After the rebirth, she became a national male god

Chapter 1 Soul Transmigration Returns to Bind the World Peace System

Chapter 1 Soul Transmigration Returns to Bind the World Peace System

Softly exhaling in pain, it felt like the head was filled with lead and was about to burst.

Subconsciously, she lightly raised her hand to stroke her forehead.

Suddenly, she froze.

Can she move?

Didn't she become paralyzed five years ago due to a stage accident?
Qingyan looked at his hand in disbelief.

These are a pair of very white, tender and beautiful hands.

The slender fingers seemed to be born for playing the piano, with well-defined joints.

It's not her hand.

Due to years of dancing practice, her hands had thick calluses.

But these hands are so tender that water can be squeezed out, and it looks like they have never done rough work.

Suddenly, my stomach was churning, and I turned over on a conditioned reflex, and rushed into the toilet to vomit.

She stared blankly at her reflection in the mirror.

Afro hair, smoky makeup, fancy dress with a pair of purple stockings, just like a genuine non-mainstream, Sha Matt.

This person is not her.

Qingyan had just come up with this idea, when a timid and excited voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

System: [Congratulations on binding the World Peace System and getting a chance to be reborn, please accept the memory of the original owner...]

As soon as the words fell, Qingyan immediately had a memory that didn't belong to her.

The original owner was Su Qingyan, 21 years old.

After her parents gave birth to her, they handed her over to the nanny to raise her. They went on their honeymoon affectionately, and they went there for a year. When they came back, they gave her a household registration. Gender: male.

After completing the registration, they knew that they had given birth to a daughter, but they were too lazy to change it, and went on a loving trip.

Su Qingyan didn't think there was anything wrong with being the wrong gender, but found that this society is really tolerant of men.

Anything wrong can be explained by the fact that boys are more naughty, and it is easily forgiven.

Ever since, Su Qingyan, who has tasted the sweetness, has been a demon king since she was a child, and she has done a lot of evil things, such as bullying men and women, and she never let go of everything.

No, as he grew older, his courage became more and more fat, and he even desperately played Yan Jue's idea.

Yan Jue and Su Qingyan were raised by a nanny.

Later, when the nanny got old and had to go back to the countryside to take care of her grandson, she entrusted Su Qingyan to Yan Jue.

That year, Su Qingyan, Yan Jue was 24 years old.

When they met in the first day of junior high school, Su Qingyan was shocked by Yan Jue's extraordinary appearance, and vowed to throw Yan Jue down.

But on a dark and windy night of a certain month, Su Qingyan was beaten up by Yan Jue and tied to the door like a dog in the cold for a night, then he gave up on this great idea.

The ruthless and ruthless Sir, who is famous in Baicheng, can't be provoked!
Su Qingyan, who has been honest for four years, was once again attracted by Yan Jue's more mature and stable charm after returning from college, and became lustful again.

This time she got it right.

First, let the fox and dog friends get sweat medicine, after trying to make Yan Jue faint, and then pretend to be drunk and forcefully attack the overlord.

But who knew that the bow was not drawn, but was beaten to death by the half-conscious Yan Jue, and passed out directly.

The original owner is also unlucky enough.

After passing out of the coma, because of drinking too much alcohol, he suddenly vomited and choked himself to death.

It can be said that "Peony" died under the flowers, and being a ghost is also romantic!
Just when Qingyan finished receiving the memory and sighed helplessly, the toilet door was suddenly kicked open with a "bang", and Yan Jue's all-powerful face was glaring at her angrily, as if he wished to leave her alone. Her body was broken into pieces.

Even though Qingyan was used to seeing handsome guys in his previous life, he was still amazed by Yan Jue's appearance.

This man is so handsome, it's no wonder that the original owner will throw himself down even if he is not afraid of death.

"Su, Qing, Yan!"

Yan Jue gritted his teeth and roared, staggered towards Qingyan, and slammed his clenched fist fiercely on Qingyan's face.

Although he was drugged, his hands were strong, if he was hit, his nose would be bruised and his face would be swollen.

Qingyan dodged to the side, raised his foot and kicked Yan Jue's ass, and then rushed up to punch and kick Yan Jue.

"You are still so stubborn after being drugged, why don't you go to heaven?"

"I was beaten up before, and now you are still chasing me. Do you think you are the most vengeful flat-headed brother in history?"

"Although you didn't hit me, you hurt me. If I don't hit you back, I'm afraid you don't know what it means to feel, feel, feel, feel."

Lightly speaking is a vengeful person.

Whether it is the last life or this life, it will not change.

While fighting lightly, a timid voice sounded in his mind, saying very anxiously: [Host, we are a world peace system, we can't fight, we can't fight...]

Flicking his bangs casually, he let out a sigh of relief, and went home to sleep according to the memory of the original owner.

The original owner drank too much wine, she was so dizzy.


Wake up.

Qingyan opened his eyes, looked at the unfamiliar environment, and was dazed for a long time, until a timid voice appeared in his mind again before sitting up from the bed.

Is she really soul-wearing?

What about Qi Xing?
System: [Host, you are awake! 】 Please!
"What kind of bullshit system are you? Who allowed you to bind me? Who gave you the right to bring me here? Make it clear, otherwise I will sue you." Qingyan said forcefully.

[Don't complain, I'm helping you! 】

"What did you do for me?"

【you are dead. 】


[Really, if you don’t believe me, you can watch the news. 】

Qingyan grabbed the remote control next to her and turned on the TV.

[In the early morning of this morning, Mr. Qingyan, a famous talented modern dancer in my country, committed suicide by turning on the gas at home. He is 30 years old now.

It is reported that Mr. Qingyan was paralyzed five years ago due to a stage collapse incident, and has been sitting in a wheelchair for five years.

But even so, Teacher Qingyan still did not give up his beloved dance career, but turned to dance education, established the Stubborn Dance Troupe, and trained batch after batch of outstanding dancers for our country.

According to her lover Qi Xing, being unable to dance was too painful for Teacher Qingyan, which led to her choosing to commit suicide.

May there be no pain in heaven! 】

The news broadcast a picture of the funeral of Qingyan.

She was happy with others during her lifetime, and many people came to her funeral, even her competitors also came to her funeral.

This feeling of watching his own funeral makes Qingyan feel very funny.

Suddenly, her eyes darkened.

In the picture, a handsome man and a beautiful woman appeared in the picture supporting each other.

Both of them were full of sadness, their eyes were red as if they hadn't slept for days and nights, and they were heartbroken for Qingyan's death.

[Special warning: This article is purely fictitious, do not imitate.In reality, if you die, you will not be reborn, and you will come back again if you die, so don't die randomly.We must be a person who conforms to the core values ​​of socialism. We must be positive, optimistic, cheerful, patriotic, family, and school, and we must be moral, filial, and civilized! 】

  New Book Guide:
  Disguise as men
  pet article
  slap in the face
  The heroine's occupation is: dancer!
  I hope you enjoy the girl's new book!
(End of this chapter)

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