After the rebirth, she became a national male god

Chapter 106 What to do, I really like Lan Tong and Sly Hand

Chapter 106 What to do, I really like Lan Tong and Sly Hand

Sly Hand's voice was so cold that there was no emotional fluctuation, which made Lan Tong's heart feel cold.

He is not a child, why should he be obedient?
Lan Tong secretly complained in his heart, and his blue pupils turned ghostly, watching for another way to escape.

But Sly Hand's position is so precise that no matter where he flees, Sly Hand can grasp his movements at the first time, and quickly chase him up.

He is not as fast as Sly Hand, and he will definitely die when the time comes.

But going back is Yan Jue's wolf den, and he can't go there.

Just when Lan Tong was distressed that there was no way out, Sly Hand suddenly appeared in front of him and grabbed his lifeline.

"You want to run?"

"No, no~" Lan Tong's terrified voice turned into tears, his grasped wrist seemed to be clamped by steel, and his tendons constricted in pain.

"You have." Sly Hand didn't like Lan Tong lying to him.

Lan Tong wanted to cry without tears, "Sly Hand, we have something to talk about, can you let go first?"

"If I let go, you will run away." Sly Hand frowned.

He managed to catch Lan Tong, so he had to have breakfast together before letting him go!
"Don't run, don't run, I swear, I won't run. Can you let go first? My hand is about to break~" Lan Tong looked aggrieved and almost lost a few blue beans to win sympathy.

Sly Hand felt distressed and let go.

But just as he let go, Lan Tong suddenly took a big stride, leaped over the Sly Hand, and ran forward at high speed.

His car was parked in front, as long as he got in the car, Sly Hand would not be able to catch up with him.

Lan Tong thought happily, and came to the car smoothly.

But... the key in the pocket is gone.

"Hitomi, you lied to me."

Suddenly, Sly Hand's unwavering voice came from behind him again, and it was so mechanical that it made people shudder.

Lan Tong was so frightened that his spine felt chills, he quickly turned to look at Sly Hand, with a big smile on his face, very friendly.

"I was playing a game of chasing me with you just now, hehehe... Is it fun? How about we play it again? I will run first, and you can chase after 5 minutes!"

After speaking, Lan Tong ran desperately again.

Sly Hand looked at the disappearing figure of Lan Tong, and a rare smile appeared in his eyes.

"So Hitomi likes me chasing him!"

Sly Hand whispered, and pulled out the belt around his waist.

The belt came off the trousers, flicked it lightly, and instantly turned into a soft whip, hitting the concrete floor with a "slap".

Lan Tong heard the sound and turned around suspiciously, just in time to see the moment the whip hit the concrete floor, the concrete floor cracked.

Lan Tong was so frightened that his whole body trembled, as if the whip had hit him.

He's so good!
If this whip hits him, it will kill him!

So, throughout the night, Lan Tong ran desperately, and Sly followed behind leisurely with a whip in his hand, so happy!


The next day.

When Su Qingyan came back from running, there was a sudden "clang" sound from the kitchen.

She ran in quickly.

Several bowls were broken on the ground, and there was a faint burning smell, and a pot of porridge was boiling on the gas stove.

The porridge swelled, but the fire was still very hot.

"My lord, would you turn down the fire a little?"

Su Qingyan looked at Yan Jue's figure looking at his phone, and suggested in a low voice.

Yan Jue raised his head, first glanced at Su Qingyan in annoyance, and then shut down the fire even more in annoyance.

Damn it, let Qingyan see such a embarrassed side of him.

He originally wanted to make a hearty breakfast before Qingyan came back from running, and when Qingyan came back, he would definitely fall on him very touched.

The current picture is very different from what he imagined.

"You go take a shower first, and then come down for breakfast." Yan Jue's cold eyes fell on Su Qingyan's soaked clothes, and he quickly retracted them.

Su Qingyan wore a white sweatshirt today. After being wet with sweat, the thin sweatshirt was tightly attached to her body, revealing the black vest inside and her white skin looming.

Su Qingyan was used to Yan Jue's dislike, and smiled brightly: "My lord, I'll make breakfast for you first..."

"Go take a bath." Yan Jue glared at Su Qingyan fiercely, frowning tightly.

Su Qingyan: "..." Is there something wrong?What are you doing with such a big fire in the early morning?
Su Qingyan took a step back depressed, and when he turned around and walked upstairs, the corner of his eye happened to glance at the menu displayed on Yan Jue's mobile phone screen.

Isn't Yan Jue a workaholic?Why do you have so much free time here to waste time looking at recipes to make breakfast?

When Su Qingyan got out of the shower, Yan Jue had already changed and stood at the door.

She asked suspiciously, "My lord, have you skipped breakfast?"

"I'll take you out to eat."

"Don't be so troublesome, right? Sit down, I'll be able to..."

Su Qingyan said, turned and walked towards the kitchen.

But just as she walked to the door of the kitchen, she was shocked by the "tragic image on earth" inside, and she froze on the spot, staring in disbelief.

Did the Great War take place here?

The pot that Yan Jue used to cook the porridge before had shattered on the gas stove, the porridge inside was scattered all over the floor, and even the wall was swollen a lot.

There was still half a can of milk in the microwave next to it, and the white liquid soared all over the floor.

At a glance, it was clear that Yan Jue had put a whole carton of milk into the microwave, causing the milk carton to expand and explode.

And there were a few more broken bowls on the ground, and the chopping board was even more bloody, and there was a sliced ​​and smashed pork liver on it, which looked a little disgusting.

Not only was there a scorching smell permeating the entire kitchen, but there was also an unpleasant stench wafting from it.

With a livid face, Su Qingyan glared at Yan Jue viciously, and gave him a thumbs up with difficulty, "My lord, you are really amazing."

She has grown up so much, and she has never seen anyone who can destroy the kitchen so completely.

Yan Jue stood flustered, but he didn't show it at all.

What a shame.

Suddenly, Yan Jue stepped forward quickly, grabbed Su Qingyan's hand, and quickly left this embarrassing place.

Not long after Yan Jue left, Sly Shou entered the villa with Lan Tong, who was paralyzed from exhaustion.

He carefully placed Lan Tong on the sofa, as if he was afraid that he would wake Lan Tong up, and then got up and went into the kitchen.

When Sly Hand saw the tragic situation in the kitchen, the corners of his mouth twitched imperceptibly.

Lord, it has changed.

Without any complaints, he started to tidy up the kitchen.

Sly Hand's movements were very quick, and he cleaned up the kitchen in less than 10 minutes, and made a simple breakfast and served it on the table.

Lan Tong was awakened by the smell of food.

He stood up and looked at his surroundings suspiciously.

Seeing this, he was so frightened that he jumped up from the sofa, but because of running all night, his legs became weak and he fell back to the sofa.

 ps: what to do!I really want to write the story of Lan Tong and Sly Hand, it’s very emotional

(End of this chapter)

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