Chapter 126

In her previous life, she only felt that Qi Xing's smile was warm, but she really didn't realize that Qi Xing was actually hiding a knife in his smile.

"How could someone with the status of Sir Sir come with me!" Su Qingyan replied casually.

Qi Xing wanted to go around with her, so she didn't mind having a casual chat.

Qi Xing showed an expression of disbelief, and said with a smile: "You are dissatisfied with Lu Yuan handing out scripts to every dancer, and Lu Yuan wanted to replace you, but Sir, to vent your anger on you, the director replaced Lu Yuan. From this point , it can be seen how important your position is in Sir Alex's heart."

Qi Xing's analysis was clear and logical, and his smug eyes seemed to say: I have already seen through everything, so don't hide it from me.

Su Qingyan raised his lips, and said contemptuously: "With your brains, it's a pity not to be a screenwriter."

At this time, the elevator door opened.

Su Qingyan went straight out.

Qi Xing looked at Su Qingyan's back as he left, and Su Qingyan's contemptuous eyes were still replaying in his mind, and a surge of hatred suddenly surged in his heart.

What he hated most in his life was the contempt of others.


Qi Xing snorted coldly, and when he got out of the elevator, he had changed into a sunny face again, and quickly caught up with Su Qingyan.

"Su Qingyan, we can be regarded as teachers from the same school, and we are not afraid to say something heart-to-heart with you. You have Yan Jue's backing, and the selection of the backup dancer is just a formality. You are definitely the No.1 by default..."

When Qi Xing said this, Su Qingyan suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Qi Xing thought he was right, and smiled confidently: "Being the backup dancer of Baili Zhan should be just a springboard for you to enter the dance circle, and your future resources will definitely be countless. But have you ever thought that Master actually hopes What about the two of us working together to get back what belongs to her dance troupe?"

Su Qingyan stayed where he was, and didn't turn his head.

Qi Xing stood behind her, unable to see her expression.

He continued: "Su Qingyan, what I told you before is true. Although I am the chief of the Stubborn Dance Troupe, the shares of the dance troupe are still in Tian Xi's hands."

"Furthermore, Sir Alex is constantly buying up the teacher's property, even the Stubborn Dance Troupe."

"The dance troupe is the teacher's lifelong painstaking effort. If it is just bought by the Sir, from the standpoint of the Sir as a businessman, he will definitely use the dance troupe as a tool for profit, which will go against the original intention of the teacher to create the dance troupe. "

Qi Xing said in tears, it sounded like a good apprentice who sincerely protected the Lord.

But Su Qingyan listened to Qi Xing's words, why did he feel so disgusted?
She has grown up so much, she has seen many shameless people, but this is the first time she has seen a shameless person like Qi Xing.

Su Qingyan twitched the corner of his mouth, "After talking for a long time, you just want me to persuade Sir Alex to give up the acquisition of the Stubborn Dance Troupe, right?"

"Su Qingyan, I did this for the teacher..."

"For the teacher? I'm afraid it's for yourself?" Su Qingyan sneered, and turned to look at Qi Xing questioningly.

"I'm not that kind of person." Qi Xing said it confidently, with an angry look on his face as if he had been insulted, resolutely defending his dignity.

It really looks like it.

Su Qingyan thought contemptuously, and asked in his heart: [Dumb, I beat him up, do you have any objection? 】

Erdan was extremely depressed, but asked weakly: [Host, all the tasks you have completed before have been cleared, so what else can you lose? 】

Su Qingyan's eyes lit up.

Means you can fight?
[Then if I hit him, what punishment will I receive? 】 Su Qingyan asked cautiously.

The day before yesterday, when I was drunk and unconscious, I slapped Yan Jue and Baili Zhan twice, and all the tasks completed before were inexplicably cleared.

If she wanted to beat Qi Xing again this time, she might add more tasks.

[Host, let me tell you a little secret, the maximum amount of missions is two hundred, no more. 】 Erdan's voice is very low, like a thief.

Lord Lord God is really clever, and temporarily stipulated the amount of tasks.

Otherwise, just because Su Qingyan slapped Yan Jue and Bailizhan yesterday, it would not be as simple as just canceling the completed tasks.

[Why didn't you say it earlier? 】

Erdan is wronged: […] This is not a temporary change~
Hearing these words, Su Qingyan's blood boiled suddenly, and his gaze towards Qi Xing was burning like fire.

Being watched by Su Qingyan, Qi Xing suddenly felt terrified, and subconsciously staggered two steps backwards before stabilizing his figure.

"Qi Xing, you know exactly what kind of person you are. But what I want to tell you is that not everyone in this world is as dirty-minded as you."

"You want me to persuade Sir Alex not to buy the shares of Stubborn Dance Troupe, and then let Tian Xi take full possession of the shares. As Tian Xi's legal husband, you can naturally get half of it, right?"

"Oh! There are no doors."

"You're still a good person? I'm bah!"

"It's disgusting to see."

After Su Qingyan finished speaking in disgust, he turned around and strode away, and quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Qi Xing stood where he was, his face darkened bit by bit.

[Su Qingyan, since you don't eat the toast, and you are punished, then don't blame me for being cruel to you. 】

Qi Xing was thinking in his heart, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced diagonally backwards suddenly, then quickly retracted, sighed melancholy, and said pitifully: "Su Qingyan has been selected as the champion by default in the backup dance selection, what should I do?" How do you face other players?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a faint sound of gasping from the oblique rear position.

Qi Xing pretended not to hear, and said to himself distressedly: "Or, should I find a pair of dance troupes with potential and train them to compare with Su Qingyan?"

"In this way, when the audience sees the gap between this dance troupe and Su Qingyan, they will be able to understand that there is something shady about this show, right?"

"But, which dance troupe should I support?"

Qi Xing spoke in distress while slowly walking away.

After Qi Xing's figure completely disappeared in the corridor, several figures suddenly stepped out from the corner beside him, and the leader was Mo Yingying.

"Sister, what should we do now?"

"I just said why the director suddenly emptied Director Lu, so it was because of Su Qingyan!"

"Just now Su Qingyan must have wanted to bribe Teacher Qi, but Teacher Qi rejected him, so he swears at each other. It's really shameless."

"Yingying, if Su Qingyan is the default champion, won't you lose?"

Mo Yingying gritted her teeth: "No, we absolutely can't sit and wait for death like this."

She must not lose.

"Yingying, do you have a solution?"

"Didn't Teacher Qi want to support a dance troupe to compare with Su Qingyan?" Mo Yingying smiled ferociously.

"But Teacher Qi may not choose us!"

(End of this chapter)

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