The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 221 Gathering of Global Giants

Chapter 221 Gathering of Global Giants
Three days passed in a flash, but the whole world was almost boiling!
The press conference of Tianzhi Technology went viral all over the world!

[This will be the most extravagant press conference in human history! 】

[In terms of wealth and wealth, I only obey Tianzhi Technology! 】

[Tianzhi's press conference invited more than 3000 media from around the world, plus more than 4000 online media! 】


This is about the fact that Tianzhi undertakes round-trip air tickets for the press conference and arranges food and accommodation. There are a lot of reports about it. According to statistics, this time Tianzhi Technology will spend more than more than 3000 yuan just to invite these media at the press conference. [-] million dollars!
Compared with how much it costs, the content of this press conference is the focus of global attention!
[What exactly is this press conference?Moon data exposure? 】

[For this press conference, Tianzhi Technology said this: Witness that mankind has entered a new era! 】

【Is the legendary time-space gate to Mars already built? 】

[After landing on the moon, will Tianzhi Technology set its sights on Mars? 】


A large number of speculation articles and news reports are flooding the world. With the help of a large number of senior Internet celebrity anchors, this press conference of Tianzhi Technology has attracted a lot of attention, and the popularity has remained high!
At the same time, there are also a large number of in-depth analysis of Tianzhi Technology's news reports and articles, which also lead to a large amount of traffic.For a moment, the whole world seemed to have only one topic of Tianzhi Technology's press conference left.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Zhao Wanyu confirmed the layout of the press conference for the last time through the 3D data sensing system.

This press conference was arranged using the ladder structure of the air gravity system.In the huge venue, the gravitational structure built a super-large three-dimensional stepped square. The fan-shaped three-dimensional space is enough to accommodate more than 5 spectators.

In this press conference, in addition to inviting the media, Tianzhi Technology also invited a large number of leaders in the business and political circles, including the real industry, the network IT industry, the energy industry, the agriculture and forestry industry, and the financial industry.Representatives of dozens of countries, some even the head of a country, the president of a country came to the scene in person.

Industry giants one after another gathered together, an unimaginable grand occasion!
The media burst out with countless surprises in the first place!The camera kept filming without stopping.Just these industry leaders from all walks of life around the world are enough to shock countless people!
These people are all capable of calling the wind and rain in their respective fields.Most of them found someone they could talk to, and small circles formed soon.

Regardless of whether it was the 3200 media already present or the 4200 Internet celebrities, they all started the live broadcast unanimously.

The on-site pictures of Tianzhi Technology's press conference were spread all over the world through TV media and Internet media in the first time.

Many of the inviters who were present were called by Zhao Wanyu himself or sent out invitations.

In this invitation, in the invitation letter issued by Tianzhi Science and Technology, the human transformation, the new civilization of mankind, the new world of mankind, the new order of mankind, and the new order of mankind were mentioned very seriously and carefully. and a new age of mankind.With this series of wording and sincere invitation, industry giants were moved one after another. In the end, most of them came to the scene in person, or arranged for representatives to come to the scene.

Today's weather is exceptionally good. In Tianzhi Science and Technology Industrial Park, countless future technological architectural styles shocked most of the bigwigs who came to Tianzhi Science and Technology Industrial Park for the first time. Orderly gravitational sightseeing can be seen everywhere. car, a three-dimensional forest with perfect architectural structure.The multi-armed crab that looks full of futuristic technology is cruising around, as well as the independent aircraft gravity ball and a large number of gravity mechs...

Everything was an eye-opener for everyone. They had only seen it in news media reports, but now when they came to the scene in person, they felt a completely different feeling.

The time soon came to 9:[-], and almost all the bosses had arrived. The atmosphere at the scene was exceptionally good. The gravitational ladder structure suspended in the void allowed familiar people in twos and threes to communicate easily.

Several huge graphene curved display screens slowly flew up from the ground, appearing in the surrounding area and several main areas in the center of the venue. On the screen was the front of the press conference.

Such a gravitational technology made everyone a little frightened, especially those under the floating gravitational screen, who were very worried that if these gravitational screens accidentally fell down.

After a burst of unease and commotion, the main venue was suddenly quiet, and Chen Mengchuan and others had slowly entered the venue.

Seeing the densely packed crowd at the scene, the hearts of several people couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Above the main venue, there are no chairs, only a long gravitational bar with several bottles of water on it

Chen Mengchuan walked out from among the few people, looked at the large number of media present and a tycoon from all walks of life, took a deep breath, and tried his best to calm down.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm Chen Mengchuan. Today I will represent Tianzhi Technology to open today's press conference..."

"Compared with many giants on the scene, Tianzhi is a very young company. It has been less than three years since the company was established, but we are lucky to be rated as the world's most valuable company and pushed to the global The top of the First Enterprise..."

"Many people, especially many media friends at the scene, have a deep understanding of Tianzhi. Tianzhi started with a mobile phone wireless charger. The 17.3-meter Sugon 1.0 mobile phone charger has subverted the mobile phone charging habit. We sold Sugon 1.0 to the whole world. In every corner of the world where there is human society and civilization... We also continue to study wireless current transmission technology in depth, and launched Volley 89 with a range of 1.0 meters, Volley 1400 with a range of more than 2.0 meters, and Volley 23333 with a range of 3.0 meters, etc... "

"We entrusted IBM, Intel, and Nvidia to realize the world's fastest and most efficient supercomputer Haima... We completed the high-degree-of-freedom robotic arm and developed our core mechanical product, the multi-armed crab..."

"We have demonstrated the existence of eternal cosmic particles, and used their existence to conduct magnetic and nuclear gravity research, and developed gravitational frisbees, gravitational cars, gravitational balls, and gravitational mechs. We have also used the subject of eternal cosmic particles to study Space traversal and space folding technology. A new particle communication wave technology has been studied..."

"There is also our graphene project department, which has completed graphene oxide cancer suppressor implantation and treated many kinds of cancers that threaten human beings. Here I would like to add one more sentence. In fact, not long ago, our graphene project department was established A new research direction, non-bone marrow transplantation to treat leukemia! We hope to use graphene biotechnology to try to leave something for the world."

Following every sentence of Chen Mengchuan, the graphene curved display screens suspended above the seats are constantly changing one by one.

His deep words made everyone in the audience listen, watch, and think very carefully.

 Thank you book friends for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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