After the rebirth, she became a national male god

Chapter 121 You will be the chief director from now on

Chapter 121 You will be the chief director from now on
Lu Yuan was stunned, not aware of the seriousness of the matter, and said with a smile: "Director, these scripts were carefully written by my editorial department, and they are guaranteed to cause a lot of discussion."

It's not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

It's just that every audience didn't get a copy of the script before.

As long as it is a variety show he has experienced, it will bring a lot of topicality.

Although there are mixed reviews on the Internet, it has also become a highlight of his show, and even many variety shows have followed his example, which makes him very proud.

As soon as Lu Yuan's words came out, Wang Xiaoming broke out in cold sweat immediately, gritted his teeth and ordered: "You don't have to follow this show, give the show to..."

Wang Xiaoming looked around in the studio, and became a little bit blind, and finally asked in doubt: "Who is Xiao Yan?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Xiao Yan in unison.

After offending Lu Yuan, Xiao Yan was sent to the props team. At this time, he was standing beside the track of the camera, blocked by the camera.

He came out suspiciously, "Director, I am Xiao Yan."

"I will give you full responsibility for this program." Wang Xiaoming said casually.

Xiao Yan pushed Lu Yuan down and became the chief director of the backup dancer selection?
This plot is too dramatic, right?

"No, Director, are you joking?" Lu Yuan reacted from the brief shock, and smiled awkwardly with a gloomy face.

Wang Xiaoming squinted at him dissatisfied, "Do you think I am joking with you?"

Lu Yuan became anxious, "Director, I have always been in charge of this show. If you suddenly change people now, it may affect the progress of the show."

"Didn't Xiao Yan also participate in this project from beginning to end?"

"But Xiao Yan is just an assistant director?"

"He is the chief director now." Wang Xiaoming said very affirmatively, then turned to look at Xiao Yan, "Are you qualified for the role of chief director?"

Xiao Yan is still a little dazed, as if he is dreaming.

Lu Yuan gave Xiao Yan a contemptuous look, then turned to Wang Xiaoming, "Director, you have also seen that although Xiao Yan has been in the station for many years, he has never completed a program independently, how could he You are qualified for the position of chief director!"

"I can."

Just as Lu Yuan finished speaking, Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and looked at Wang Xiaoming firmly.

Xiao Yan is not a person without ambition.

In the past, it was Lu Yuan who kept suppressing him, so that he had no chance to display his skills.

Now there is an opportunity falling from the sky, he must firmly grasp whatever he says.

Besides, he didn't feel that his abilities were inferior to Lu Yuan's.

Although he is only an assistant director, he has been by Lu Yuan's side for so many years, and many things are actually done by him, but the credit falls on Lu Yuan alone.

Compared with Lu Yuan, he understands the entire process of backup dancer selection better, and he has been completing the scheduling of staff and contestants.

Even without Lu Yuan, he can still present the show in its entirety.

Xiao Yan's words made Lu Yuan very angry, "What are you qualified for? Do you know what the chief director needs to do? Do you have the qualifications to make artists follow your arrangements? Do you think the three jury members trust..."

"Director Lu, I've been following up with the artistes and negotiating with the judges, haven't I?" Xiao Yan looked at Lu Yuan with firm eyes, and a raging flame of war was ignited in his eyes.

Lu Yuan was rendered speechless by Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan looked at Wang Xiaoming again, and said confidently: "Director, for this recording, I not only negotiated all the schedules with the artists and judges, but also have been following up with them all the schedules during this period to ensure that there are When an emergency occurs, the recording time can be changed immediately.”

As Xiao Yan said, he took out his mobile phone and opened a file for Wang Xiaoming to read.

"This is the recording arrangement of all the players for the next week, as well as the order of appearance, as well as the matters to be paid attention to in the game."

Although the backup dance selection was recorded as a talent show, it was not a real talent show in the final analysis, and the recording period was only arranged for one week.

This week not only recorded the game process, but also the promotion in the early stage, and the audience candidates in the later stage. He made detailed arrangements for the final result of the game.

What he showed Wang Xiaoming was not only the submitted program plan, but also five alternative plans to deal with emergencies.

He had handed over the alternatives to Lu Yuan for review, but Lu Yuan thought it was unnecessary, so he didn't report it to the stage.

At this time, Wang Xiaoming saw Xiao Yan's precise deployment, and his eyes could not help but light up.

This is a very serious boy!
He really didn't know that there was such a talent in his station before, and he was almost buried.

"Very good." Wang Xiaoming praised, and said with a smile, "Since you joined the company, have you always been with Lu Yuan as an assistant director?"

Xiao Yan nodded: "Yes."

"Then Xiao Yan's other two variety shows, you also participated in it?"

When Wang Xiaoming asked this question, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Xiao Yan seemed to realize something, with an excited expression, but suppressed his excitement, and nodded steadily: "I have participated in the whole process."

Wang Xiaoming smiled with satisfaction, "Then let you be in charge of the two programs in his hands!"

There was a thunder on the ground.

Xiao Yan somehow squeezed Lu Yuan away and succeeded in taking the position?

It's getting more and more dramatic.

Even if it is a TV series, I dare not act like this!
Involuntarily, many staff looked at Lu Yuan with sympathy, but most of them gloated.

Lu Yuan has dominated the best variety show in the station for a long time. He seems to be the first director in the station. He usually has a very high-profile style and a bad temper. He often vents his anger on the staff and threatens work with dismissal. personnel.

So his reputation in Taiwan has never been very good.

Many people felt that if Xiao Yan hadn't been working hard to help Lu Yuan make the show, he would have been pushed out of the stage by other qualified directors long ago.

I didn't expect to actually step down now.

When Lu Yuan heard this, he was frightened and hurriedly said: "Director, what do you mean?"

Is it to jeopardize his rights?
He is the ratings guarantee in the station!
As long as the variety show he handles is bound to be a hit, how could the director give up on him?

Wang Xiaoming looked at Lu Yuan with distaste, and said casually, "You didn't major in directing in college, but post-production, right? Now I'll give you a chance to develop your talents. You can report to the post-production department!"


"Go! I have already greeted the Minister of the Later Department."

(End of this chapter)

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