The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 203 The Complete Single-Transistor Chip

Chapter 203 The Complete Single-Transistor Chip

In order not to disturb Andre and the others, Chen Mengchuan and Zhao Wanyu went to a corner room in the laboratory and chatted.

"Urban gravity public transportation has already started a trial?" Chen Mengchuan asked curiously.

Zhao Wanyu nodded: "It was completed two months ago, and now it has started to be tested in Suzhou City. Overall, the speed and efficiency are very good. The transportation management department did not pay a dime for these gravitational public transport vehicles." , all paid by Hongqi Tianzhi Automobile.”

"Split with the transportation management department?" Chen Mengchuan asked.

"Well, it's 46. The transportation management department gets 6%, and the joint venture between us and Hongqi gets 4%. On the whole, we don't suffer. The cost of gravity public transport vehicles is not high. Each vehicle is estimated to operate for one year. , we can recover the cost. I don't care about these profits, I can really bring some convenience to the Chinese people, and it is enough to win people's hearts." Zhao Wanyu said.

Chen Mengchuan smiled: "You can do what you want. After the Tiansuo takes off, we will find that all of these are just like this."

Zhao Wanyu nodded calmly, and murmured, "What will aliens look like..."

"I don't know, I have to ask Lao Xu and Lao Zhang, their husband and wife, has their return flight time been fixed?" Chen Mengchuan replied.

"Not yet, but I heard that the two of them are not willing to come back now." Zhao Wanyu said with a smile.

"Don't want to come back? Is there such fun on the lonely moon? Can it make them happy?"

Zhao Wanyu rolled her eyes: "Are you ever concerned about the progress of our lunar exploration project?"

"Yes, yes..." Chen Mengchuan's expression was very calm.

"Forget it, anyway, they will return soon."

"Isn't it because you are too happy to miss Shu and don't want to come back?"

"I'm almost done eating, and I'm almost done drinking. If you don't come back, are you going to eat dirt on the moon? The two of them are really willful." Zhao Wanyu smiled.

Chen Mengchuan nodded: "It doesn't matter if you come back. When the Tissot is completed, I will bring them with me. Their experience living on the moon is very valuable, and they can provide us with a lot of suggestions for our Mars base plan."

"it is good."

"What is Brother Sun up to lately? I haven't seen him for a while." Chen Mengchuan asked about Sun Zhongyong.

Zhao Wanyu's eyes fluctuated slightly: "The last time they wanted to buy Baidu, but after I rejected it with a single vote, I was a little emotional for a while. Later, I talked about it with my sister-in-law of the Sun family, and then I found out that Baidu bought that time. Brother Sun led the acquisition plan, and Ji Dong and Sister Wang, who were with him, did not agree with the acquisition of Baidu, so they finally brought this matter up to me because of Brother Sun's face."

"Our current Tianzhi Search has already surpassed Baidu in terms of the number of users and search frequency? Why would Brother Sun want to acquire Baidu?" Chen Mengchuan asked doubtfully.

"Sister-in-law told me that these days, Brother Sun always feels that he is the most dispensable person in Tianzhi, so he always wants to find something that will help the company and reflect his own value." Zhao Wanyu has some She sighed, she understood Sun Zhongyong's thoughts, and she was like this once upon a time.

"If it's just like this, then this matter is still easy to handle. Just find him something to do. Many people are not afraid of being busy, as long as they have nothing to do. Brother Sun is such a person." Chen Mengchuan said.

"What advice do you have?"

"Of course it's simple. Let Brother Sun market all these strange products in the gravity application department and launch them. Let him take full responsibility for the marketization of these gravity products. I will let Ah Chen assists him, and at the same time tries his best to analyze and avoid some sensitive and dangerous gravitational products. Leave these matters to Brother Sun, and give him a time limit to ensure that he is busy enough to keep his feet on the ground." Chen Mengchuan smiled.

"Then let's do it like this. The designers and researchers in the gravitational application department can't wait to push their things to the market, but I have been holding them back. Since you said it, then Just push it out." Zhao Wanyu smiled.

Chen Mengchuan nodded, and the two exchanged some recent developments in the company, such as Ah Chen's third upgrade, the progress of the wireless current transmission technology volley 3 project, the steel factory in hand, and the new type that is currently being developed and tested. Steel products, other special steel products based on Misteel, and the metal joining technology that a group of metal material experts are constantly testing, etc...

The two chatted for about an hour.

Suddenly, a loud cheer sounded in the laboratory.

Chen Mengchuan and Zhao Wanyu looked at each other, got up immediately, and walked to the main laboratory area.

"Chen!! Congratulations! We finally made it! Yes! We made it!" Andre was more excited than ever!
Chen Mengchuan smiled and stepped forward to give Andre a firm hug.

"Congratulations! You are all heroes! History will remember this moment and the contributions of all of you, and future human beings will see your names in the textbooks in their hands! You are amazing !” Chen Mengchuan said with a big laugh.

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed.

Constantine smiled and took out a transparent graphene crystal plate with a raised sheet on it, which looked inconspicuous at all.

Chen Mengchuan took the graphene crystal plate from his hand.

"Boss Chen, the transparent hexagonal sheet in the middle is the result of our experiment this time, a complete single-transistor chip!" Constantine said while pointing to the almost transparent sheet on the graphene crystal plate On the other hand, he handed him a pair of soft tweezers.

Chen Mengchuan took the tweezers from Constantine and gently picked up the flakes. The thin flakes are almost transparent, and the hexagonal structure is like a snowflake.

"What a miracle!" Chen Mengchuan sighed sincerely.

"Graphene single-transistor technology can do more than just chips, Chen." Andre said with a smile.

"Yes, of course I know. This requires you to continue to develop and dig out more applications of graphene single transistor technology. Every step of your progress will bring huge changes to the entire human race." Chen Mengchuan sighed .

Zhao Wanyu, who was always smiling on the side, waited until the two had finished speaking, and asked, "Andre, how long will it take for these graphene single-transistor chips to be mass-produced? What is the overall data structure like?"

Zhao Wanyu's words made Chen Mengchuan also look at Andre with a smile. If the speed is fast enough, the entire replacement work of the graphene single-transistor supercomputer can be completed before the Tissot takes off!

 Chapter 1

(End of this chapter)

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