After the rebirth, she became a national male god

Chapter 110 I don't do it, I ask someone to do it

Chapter 110 I don't do it, I ask someone to do it
Erdan was still despising Qi Xing in his heart, but when he suddenly heard Su Qingyan's words, he was terrified all over: [Host, you must not be impulsive! 】

It was really afraid that its host would take a knife and kill Qi Xing.

"Don't worry, I won't kill him." Su Qingyan wiped off the makeup on his face, took off his coat and put on his own, and then went outside.

【Really? 】 Erdan is a little unbelievable.

Just as Erdan asked, Su Qingyan took out his mobile phone and called Lan Tong: "Hey, Lan Tong, Qi Xing is about to leave the bar, do you know what to do?"

"Oh! That bastard grandson dared to trouble you. Could it be that the lessons I taught him were not enough? Humph! Boss, don't worry, I will definitely impress him even more this time."

After Lan Tong finished speaking, she hung up the phone excitedly.

It happened that he was in a bad mood, so the boss sent someone over to vent his anger on him. There was no reason for him not to.

Su Qingyan hung up the phone, turned around and walked towards the bar lobby.

Erdan: […]

The host didn't do it himself, so it shouldn't be considered a violation of the world peace treaty, right?

Should not count!

When Su Qingyan came to the hall, Zhao Lianchen and the others had already opened wine at the booth.

Besides Zhao Lianchen and the other four people on the deck, Zhou Bo was also there.

When he saw Su Qingyan coming over, he smiled so much that his brows and eyes formed a line, and said courteously: "Qingyan! What wine do you want to drink? Uncle Bo will get it for you!"

"Uncle Bo, don't bother, I'll just drink the same as them."

"That's fine, you guys drink first, and call me if you need anything." Zhou Bo said, smiling and looking at the four of Gu Manli, "You guys let go of your stomach and drink today, I treat you."

Zhao Lianchen raised his glass happily: "Long live Uncle Bo."

Xu Hao smiled shyly, "Thank you Uncle Bo."

"Uncle Bo, you are so kind, I love you so much." Gu Manli entangled her, and shook Zhou Bo's hand, twisting her body like a water snake.

Zhou Bo broke into a cold sweat from fright, "Second Miss Gu, don't make fun of me. If Young Master Ling meets you, you have to take my skin off!"

As soon as Gu Manli heard Gu Lingyun's name, she let go of Zhou Bo's hand in boredom.

Shi Yaoyao looked at Zhou Bo obediently, and said with a sweet smile: "Uncle Bo, thank you for taking care of us during this time, Yaoyao will always remember it in her heart."

"You're still the best."

Zhou Bo smiled and left the booth.

The four of Gu Manli looked at Su Qingyan together, their demanding eyes burning like fire.

"Brother Yan, can we really drink?"

Although they had been waiting here a long time ago and ordered wine, none of them dared to drink, but were waiting for Su Qingyan's face-to-face approval.

Ever since they practiced dancing with Su Qingyan, they haven't had a drop of wine anymore, and they've been hungry for a long time.

Although Su Qingyan said today that they can make an exception to drink once, but as long as Su Qingyan hasn't drunk, they dare not drink.

What if Su Qingyan is making fun of them?
As soon as they drank, Su Qingyan rushed out and beat them up violently, and they had to find someone to reason with.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the four of them, Su Qingyan couldn't help laughing all over, and picked up a glass of wine to kill them.


As soon as these words came out, the four of them, like drunkards, rushed to grab their wine glasses and took a sip, each of them said "ah" in enjoyment, so that drinking beer was like drinking white wine.

"Brother Yan, aren't we going to participate in the backup dance selection tomorrow? Why are you taking us out for a drink today?"

"The numbers we draw are relatively late. We won't compare them tomorrow, but only the day after tomorrow." Su Qingyan leaned on the sofa and said loudly.

Zhao Lianchen's eyes lit up: "Does that mean we can let go of our bellies and drink?"

As soon as these words were asked, the three of Gu Manli also looked at Su Qingyan excitedly.

Su Qingyan glanced sideways, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "If you're drunk, I'll throw you on the street to pick up corpses."

In the bar culture, many people are picked up after they are drunk, which is called picking up corpses.

When the four of them heard this, they were terrified.

They knew that as long as they dared to get drunk, Su Qingyan would really dare to throw them over.

The second floor.

Yan Jue stood by the railing and looked at Su Qingyan's figure dotingly.

Zhou Bo came over and looked down.

Usually, once Su Qingyan's dance is over, the number of customers in the bar will drop by half.

But today, not only is there no shortage, but people continue to receive news and dare to come over, peeping in Su Qingyan's direction overtly and secretly.

Especially when seeing Su Qingyan drinking, many people showed greedy eyes.

They were all waiting for Su Qingyan to get drunk so he could pick them up and take them home.

"My lord, are you sure you don't want to call them up for a drink?" Zhou Bo was a little worried.

Although he had arranged for bodyguards to guard the booth, he was still afraid that someone who was not good-looking would run up and cause trouble.

"Up there, he didn't have a good time." Yan Jue replied coldly.

"Then why don't you go down and play with them?"

Zhou Bo could tell that Yan Jue really wanted to go down and drink with Su Qingyan.

Yan Jue's expression darkened, a little melancholy.

"I'm here, he's not having fun."

Although Su Qingyan never said it, Yan Jue could feel that Su Qingyan was a little afraid of him, which made him a little annoyed.

He also didn't want Su Qingyan to be unhappy because of himself.

Zhou Bo: "..." Master has really fallen.

Just when Zhou Bo was about to follow Yan Jue into the box, he suddenly spotted a sneaky figure coming in from the door of the bar with sharp eyes.

The figure was wearing a peaked cap and a big mask on his face, which completely blocked his facial features, making it difficult for people to see them clearly.

In the dark, he slowly walked towards Su Qingyan's table, but was stopped by the bodyguard.

Suddenly, the figure looked up as if aware of something.

A pair of faintly angry pupils came into Zhou Bo's eyes, and he was so frightened that he ran down quickly, and soon came to the figure.

"Master Zhan, why are you here?" Zhou Bo nervously grabbed Baili Zhan, trying to drag him to the second floor.

Baili Zhan shook off Zhou Bo's hand, and pointed angrily at the two bodyguards blocking the way, "Uncle Bo, tell them to go away, I have something to say to Su Qingyan."

"Master Zhan, please don't make trouble, let's talk in another place, shall we?"

"not good."

"Master Zhan, the Sir is still upstairs." Zhou Bo reminded in a low voice.

Baili Zhan's body was stiff, he looked up to the second floor in fear and admiration, and then quickly retracted in fright.

Zhou Bo saw that Baili Zhan's anger had subsided a lot, so he pulled him away again, "Master Zhan, you go to the office with me first, I'll make you a cup of tea, sit down and talk slowly."

"Then you call Su Qingyan over to me too." Baili Zhan persisted.

(End of this chapter)

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