Chapter 409
Following the direction they pointed, Lin Ruofan saw a female monster on the right side of his body!It was only two or two meters away from him, and I don't know when it appeared, I didn't notice it just now.

Lin Ruofan kept this posture still, almost holding his breath to weaken the various sounds from his body.

The female monster didn't notice Lin Ruofan, otherwise she would have rushed forward.But she was also slowly walking towards Lin Ruofan's direction, slowly...slowly...

Lin Ruofan swallowed, feeling itching in the sweat pores on his forehead, Wu Di and Tian Ye also sweated for Lin Ruofan.

Just when Lin Ruofan was hesitating whether to take the initiative to attack, the female monster was already side by side with him, but luckily she didn't touch her body, so she walked slowly past him.

In order to lure the female monster away from Lin Ruofan, Tian Ye put his hands around his mouth as a loudspeaker and shouted, "Hey, hey, hey!"

Tian Ye's shout did lure the female monster away, but the female monster's long toenails pulled Lin Ruofan, almost being pulled away.

Lin Ruofan shot 64 gold needles from behind the female monster, and all of them stuck on her body, like a hedgehog!
A scream!Wu Di took this opportunity and immediately arranged a small formation to temporarily control the female monster.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Ruofan reached out and picked off the fruit of war, and jumped back and forth on the ancient war tree like a monkey, staying away from the range where the female monster was.


All three of them soared into the sky, trying to avoid those female monsters by flying at high altitude, but it turned out to be self-defeating. The sound of air rubbing their clothes attracted the female monsters on the ground instead, as if springs were installed under their feet. bounced up.

First, Lin Ruofan shot 64 gold needles again, which were bounced away by those female monsters, followed by the defensive circle arranged by Wu Di, which was also broken by one blow.

Finally, there is the field, only a "hoo" can be heard!The burned talisman suddenly turned into a big fireball, and the blazing flames temporarily blocked the way of the female monsters.

When they bypassed the fireball, Lin Ruofan and the three of them had already fled without a trace.

The three of them left here as quickly as possible and returned to the inhabited area of ​​the demons. The people over there were all waiting for Lin Ruofan's good news. Fortunately, the female monsters would not chase after them, otherwise it would be miserable, too. Difficult to deal with!
Going and returning quickly in a short period of time, it simply didn't attract the attention of the guards.

However, since it was rare to come here, and there were a lot of demons gathered in front of him, Lin Ruofan simply gave them a free clinic, and obtained [-] points of merit. Whether or not there are [-] points of merit balls is still uncertain.

After they left here, they were surprised to find Liuhezhuang at the guard outside, okay!Now the captain of the fairy lord's bodyguard has become Lin Ruofan's follower.

When passing by Liuhezhuang, Tian Ye deliberately amplified his voice and said, "Where in life do we not meet each other?"

Wu Di immediately added in a "very unfriendly" tone, "Hateful people are everywhere."

After finishing speaking, the three of them swaggered away from here.

After returning to the residence, Tian Ye and Wu Di urged Lin Ruofan to accept the fruits of the war quickly, and both of them were very curious to know what would happen to Lin Ruofan next.

After Lin Ruofan swallowed the fruit of the battle, both Wu Di and Tian Ye's eyes lit up, which was illuminated by the small silver light ball hanging from Lin Ruofan's shoulder.

"Wow!" Tian Ye exclaimed.

Finally, Lin Ruofan has risen to the first rank of Immortal Rank, and the 12 points of merit obtained from the treatment of the demons have also been superimposed, and now he still needs [-] points of merit to continue to upgrade .

and!With his own thoughts, Lin Ruofan can freely switch to the magic level.And it doesn't need two merits as he expected before, the two sets of immortals and demons can share the merits of the small ball.

This is awesome!

However, after switching to the magic level, Lin Ruofan didn't feel any changes except for the silver light ball around his body turning dark red. If the overall strength has increased, he can't try it now.

This made Wu Di and Tian Ye envious.Since the last time they inhaled Shangshan Dianzi's merit ball, they all felt that it was a good harvest, and with the recent hard work, it was not easy for their cultivation to reach about the fourth grade of the yellow rank.

Who would have thought that Lin Ruofan would directly pull them away, and now he has become immortal.

However, that guy from Liuhe Village is still "guarding" outside Lin Ruofan's room. The Immortal Master naturally knows that Xiang Tianyu is no longer there, but due to face concerns, he can't be too direct and obvious to remove him. Keep it for a few days.

Next, we have to do our best to deal with the matter on the Daochang. At present, the Immortal Lord has not found any problems there, and it is best to rescue Xiao Qi before he finds out.

