After the rebirth, she became a national male god

Chapter 123 Yan Jue also has a day to wait for someone

Chapter 123 Yan Jue Will Wait For Someone One Day
"Don't worry, I believe you will be able to win No.1, so I will not intervene in the result of the game."

Yan Jue thought that Su Qingyan was worried that he would intervene in the game.

Although he will not interfere with the result of the game, he will always escort Su Qingyan to ensure the fairness of this game.

Yan Jue's explanation warmed Su Qingyan's heart.

With Yan Jue's identity and status, there is absolutely no need to explain to anyone.

Su Qingyan raised a smile, "My lord, I believe in your character."

Although she had guessed that Lu Yuan's replacement was definitely related to Yan Jue, she never thought that Yan Jue would open the back door for her.

With Yan Jue's personality, he doesn't even bother to do such a shameless thing.

Su Qingyan's trust made Yan Jue smile.

"My lord, are you laughing?" Su Qingyan suddenly called out in surprise.

Yan Jue's smile froze in place, and subconsciously raised his hand to touch the corner of his mouth, there was indeed an upward arc.

Is this just a joke?
Suddenly, Yan Jue really wanted to see what he looked like when he smiled.

"My lord, you should smile more. You look even more handsome when you smile. If other girls see your smile, they will definitely fall in love with you like crazy."

Su Qingyan spoke the truth.

When Yan Jue is not smiling, he always gives people a sense of power without anger, which makes people afraid to approach.

"I don't smile at other girls." I only smile at you.

Yan Jue's voice was still cold, even colder than usual, but his eyes on Su Qingyan were hotter than fire, making Su Qingyan's whole body scorching hot.

She turned her eyes away, looked out of the window in embarrassment, and said nothing.

She almost forgot that Yan Jue was known to hate women, so of course he wouldn't smile at women!

So, Yan Jue likes men?

Could his obsession be a man?

and so……

Su Qingyan stared out of the window in a daze, her cheeks turned blue and red, frowned, and smirked...

Looking at Su Qingyan's expression, Yan Jue also became unpredictable.

Zhang Jiakang, who was driving the car, felt the flying atmosphere in the car, and carefully looked back through the rearview mirror, just in time to see the corner of Yan Jue's slightly raised mouth pulled down for some reason, so scared that he immediately retracted it look.

How to do?
His grandfather is getting more and more abnormal.

When the car arrived home, Su Qingyan was still tangled, got out of the car in a daze, as if he didn't see Yan Jue and Zhang Jiakang, and walked into the villa.

"Master Yan? Yan..." Wang Xiangyu called Su Qingyan respectfully, but Su Qingyan didn't hear him at all, and walked past him into the room.

Looking at Su Qingyan's thoughtful look, Wang Xiangyu frowned worriedly.

"Yan Jue, what did you do to my young master Yan?" Wang Xiangyu asked Yan Jue.

Why haven't we seen each other for two days? Young Master Yan seems to have something on his mind.

Yan Jue squinted at Wang Xiangyu, pursed his lips tightly, and followed into the room without answering, leaving Wang Xiangyu alone in the night.

Zhang Jiakang looked at Wang Xiangyu's face, which was more gloomy than the night, and trot into the car with a feeling, wanting to drive away.

But before the car door was closed, the door was pulled by Wang Xiangyu.

"What did your grandfather do to my Young Master Yan? Why does my Young Master Yan look lost?"

Wang Xiangyu is the kind of gentle and refined person, even if he asks questions, it makes people feel comfortable like a spring breeze, and he unconsciously puts down his guard.

"Young Master Wang, my grandfather really didn't do anything to hurt Young Master Su. Not only that, but my grandfather also made breakfast for Young Master Su, taught Young Master Zhan a lesson for Young Master Su, sent Young Master Su to the TV station to record a program, and punished Young Master Su. For Lu Yuan who offended him..."

The more Wang Xiangyu listened, the deeper his frown became.

He interrupted Zhang Jiakang, "Are you sure Yan Jue did all these things?"

Doesn't Yan Jue hate Young Master Yan?

How could he be so nice to Master Yan suddenly?
What is Yan Jue's intention?
Zhang Jiakang nodded affirmatively: "Young Master Wang, I've been by your side all day today. As long as Young Master Su has been on the TV station, I've been waiting with you on the TV station for as long as I have."

Make him bored enough!
"Then why does my Young Master Yan still look depressed?" Wang Xiangyu was puzzled.

Although Su Qingyan has changed a lot, liking someone doesn't mean that if you don't feel it, you don't feel it.

Yan Jue is so kind to Su Qingyan, Su Qingyan should be happy!
Why do you still look confused?
Zhang Jiakang thought for a while, and said cautiously: "It seems that my grandfather said 'he won't laugh at other girls', and then Young Master Su became like this."

Zhang Jiakang didn't think there was anything wrong with Yan Jue's words!

Or Su Qingyan wanted Yan Jue to say one more thing: I wouldn't laugh at other men either. ?
Su Qingyan is too greedy, right?

Zhang Jiakang despised him in his heart, and his dislike for Su Qingyan increased.

He felt from the bottom of his heart that Su Qingyan was not worthy of Yan Jue.

While Wang Xiangyu was contemplating, Zhang Jiakang quickly pulled Wang Xiangyu's hand away, closed the door, and drove off in the car.

Although Wang Xiangyu is not as scary as his father, he definitely doesn't want to be as innocent as he looks.

He didn't want to get along with such a smiling tiger.

Wang Xiangyu looked at Zhang Jiakang who was running away, shook his head helplessly, and got into his car.

Wang Xiangyu did not go home, but drove to Yao's house.

The members of the Yao family were very familiar with Wang Xiangyu, and they let him into the study without any hindrance.

When Yao Zhengguo was working, no one was allowed to disturb him.

At this moment, seeing Wang Xiangyu walking in, he immediately put down the document in his hand, and asked excitedly, "Have you seen my Xiaoyanyan?"


"Did he say he missed me?" Yao Zhengguo asked expectantly.

Wang Xiangyu frowned solemnly, not knowing how to answer.

When Yao Zhengguo saw Wang Xiangyu's appearance, he sighed faintly: "I was so ruthless to Xiaoyanyan before, it's normal for him to hate me in his heart."

Wang Xiangyu knew that Yao Zhengguo was thinking wrong, so he quickly explained: "Chairman, you misunderstood, I didn't talk to Young Master Yan."

"What do you mean?"

"Master Yan seems to have something on his mind, and he didn't notice me." Wang Xiangyu's voice was a little inexplicably lost, and he told Yao Zhengguo what happened tonight.

When Yao Zhengguo heard all the things Yan Jue had done for Su Qingyan, and heard that Yan Jue had waited for Su Qingyan on the TV station for a day, he laughed heartily.

"Yan Jue also has a day to wait for someone!"

Although Yao Zhengguo was Yan Jue's elder, Yan Jue didn't treat him as an elder at all.

Yan Jue once made him wait for half an hour because of work.

(End of this chapter)

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