hand to volley in the air, and a moment later, a Daoming yellow rune diffused out , wrapping three people inside.

At this moment, the tactic he used was much stronger than the one he used when he joined forces with Wei Zhuang to fight the Six Swordsmen at the beginning.

After a while, the runes flying all over the sky began to gradually gather. After a few breaths, they turned into countless runes, flying and changing around Xiaoyaozi several feet away.

Beside him, at this moment, the two of them, Zongheng and Heng, slashed diagonally behind him, and they didn't stop until they were a few feet away from Xiaoyaozi, and the bright yellow runes emitted by Xiaoyaozi just enveloped the three of them. In it, and at the moment when they completed it, in an instant, an incomparably powerful momentum was generated.

"The formation of three talents is interesting!" Xuantian looked at the actions of the three, and then at Xiaoyaozi's actions. He naturally knew what their purpose was, but Xuantian didn't intend to stop it, because he also wanted to try it. , How strong is the tri-talent formation composed of three martial arts masters!
You know, in the original book, Gai Nie and Xiaoyaozi had already lost their internal strength at that time, but with the help of Tianming's internal strength, they were able to temporarily block the three masters of the Yinyang Family, the Guardian, the Star Soul, the Great Commander, and the Lesser Commander. Therefore, Xuantian is quite curious.

(End of this chapter)

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