The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 211 DNA Sequencing Free Editing!

Chapter 211 DNA Sequencing Free Editing! (reward plus 1)

"Yes, we are both small islanders."

The one who spoke was the middle-aged man who seemed to be the oldest among the three, and he spoke the same language as Chen Mengchuan, the Mandarin of the small island.

"Ahem, cough, Chen, please allow me to introduce you." Andre said hastily.

Chen Mengchuan looked at him and nodded.

"This is Chen Mengchuan, the founder of Tianzhi Technology and our biggest boss. I think you all know him."

"Chen, this is Nobutaka Hanakata, this is Daisuke Fujita, both of them are from Kojima, this is Xu Mingsheng, from Huaxia, this time our new project plan, the team of the three of them is the main partner .” Andre introduced it seriously.

"Then, it's time to talk about your plans." Chen Mengchuan looked at several people.

Several people looked at Xu Mingsheng, the youngest of them all, only he was the most fluent in Chinese.

Chen Mengchuan also looked at this man who looked about his age.

Xu Mingsheng took a deep breath and said slowly, "We hope to use graphene technology to realize the perfect rapid DNA sequencing technology."

Chen Mengchuan frowned. He hadn't expected that their purpose was DNA sequencing technology.

Simply put, DNA sequencing refers to the analysis of the base sequence in a specific DNA fragment, that is, the arrangement of adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine.

Chen Mengchuan knows that DNA sequence knowledge has become an indispensable knowledge in the current basic biological research and in many application fields, such as medical diagnosis, biotechnology, forensic biology, biological systematics, etc.

The fast sequencing speed with modern DNA sequencing technology can help to achieve complete DNA sequence, or the complete DNA sequence of many types of genome sequencing and living species, including the human genome and many other animal, plant and microbial species.

It is a sequencing technology that is not complicated, but full of uncertainties. Although this technology has been realized in the dream, it has been resisted by many countries, especially the European powers.

"Tell me." Chen Mengchuan said calmly.

"We have started various researches on the subject of DNA very early. After Dr. Andre and Dr. Constantine and others completed the graphene oxide tumor suppressor implantation last time, we believe that graphene can do more things In biology, we believe that graphene has the characteristics of modifying chemical functions, large contact area, atomic size thickness, molecular gate structure, etc., and graphene will be the most perfect choice for bacterial detection and diagnostic devices... "

"Get to the point." Chen Mengchuan interrupted him with a frown.

Xu Mingsheng didn't feel any emotion because his words were interrupted. He reorganized his language and said again: "We think graphene is a material with the potential of rapid electronic DNA sequencing technology!"

"We plan to use graphene to make a nanohole with a size about the width of DNA, and let DNA molecules swim through this nanohole. Because the four bases A, C, G, and T of DNA will have different conductivity to graphene Therefore, we can know which base is swimming through the nanohole by measuring the small voltage difference generated when the DNA molecule passes through! In this way, we can achieve our goal!"

"We need to make this graphene biological device, and then realize rapid electronic DNA sequencing. Once we can complete this technology, we...we..." Xu Mingsheng said that he was stuck here, and he was a little excited to say no Speak up.

His words made Chen Mengchuan couldn't help trembling, he knew that Xu Mingsheng didn't finish what he said.

Human beings will obtain the technology of freely sequencing DNA. Through a large amount of experimental data and DNA sequencing, human beings will evolve in a controlled manner and at the same time obtain unimaginable changes.

Chen Mengchuan's breathing became a little short, and he could clearly feel the blood in his body rushing to his head at a very fast speed, sending oxygen continuously from the back of his ears to his brain.

After a long silence, Chen Mengchuan answered, "This matter... I need to think about it."

Chen Mengchuan felt his heart beating continuously, and at the same time, the blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling. Human beings freely write DNA... This is really a crazy idea that is unimaginable.

Because of Chen Mengchuan's status, although they really wanted to speak, they all kept their mouths shut.

"Konstantin, you send the three of them to rest first." Andre said.

Constantine nodded, and quickly led the three of them out of the office.

Andre walked to the water dispenser and poured Chen Mengchuan a glass of ice water.

"Thank you." Chen Mengchuan took the water glass and drank the whole glass of ice water. Feeling the cold rushing from the mouth along the esophagus into the stomach, the whole person became more awake.


The two walked to the sofa and sat down.

"Have a cigar?" Andre found a cigar box from under the coffee table in front of the sofa, cut off his head, lit the cigar, and began to smoke in small puffs.

"Get me one." Chen Mengchuan nodded.

Andre put down his cigar, took another one, cut it off, lit it for Chen Mengchuan, and told him how to smoke it.

The Chen Mengchuan in the dream is an old smoker, but he seldom smokes in this life.

The aroma of the cigar permeates quickly in the smoke, and the entrance is very smooth, not too choking.

The taste is surprisingly good. Chen Mengchuan has not experienced this smoky feeling for a long time. First of all, he does not buy cigarettes, and he has no addiction to cigarettes.

"Tell me what you think, Chen." Andre asked.

Chen Mengchuan glanced at him, slowly smoking the cigar in his hand, thinking about the complexity of this matter.

"Any life science is always accompanied by countless risks and doubts, but we can't stand still, can't we?" Andre said.

"We know too little about NDA technology. We only know and know DNA, but we don't know anything about the nature of DNA. We don't know and it's hard to imagine that even if we complete perfect DNA sequencing technology, whether We can really achieve what we want, and there are too many risks and uncertainties. Human beings have evolved little by little over tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years."

"No one can confirm the impact of the changes that have occurred after we have freely programmed DNA. Can we afford these impacts? No one can answer this question. This is not an easy thing, Ender Lie. You know better than me!" Chen Mengchuan looked at him with complicated eyes.

Andre took a sip of his cigar and said slowly: "Frederick Sanger proposed DNA sequencing decades ago, and his dideoxy chain termination method has been ditched for more than 40 years, but even It is still widely used up to now, and the fluorescent automatic sequencing technology derived from it is also based on his theory. Human beings have not made new breakthroughs in DNA technology for a long time.”

"I also believe that sequencing and sequencing through graphene nanopores is feasible and controllable. As for the risks and concerns you mentioned, no one really can answer them. But because we know so much about DNA Less, so we should try more. Chen, you are by far the most suitable person to promote this matter, I hope you will seriously consider it."

Looking at the dark red light on the cigar, Chen Mengchuan fell into deep thought.

 Today's Chapter 3, make up for the previous rewards and add updates.Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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