Lin Ruofan specially prepared some nourishing medicine for Qixue, and when we met again, her complexion was obviously much better, and there was no rejection in the meridian system, and it was relatively smooth.

Wu Zhuofei and the others looked at Lin Ruofan with new admiration again, even though they were pretty good at first.

"Brother! Your daughter-in-law's body has been adjusted like this by you. Brother, you are a genius doctor!"

Lin Ruofan said with a smile, "I was originally the dean of the Medical Academy, Dean Lin!"

Lin Ruofan went to check Qixue's pulse, and the situation was stable, so continue immediately.

Originally, Lin Ruofan wanted Qixue to take the initiative to take it off, but the two of them looked at each other for half a minute, then Lin Ruofan raised his head slightly, "Why? Take it off!"

"You! I really doubt that you did it on purpose!"

"What do you mean I did it on purpose? Okay! Then I'll do it on purpose!" After finishing speaking, Lin Ruofan walked over quickly, and stripped off Qixue's clothes very "seriously". Can't resist.

But in Qixue's heart, this feeling is still a bit dark!
Lin Ruofan continued to use Huayang manipulation combined with Bagua acupuncture for treatment. Since the previous "big framework" had a good foundation, this time it was smoother, and more than 80% of the meridian system was built in one go, and it can be fully established once again. up.

Abandoning Snow's limbs and bones were not particularly injured, and there was basically no problem in recovering.

At present, Qixue's upper body meridian system has all resumed operation, only the lower body has not been dredged, this can't be rushed.

Therefore, Lin Ruofan prepared to treat Qixue's arms.

Lin Ruofan picked up her arm and took a look, "This skin! It's so white! People can't help but want to take a bite."

Qi Xue blushed and said, "How dare you!"

oops?After hearing this, Lin Ruofan went up and kissed her, and made a "bo'er" sound.

"You rascal!"

"I'm a hooligan? Why am I a hooligan?"


Qixue's petulant temper hadn't been cured yet, so Lin Ruofan decided to give her a shot first!
After a lot of ups and downs, Lin Ruofan continued to heal her arms, now Qixue didn't talk much anymore, she just nodded "Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" whatever Lin Ruofan said, her face was blushing, showing her girlish posture.

Lin Ruofan pierced 8 golden needles in each of her arms, and combined with his Yang Hua technique, it quickly had an effect, and she was able to move slightly, which made Qixue very happy.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Ruofan felt that after his cultivation reached the immortal level, the movement of true energy was obviously smoother and the degree of freedom of retraction increased a lot.

After 20 minutes, Qixue's arms can basically move freely, but they can't move too vigorously for the time being.

Lin Ruofan felt something flash in front of him, subconsciously shrank his head back to avoid it, only heard a "hoo", it turned out that it was Qi Xue who slapped him.

Lin Ruofan covered his face and asked, "Is this how you treat your savior?"

Qixue couldn't help laughing, and then said, "I didn't hit you, and I didn't really want to hit you hard."

"I said, why are you so hot-tempered? You're on par with Ma Lan."

"Ma Lan? Who is it?" The name sounded like a girl, and Qixue was obviously jealous.

Lin Ruofan simply teased her, and said with funny eyes, "Ma Lan is my eldest wife."

Qixue really took it seriously, pouting her mouth and asked shyly, "Since you already have a wife, why are you still treating me..."

Lin Ruofan hooked Gou Qixue's chin with the index finger of his right hand, raised her head slightly, kissed her lightly, and then said with a smile, "Because you are charming! Besides, it's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines."

This was originally a joke, but it caused the two of them to fall into an argument about "three wives and four concubines, three obediences and four virtues".Such a more decadent concept certainly does not exist in the fairy world.

"Okay, take a good rest, and everything will be back to normal when you come back next time."

Lin Ruofan turned around to leave the cell, but was stopped by Qixue when he reached the door.

"Lin Ruofan."

Lin Ruofan half turned around and said "um", "What's wrong?"

Qi Xue smiled slightly, two dimples appeared on her face, and said softly, "Thank you."

This is the first time Lin Ruofan has seen Qi Xue's "knowing smile" from the heart, especially those two little dimples are so cute.

"My wife! Seeing you like this, I can't help but want to come again, how about it?"


Everything in Qixue's side went well, but Lin Ruofan had long forgotten about another thing, and Heipi and Ada reminded Lin Ruofan.

Wasn't that the last time that the small ball of merit was sucked away from many people and given them some medicine? There are still about 10 people who haven't finished it last time. They have been waiting for Lin Ruofan to continue, and they are embarrassed to speak directly .

(End of this chapter)

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