Chapter 99 Ready
Conan is actually not familiar with Belmode, at least not now.

For Conan now, Belmode is just a dangerous person in the winery, a simple enemy, without the inexplicable and complicated relationship in the future.

Therefore, it is useless for Matsudaira Kaede to ask Conan to simulate Belmode's behavior.

Song Pingfeng sighed, and after thinking for a while, finally said: "I have a way."

"Huh?" Everyone looked at him refreshedly.

"According to what Conan said, Conan pretended to be Haibara and went to see Belmode, and I will protect him. As for Haibara, I will find someone to protect her." Matsudaira Feng said affirmatively.

Now that you've made your decision, don't hesitate any longer and go to him for help!

"Who can you ask to take care of Huiyuan?" Conan asked with a frown.

"A master I know, except for fighting, should be better than me, maybe even better than me." Song Pingfeng thought for a while and said.

Conan and Hattori Heiji frowned, Matsudaira Kaede's words contained a lot of uncertainty, a little unreliable.

But Conan thought about it, and Matsudaira would not really put Hui Yuanai in danger, so...

"Can't you tell who it is?" Conan finally asked with a glimmer of hope. He knew from Song Pingfeng's tone that Song Pingfeng would not tell them who this person was.

Song Pingfeng shook his head, this person really can't let them know, especially Conan.

"Okay, I agree with this plan." Conan nodded helplessly.

They are very short of people now, there is no way, the current Conan is not the future Conan, they know a lot of masters from all over the world, and there are people who can use them at any time.

I can only hope that Songpingfeng's people can be more reliable.

"Aren't you going to ask my opinion?" Hui Yuanai asked coldly, his face was flushed, and the cold was really serious.

"Not this time." Song Pingfeng looked at her seriously and said.

Although in the original novel, Hui Yuan Ai was saved by Xiao Lan, but that was just an accident. It was impossible for Matsudaira to entrust Hui Yuan to an accident that did not know if it would happen.

The two looked at each other, a cold light flashed in Hui Yuanai's eyes, Song Pingfeng was not afraid at all.

After a long time, Haibara cast a sad glance at Conan and Hattori Heiji, left the sofa and walked towards the bedroom.

Song Pingfeng watched her leave silently, and when Hui Yuan Ai disappeared in the living room, Song Pingfeng turned around and said: "I'll go to the contact person first, you can discuss the follow-up, especially the details of Conan's actions, I will come in the afternoon."

Afterwards, Song Pingfeng got up and left the doctor's house, went out to check himself, and after confirming that there was no bug, he took a taxi and left.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Song Pingfeng was drinking coffee in a small coffee shop not far from the Mihua Building, waiting for the person he was waiting for.

Not long after, a man in a windbreaker and a mask, covering himself tightly, sat across from him.

"Boy, you owed me an explanation last time, why are you looking for me this time?" The visitor's tone was bad, with murderous looks in his eyes.

However, this voice must be very familiar to Conan, the sleeping detective, Mori Kogoro!
"Uncle, I'm really sorry, I have no one to look for but you." Song Pingfeng said helplessly.He can't help it, he doesn't know many people who can help tonight.

The relationship between Kaitou Kidd and him is actually not very good. They have fought against each other a few times. Although there is cooperation, it is irrelevant.

Not to mention the others, they are just a bunch of enemies.

Only Kogoro Mori, an expert hidden in the market, is still the one who can help.

"Do you know what I do?" Mori Kogoro asked lightly.

"I don't know." Song Pingfeng simply shook his head.He only knew that Mori Kogoro was unusual, and he had also verified it in the Kaitou Kidd incident before.

"If you threaten me to come out like this, I won't do anything for you, and I may even kill you." Mori Kogoro said calmly.

"I know that, it is risky to call you out. But there is no way, if you are not called out, you will die tonight." Song Pingfeng nodded.

Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes and said, "What do you mean?"

"You should be able to see that me, Hattori Heiji, Conan, that is, Kudo Shinichi are doing some messy things together now." Matsudaira said, paying attention to the eyes of Mori Kogoro, wanting to see if he knows Conan The real body, but I think I know it.

"However, there are some things you may not know..."

Afterwards, Song Pingfeng explained the whole story and the relationship with the winery clearly, but hid the real identity of Hui Yuan Ai in the middle, only saying that she was a friend of the doctor, a scientist who took medicine.

After all, he doesn't know Mori Kogoro's attitude towards the winery, so it's hard to explain.

"The situation is like this. Tonight, they will attack Huiyuan. We have no way out. We can only fight against the general, but we don't have enough manpower. We need your help." Song Pingfeng finished speaking and looked at him calmly.

Mori Kogoro frowned, it was the first time he knew that Conan was involved in such a big matter.

After thinking for a long time, Mori Kogoro said: "Okay, as you said, I will help you look after that little girl, but there are two requirements."

"You say." Song Pingfeng responded with a sigh of relief.

No matter what the request is, as long as you can agree, it is a good thing.

"First, after this time, don't look for me in the future, forget my identity." Mori Kogoro said flatly.

"Well, no problem."

"Second, do one thing for me."



"it is good!"


At four o'clock in the afternoon, Matsudaira returned to the doctor's house after going around, but Conan and Hattori Heiji hadn't left yet.

They discussed all afternoon and talked about some details.

Song Pingfeng walked over, handed Conan a miniature headset and said, "Take it, I will support you at any time, pay attention."

"Hatori, you should go, the ghost ship party is about to start." Conan said to Hattori Heiji through the headset.

Hattori Heiji nodded, picked up his clothes and left the doctor's house.Toyama Kazuha has already come to Tokyo, and she has to do his "Kudo" makeup

"I'm leaving too." Song Pingfeng glanced at the closed bedroom doorway.

Conan looked at him and asked, "Is there any problem here?"

"No problem, as long as you don't have an accident." Song Pingfeng shook his head, turned and left.

Conan doesn't have to leave, he still has to make up into Huiyuan, waiting for Belmode to take him away.

Song Pingfeng had already mobilized bats to ambush around the doctor's house, waiting for night to fall.

In the doctor's bedroom, Hui Yuanai was lying on the bed with the quilt pulled up to his neck, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Today, I did something I shouldn't, Hui Yuanai thought in his heart.

After listening to Song Pingfeng and Conan's persuasion for many times, she felt that she really should make a change. If she kept evading as before, it would not be good for herself or for Song Pingfeng and the others.

It just seems that this time I was really impulsive, I didn't discuss with them, and I did this kind of thing that might lead to the death of everyone...

My previous self would never do this, why...

Thinking about something in his heart, Hui Yuanai fell asleep in a daze.

For her current body, this degree of cold is still too serious.


(End of this chapter)

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