Chapter 15 Outbreak
Matsudaira came to the door of Yuko Kimura's bedroom and raised her hand to knock on the door.

Yuko Kimura also just walked to the door and opened it to go out.As soon as he opened the door, he saw Song Pingfeng stop raising his hand to knock on the door.The two froze there for a while, and the scene was very stiff for a while.

"That... Yuko, I have something to say to you." Finally, Matsudaira put down her hands silently, and said to Kimura Yuko calmly.

"Well, I was also looking for Mr. Feng." Yuko Kimura replied with a smile.

After a conversation, the tension in the hearts of the two was released, and they walked towards the living room together with a smile.

When they came to the living room, they sat on two opposite sofas, with a coffee table in front of them.

"Yuko, do you think there is any difference between me now and me before?" Matsudaira Feng said with a calm face.

"Different? Yes, indeed, Feng-kun has changed quite a lot, so big that I am not familiar with it now..." Yuko Kimura had a look of reminiscence on his face, as if thinking of Matsuhira Kaede once, "Feng-kun Since that day, no, maybe a year ago, it's changed, it's like a different person."

"Yeah, I've changed, but I don't think it's a bad thing. After that happened, I thought a lot and did a lot. I feel ashamed of my previous thoughts and feel naive." Matsudaira Feng said lightly, "So I studied hard and tried to do everything they said during their lifetime, such as study, life, self-discipline, etc."

Speaking of this, he stopped and looked at Yuko Kimura. At this time, her face was not very good, she seemed to be sympathetic, or regretful.

"However, not long ago, I experienced some things that made me understand again that what I did this year was equally childish and unbearable. I vented my grievances and dissatisfaction on the people around me, which made me I feel ashamed." Speaking of this, Matsudaira looked at Yuko Kimura again, saw her face changed slightly, and then continued: "I know I can't go on like this, so I changed, but I don't think it's a bad thing. "

After all this, he looked at Yuko Kimura quietly, waiting for her to speak.

Yuko Kimura's mind is in a mess now, she doesn't know what to say.After a complicated silence for a while, she said: "Mr. Feng, I don't care about what Mr. Feng did before, because I know that Mr. Feng feels more uncomfortable than me. But, I..." She hesitated for a while, then continued : "Compared to how Mr. Feng treated him before, I hate Mr. Feng's current appearance even more."

Yuko Kimura raised her head, put away her gentle expression, and looked squarely at Matsudaira Feng: "Although Feng-kun used to hate me, I know that's not true. I like to laugh as much as I did a year ago, but I can feel that Mr. Feng is different from before."

"Is it because I didn't do well enough..." Matsudaira was interrupted by Yuko Kimura before she could finish her sentence.

"No, it's hypocrisy!" Kimura Yuko changed from his previous gentleness at this time, and shouted angrily, "Feng Jun, don't pretend to be stupid, you are just acting these days, whether it is good for me or for parents , I didn't feel any emotion, all I felt was entertainment and perfunctory!"

Song Pingfeng was silent, he was speechless.

"Feng-kun's feelings for me these days are completely different from before!" Kimura Yuko's angry voice was choked with sobs, "Although the previous Feng-kun seemed to hate me, I can feel that kind of feeling. However, this In the past few days, Mr. Feng has treated me as if he treated a stranger!"

"Why did Feng-kun become like this! What the hell happened a few days ago! Why did Feng-kun become like this overnight!" Yuko Kimura said louder and louder, tears streaming down her cheeks, just like that Staring at the silent Matsudaira Feng, he asked loudly.

Matsudaira Feng picked up the paper towels on the coffee table, took out a few from them, and was about to wipe Yuko Kimura's tears, but she took the paper towels in one hand and wiped them by herself.

"Yuko, I'm sorry, I can't tell you what happened. But, for you, for my uncle and aunt, I don't mean to be perfunctory. You can say you don't care about everything I did before, but I can't help it. I feel guilty for what I have done." Song Pingfeng mulled for a while, then said.

Yuko Kimura looked up at him without speaking.Song Pingfeng also looked at her with a straight face.

After a while, Yuko Kimura smiled, with tears on his face, and said: "Really, I know, I blamed Mr. Feng." He said he was going to stand up, and said while walking: "Sorry Mr. Feng, I'm a little tired, I'm going back to my room first."

Song Pingfeng didn't speak, but just watched her leave silently, knowing in his heart that after this time, the relationship between the two of them might be running out.

In the conversation just now, Matsudaira actually said most of the truth.But the first half is "Matsudaira Kaede"'s experience, and the second half is his experience. It's not a lie, and he doesn't want to lie to Yuko Kimura.

However, Matsudaira avoided the most important issue - his relationship with Yuko Kimura.Not talking about his feelings for Yuko Kimura, but just talking about his attitude towards the Kimura family.However, both of them understand that if they don't talk, they will talk.If he didn't say anything, it meant that Matsudaira's feelings for Yuko Kimura had changed, and it was no longer what it used to be. .

It's not that Song Pingfeng didn't want to say it, but he couldn't.Yuko Kimura was right, the current Matsudaira Kaede really doesn't have any feelings for her, it's only because of her beauty and compensation for the mistakes made by her predecessor that she has such an attitude towards her.Apart from these factors, he doesn't actually have much affection for Yuko Kimura.That being the case, he couldn't express anything to Yuko Kimura, and doing so would only make her more painful in the future.

He knew it was unfair to Yuko Kimura, but he couldn't help it.Time travel was not his initiative, nor did he want to.Although it sounds like a rogue to say this, it is the truth.

In short, after today, between him and Yuko Kimura, I don't know when it will be better.

Take a deep breath and push those thoughts to the back of your mind.The matter with Yuko Kimura can't be resolved for a while, so let's look at other things first.Consciousness came to the bat thousands of miles away, Miyano Shiho went out and did not return, and the house was silent.

This bat needs to eat, and if it doesn't it will be in danger of starvation.At this time, I don't know where this town is, and I can't ask the bat to change shifts. I have no choice but to let the bat find food by itself.I looked at the angles of other bats, and there was nothing wrong, but the food at Songping's house should be replaced.Send dozens of bats to find the town where Miyano Shiho is located in the way of bats, and solve it on their own when they are hungry, and then exit the bat perspective.

Sitting on the sofa, after thinking for a while, he stood up, walked to the door of Yuko Kimura's bedroom, and said to the inside: "Yuko, I'll go out for a while, don't wait for me for dinner."

If you want to go out, you still have to call to say hello.No matter what the relationship between the two is now, they will always live together, and when the Kimura couple come back and ask Kimura Yuko, she will not be able to explain.

After waiting at the door for a while, Song Pingfeng didn't hear any sound inside, shook his head, turned around and walked out.

Song Pingfeng left Kimura's house, went straight to the supermarket, bought a lot of food for bats, and brought them back to Songping's house.After going to the roof to change the food, I went back downstairs, sat on the sofa and didn't go out again.

What happened today was so sudden that he was not prepared to be honest.Although he had expected this day to come early, he didn't expect it to come so soon.His original plan was to get along with Kimura Yuko first. After a long time, either the two parties will gradually lose the feeling in the end, and then let it go naturally, or both parties can get used to this way of getting along, and it is good to be natural.

But he didn't expect Yuko Kimura to react so strongly...

 Alas... Originally, this chapter was written by Calvin, and I was still writing on the train. My train of thought was interrupted several times, and I was very tired... (~ ̄△ ̄)~
  The most important thing is that Zhao Benshan's sketches are broadcast on this train, and I am also drunk ▼_▼

  It's not going well, everyone, just talk about it, I'll change it, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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