The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 218 Surface Crossing 4057.34 Kilometers!

Chapter 218 Surface Crossing 4057.34 Kilometers!

At 9:30 in the morning of the next day, the space of the eternal universe particle is going through the space-folding department.

Chen Mengchuan, Toni, Xu Shuwei, Simba, Chen Xiaoyun and other core members all attended today's test!
On the other side, several core management members of Tianzhi, including Zhao Wanyu, Gu Xiaoxiao, Sun Zhongyong, etc., also observed outside the core area to participate in today's test.

"Then, let's start preparing."

Chen Mengchuan said calmly after all the data had been verified.

"Attention all units! Attention all units! Prepare to activate the No. 4 Eternal Cosmic Particle Space Shuttle..."

"Data set! Prepare to import this test data, please verify again..."

"Crew! Crew, please confirm if you are ready!"


In the laboratory, the atmosphere is quite dignified, and all departments are intensively preparing for today's test. In the recent period, this test is the most challenging.

With an absolute straight-line distance of 60000 meters, after 66 times of space folding, the source point circle will be opened outside the ultra-long-distance space of 3960 kilometers. This is the first time that the entire department has conducted such a long-distance test.

Under Chen Mengchuan's arrangement, this time the space travels through space folding, and will project from Su City to the southwest at a small angle below the horizontal line, and open a space above the wilderness of the Kashgar area in Huaxia Xinjiang. The source point, complete the space travel with an absolute straight-line distance of 3960 kilometers!This space travel will be across the ages!
Once successful, it will fill in the last link of the Tissot, and then officially prepare for the departure of the Tissot, and then start to go to Mars, and carry out the construction of the base on Mars!
"Will it work?"

Zhao Wanyu and several core members waited quietly in the observation area outside the main control room.Following Chen Mengchuan's order, after the various departments began to mobilize, everyone's hearts were full of expectations.

"Sister Wanyu who will succeed." Gu Xiaoxiao who was standing next to her said with a smile, and then handed Zhao Wanyu's water bottle to her.

"Thank you, Xiaoxiao." Zhao Wanyu took the kettle, poured herself a small cup of tea, and drank it in small sips.

In the central control area of ​​the laboratory, a group of people are becoming more and more serious and very focused.

"The data group report, all the imported data tests passed, the verification is completed, and the particle shuttle can be started!"

Chen Mengchuan took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Then activate the No. 4 particle space shuttle!"

"Roger that!"

The special No. 4 Eternal Cosmic Particle Space Shuttle was slowly activated. Compared with the previous three models, the No. 4 Eternal Cosmic Particle Space Shuttle was loaded with a single-crystal graphene light quantum small supercomputer. Although it is small, its computing efficiency And the calculation speed has also reached a quarter of the former hippocampus!

The staff on the crew quickly activated the particle shuttle in an orderly manner, and each area of ​​the fuselage, the green display area quickly lit up one by one.

"Report! The No. 4 Eternal Cosmic Particle Space Shuttle was successfully launched! Confirmed again, it has been successfully activated!"

After Chen Mengchuan and others heard the report, they couldn't help feeling a little emotional when they watched the video on the big screen.

"Start to check the angle of the source point straight line point area!" Chen Mengchuan said in a deep voice.

Such a long-distance space shuttle space folding, the angle is very important, once the angle deviates, the source point circle cannot be opened, and if there is an error in the opened area, what happens is very unimaginable, it is a real difference Lost thousands of miles!
Then a huge 3D model of the earth appeared on the huge screen. The initial source point of positioning was Su City with a green light spot, and the final source point was lit up in the Kashgar area of ​​Xinjiang. Most of it was cut off, leaving only the micro-curved 3D structure map of the land of China. Under this structure map, with Ah Chen, after repeated calculations hundreds of billions of times, the precise location of the source point of the end point was finally determined. .

"Report! The angle calibration of the source point straight line point area is successful! The accuracy rate is infinitely tending to 100%! It has reached the standard of opening the space source point circle!" The voice on the radio was resounding, calm and sure!

Everyone's breathing suddenly became a little trance.

Chen Mengchuan noticed that the eyes of Toni, Xu Shuwei, Simba, Chen Xiaoyun and others all fell on him.

He smiled, and said calmly: "Open the source point circle!"

"Received! All units are ready! All crew members, prepare to activate the space source! Prepare to activate projection!" The voice on the radio was almost shouting to report!

The emotions of everyone in the entire test area were aroused by his voice. After waiting for a long time for ultra-long-distance space travel, the test is finally about to begin!
Following the actions of the crew members, the particle shuttle began to project the absolute linear space position of the source point slightly below the horizontal direction, and then while everyone was waiting in deep silence, the voice on the radio rang again!
"Space source point projection is successful! Report, space source point projection is successful! The target source point data feedback echoes the source point circle opening conditions! Activate the source point circle!"

"Report! The source point circle has been successfully opened. This test has a diameter of 36 meters, and the energy storage of the source point circle has been completed! The source point circle has been successfully opened!"

On the screen, a huge circle of space source points with a diameter of 36 meters glows with an infinitely mysterious blue light!
In the entire main control room, everyone looked at the mysterious blue circle of light, and couldn't help being excited.

"Gravity department, start the space travel test!" Chen Mengchuan said slowly.

Afterwards, more than a dozen gravitational mechs that had been prepared for a long time ejected directly, and quickly flew outside the blue light circle, hovering stably.

"Gravity Mech No. 1, please get ready and start space shuttle!" After a command, a red Gravity Mech stood out, flew into the blue light circle, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Gravity department! Please confirm the coordinates of the No. 1 gravity mecha space area!"

"! The No. 39.554027 gravity mech is located at coordinates 76.155734, 4, and the coordinate point is located at the Ikanlik Reservoir in the Xinjiang area! The distance from the curved surface of the earth to Tianzhi Science and Technology Industrial Park is about 057.34 kilometers! Two sources The absolute linear distance between the points is the standard distance of 3960 kilometers, the surface distance error is accurate, and the matching verification data is 100%!"

"Confirmed once again that the No. 3960 Gravity Mecha has successfully traversed the standard absolute straight-line distance of [-] kilometers!"

After a sudden silence, the entire test area erupted with unimaginably loud roars, shouts, applause, and whistles!

"We succeeded!" I don't know who shouted it first!
"We succeeded! We succeeded!" Everyone roared desperately!

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(End of this chapter)

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