Chapter 119
Although Zhao Nan is just Baili Zhan's agent.

But before he became the gold medal manager of YJ Entertainment, he was also a veritable star in film, television and music.

Although it has been tepid, it has accumulated a lot of popularity in the early years.

In addition, after he changed careers and became an agent, he has cultivated several singers and actresses, which made his reputation more and more famous, even surpassing when he was a star.

If Zhao Nan can replace Baili Zhan as the judge, it will also attract a lot of topics.

When Zhao Nan changes to Baili Zhan, it will be much more interesting than Baili Zhan. Maybe which dance troupe Zhao Nan has taken a fancy to and can make that dance troupe C debut!

Everything is ready, and the preliminary competition for the backup dancer selection has officially started.

Su Qingyan originally thought that they were just here for a cutscene today, but he didn't expect that before the recording of the show, the director team sent a script to each member of the dance troupe.

The content of the script is roughly the same, when to scream, when to show surprise, when to be moved to tears...

If the performance is good, the program crew will give him a few shots between dancing to increase the exposure.

This time is fine.

He danced vigorously on the stage, and performed even more vigorously offstage. From time to time, there was an exclamation of "Wow", or a cry of "Wow", the whole surprise was more dramatic than the dancers on the stage .

However, amidst the roars of the crowd, Su Qingyan's group of five seemed particularly out of place.

The five people sat in the auditorium carelessly, one of them was holding a bucket of popcorn in his hand, and there was a glass of Fat Boy Happy Water next to them, eating and chatting as if they were watching a play.

When the crowd rioted, the five of them would roll their eyes in a tacit understanding, looking disgusted, looking at everyone with the same contempt as if they were looking at idiots.

Gu Manli: "Is their acting skills too exaggerated?"

Zhao Lianchen: "It's not just exaggerated, it's simply unsightly. It's fake at first glance. If it's broadcasted, it will definitely be scolded to death by a large number of people."

Shi Yaoyao: "Maybe this is what the program group wants?"

Xu Hao: "Nowadays, many variety shows are sensationalizing, all they want is a topic, and they don't care about the audience's visual sense at all."

Gu Manli: "Look at what those people are dancing? They obviously missed a beat, and these people are still screaming so hard, and they are not afraid to attract black people to these dancers."

Zhao Lianchen: "Although the script says to applaud and cheer, it's not to the point of boasting with eyes open?"

Shi Yaoyao: "People these days are dark-hearted! Maybe they just exaggerate like this on purpose, so that others will think that the people on the stage came in through the backstage."

Xu Hao: "The audience is not popular, and they are destined to be eliminated."

A few people were chatting casually, the voices were not too loud, but just enough for the dancers sitting in the auditorium to hear.

Many dancers glared at them indignantly when they uttered their inner thoughts unscrupulously, wanting to get angry but helpless.

Although Lu Yuan was sitting in the work area and couldn't hear the conversation of several people, he also noticed the behavior of Su Qingyan and the others, his expression darkened slightly, and he looked down at the assistant director: "What's the matter with those five people? Did they send out the script?"

The assistant director, Xiao Yan, was already in a cold sweat, and explained helplessly: "I sent out the script myself, and I also specially instructed to act according to the script. I don't know what happened to those five people."

"Then why don't you hurry up and confiscate their popcorn and coke, and let them perform well?" Lu Yuan glared angrily.

Xiao Yan hesitated: "Director, there are only five people, so it shouldn't be a problem! I have already ordered the No. [-] camera not to capture the five of them."

Lu Yuan angrily grabbed the script and hit Xiao Yan on the head, "What? Are you questioning my arrangement?"

"Director, that's not what I mean. I just think that everyone is acting according to the script, which is a little too fake." Xiao Yan explained in a low voice.

Although every variety show cannot avoid the advancement of scripts, those scripts are only aimed at the people on stage, and it is relatively rare to arrange scripts for the audience.

Even if there is, it's just arranging scripts for a few audiences.

If Lu Yuan arranges scripts for all audiences, the traces of performance are too obvious.

"Xiao Yan, it's been five years since you came to the station, right? It took you five years to climb up to the position of director, and now you want to teach me how to make a good show? Are you taking yourself too seriously? Is something wrong?" Lu Yuan contemptuously.

"..." Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and remained silent.

His starting point was very good. At first, he entered the TV station as a key training object, and he became an assistant director as soon as he entered the station.

Five years later, he is still an assistant director.

It's not that he is incapable, but that he is unwilling to do something against his will in order to climb up.

Seeing that Xiao Yan still didn't take any action, Lu Yuan warned coldly: "If you don't want to carry out my order, you can leave now, and I can ask the stage to change to an assistant director, but you don't have to be an assistant director anymore. "

"No." Xiao Yan looked ugly, and finally sighed, "I'll go now."

His goal since he was a child is to become a program director of a TV station one day and create a variety show of his own style.

If he can't even be an assistant director, he will be farther away from the director's goal.

When Xiao Yan came to the auditorium, all the contestants focused their eyes on him nervously. When they saw his footsteps stop beside Su Qingyan, their nervous eyes immediately became gloating.

Seeing that they dare to be arrogant, they will be scolded!
It would be better to throw them all out, and even better, to suspend them.

Xiao Yan stood beside Su Qingyan in embarrassment, and opened his mouth to speak, but seeing Su Qingyan's calm expression, he couldn't utter a single word.

He turned to look at Lu Yuan contradictoryly.

Lu Yuan didn't look at this side, but he knew that Lu Yuan must be paying close attention.

In the end, Xiao Yan gritted his teeth: "Five contestants, I'm sorry, please put away your snacks and drinks, and cooperate with the recording according to the script."

What Xiao Yan said was very lacking in confidence.

According to the previous recording rules, too many shots will not be given to the watching players.

In addition, waiting is a long thing, so even if the players brought food, they would not say anything.

But now that Lu Yuan has given the task, he can only go forward to persuade him.

"Why?" Gu Manli was the first to be dissatisfied.

As early as when Xiao Yan walked over, she was already very upset.

Zhao Lianchen is also a master who is not afraid of getting into trouble, and he said confidently: "When I signed the contract, I didn't say that I couldn't bring food in, and other programs can bring food, why can't your program?"

(End of this chapter)

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