The master of swordsmanship of the bright moon in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 128 The Battle of the Three Heavens and Man

Chapter 128 The Battle of the Three Heavens and Humans


"Another uninvited character!" Xuan Tian looked at the master who saved the man in black, and said softly: "It seems that today is really going to be a fun battle here."

And about ten feet away from Xuantian, an old man in a gray robe was standing there at this time, I saw that the man did not know how old he was, but he saw his gray hair, a gray and white beard reaching his chest, in his hand, a handle Holding the divine sword as bright as the moonlight, he looked like a worldly expert.


Just when Xuantian was confronting the visitor, on a mountain hundreds of feet away, three masked men in black robes who had been standing here for a long time also saw what happened in the field.

"Unexpectedly, he also came. I didn't notice it at first. It seems that he is really old." The man in black who stood at the front spoke first.

At this time, the man in black at the left rear said, "Master, do you recognize these two?"

Hearing this, the person who was called Master Uncle by the people behind paused, and then said: "I don't know the one who came out in front, but I do know who the one who came in the back is?"

"Oh!" The two people behind the leader in black robe heard the words, they all murmured, looked at him, and waited for his next words.

Seeing this, the leader of the black-robed man pondered for a while, and said: "The one who came first. From my perspective, the martial arts he uses are quite similar to the Taoist ones, but according to my knowledge, there is no such person in Taoism, but will he It will be someone hidden by the Taoist school. Then it is unknown, and Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist family, was injured here, if he is a member of the Taoist school, it is reasonable to come to rescue Xiaoyaozi."

"However, after he shot, the person he saved was not Xiaoyaozi, but Gai Nie, which is a bit intriguing."

"Oh!" The black-robed man at the back heard the words and said: "According to what my uncle said, could it be that the one who arrived first is from Guigu?"

"No," the leader of the black-robed man vetoed what the people behind him said, and then said: "There are only a few people in Guigu. I know everyone, but this one is definitely not People from Ghost Valley."

After a pause, the leader of the black-robed man continued: "The one who came later is the one you mentioned just now from Ghost Valley."

"Oh!" The two people behind were silent for a while.

After a while, the leader of the black-robed man continued: "That's right. The one who will come later is exactly the contemporary strategist. Guiguzi of the Guigu sect."

After the leader in black robe finished speaking, he looked back at the two people behind him and said, "You two are also known as Qilu Three Masters, so you should have some knowledge."

At this point, the identities of these three people have also been clarified. They are the head of Confucianism, Fu Nian, and the second head, Yan Lu.With their uncle Xun Kuang.

The three of them came here thinking that if Zhang Liang could escape from the siege, they would rescue him at the critical moment, but they didn't expect it, and the final result was that Zhang Liang surrendered to the empire, so there was no need for them to act.


In the battlefield, after the man in black was rescued by Gui Guzi, whom Xun Kuang said, he rushed to the ghost's side in an instant, and confronted Xuantian with him.

"Thank you for your help, otherwise, I will really have to confess my life here today." The man in black said after bowing his hands to Guiguzi.

And after speaking to Guiguzi, the man in black looked at Xuantian and said: "Unexpectedly, I almost fell into your way. At your age, your thoughts are so deep, and your strikes are so ruthless."

"It's just each other," Xuan Tian was noncommittal about what the man in black said.Compared to the man in black who killed the three secret shadow guards, Xuan Tian felt that he was being polite, otherwise Zongheng and Xiaoyaozi would all be dead at this moment.

"Your Excellency is here because you want to fight against the empire and prevent the empire from arresting the rebel?" Xuantian looked at Guiguzi and said.

At this moment, Xuantian still doesn't know that the man in gray is the teacher of the two, the contemporary Guiguzi, but for a while, Xuantian can't see the depth of it, but for the man in gray, Xuantian feels it There was a trace of danger, so Xuantian secretly thought that the man in gray was at least a mid-stage master of heaven, otherwise he wouldn't give Xuantian such a strange feeling.

However, although Xuan Tian didn't know who the gray-clothed man's real identity was, he guessed a possibility by looking at his attire, but whether it was true or not, he had yet to confirm it himself.

After hearing Xuantian's words, the gray-clothed man smiled lightly, then turned his eyes to Gai Nie and the other three, and said to Xuantian: "It's not my wish to oppose the empire, but if there is no other way, I'm not afraid either, but this matter has not yet reached such a point, if you can let me take these three people away, then I owe you a favor. How about it?"

"Ha!" Xuantian laughed lightly when he heard the words, and said, "One of your favors? It's ridiculous, not to mention that I don't know anything about your identity now, if the three of them allow you to take it away, then I This imperial celestial master doesn't need to continue to do it."

"From this point of view, we still have to do it!" Guiguzi said indifferently.

While saying these words, Guiguzi made a move suddenly, and at some point, a sword appeared in his hand, and a burst of colorful glow suddenly burst out.Suddenly shot at Xuantian.

He makes a sudden move, one move is lore, this is one of the unique skills of Guigu sect, the hundred-step flying sword, but it is different from the hundred-step flying sword used by Gai Nie, which needs to be brewed, for Guiguzi, the hundred-step flying sword Even if the sword does not need to be charged, it can still be issued, but this kind of hundred-step flying sword is relatively less powerful.

Even if the power is a little weaker, but only relatively speaking, its true power is still very unrivaled, coupled with the sudden attack from such a short distance, the encounter is even more terrifying.

While dodging, Xuantian raised his hand and swung a beam of Xeon sword light, blocking Guiguzi's strange sword in an instant.

At the same time, Xuantian urged the Qinghong sword to kill Guiguzi. Under Xuantian's urging, the Qinghong sword instantly turned into a stream of light, which had the meaning of no distance, but in an instant, it was in front of Guiguzi , compared to the hundred-step flying sword issued by Guiguzi, the sword issued by Xuantian at this moment is far superior in both speed and power.

There was a loud noise, Xiaoyaozi was far less calm and relaxed than Xuantian in dealing with Xuantian's sword that was dodging and defending at the same time for a moment.

After blocking Xuantian's blow, Guiguzi's breathing was obviously disordered, and even his shabby robe was slightly damaged at the moment, but fortunately, he was not injured by this sword.

But after this sword strike, Guiguzi finally knew the situation of the mysterious man in black when he faced Xuantian's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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